Podcast: “Library 2.0 Gang 06/09: Library System Suppliers View of OCLC Web-Scale”

In the "Library 2.0 Gang 06/09: Library System Suppliers View of OCLC Web-Scale" podcast, vendor representatives from Axiell, Ex Libris, and LibLime discuss OCLC's Web-Scale Management Services.

Here's an excerpt from the post:

The initial reactions to hearing the announcement included "why did they take so long" and guarded "uh-ho." There were several aspects of, and reactions to, the announcement in the conversation—from welcoming the initiative, the inevitable move of library functionality to the cloud, questions about the size of library that would use it, the cost model, and of course issues about data and API availability.

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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.