MementoFox Add-on for FireFox Released

Herbert Van de Sompel. Michael L. Nelson, and Robert Sanderson have announced the release of the MementoFox Add-on.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

We are excited to share some news about the Memento (Time Travel for the Web) effort. Memento proposes to extend HTTP with datetime content negotiation as a means to better integrate the present and past Web. The Memento effort is partly funded by the Library of Congress.

=>The MementoFox add-on for FireFox browsers has been released. It allows time travel on the Web in a manner compliant with the Memento framework.

(*) The MementoFox add-on can be downloaded at

(*) Suggested Web time travels that can be undertaken using the add-on are described at They involve navigations for both the document Web and the Linked Data cloud.

=> There is also a Memento plug-in available for the MediaWiki platform. The plug-in provides support for Memento-style navigation of a Wiki's history pages.

(*) The MediaWiki plug-in can be downloaded at

(*) If you run a MediaWiki platform, please install this plug-in and let us know the URI of your Wiki.

See also: Memento project website.