
PLOS, SPARC and OASPA have released "HowOpenIsIt?"

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

In preparation for Open Access Week (October 22-28), we are issuing the final version today so that people can download and print it for their use next week and beyond. This resource outlines the core components of open access (e.g., reader rights, reuse rights, copyrights, author posting rights, etc.) across the continuum from "open access" to "restricted access." Its aim is to help authors make informed decisions on where to publish based on journal policies. It also provides a resource for funders and other organizations to help establish criteria for the level of Open Access required for their policies and mandates. Ultimately, the conversation must shift from "Is It Open Access?" to "HowOpenIsIt?" The phrase "HowOpenIsIt?" will be used for a family of offerings to foster and promote open access in research communications. The Open Access Spectrum is our first program with more to come.

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