Digital Scholarship 2009 Published

Digital Scholarship has published Digital Scholarship 2009. The book includes four bibliographies: the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography: 2009 Annual Edition, the Institutional Repository Bibliography, the Electronic Theses and Dissertations Bibliography, and the Google Book Search Bibliography. The 504-page, 6" by 9" paperback is available from CreateSpace for $18.95. The book will also be available from in approximately two weeks and from CreateSpace's Expanded Distribution Channel (includes library distribution via Ingram's Lightning Source) in about six weeks. A Kindle version will be released within the next two months.

The longest bibliography in the book, the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography: 2009 Annual Edition, presents over 3,620 selected English-language articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet. Most sources have been published between 1990 and 2009; however, a limited number of key sources published prior to 1990 are also included.

SEPB was chosen for inclusion in The Scout Report in 1996, 1998, and 2001 (the 2001 entry said: "Anyone involved in electronic publishing—research or practice—should bookmark this site if they haven't already").

Péter Jacsó said in ONLINE (vol. 27, no. 3 2003, pp. 73-76):

SEP [Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography] is compiled with utter professionalism. It reminds me of the work of the best artisans who know not only every item that leaves their workshops, but each component used to create them—providing the ideal quality control. . . . The selection of items is impeccable. I have yet to find journal articles irrelevant to the scope of the bibliography. SEP could be used as a benchmark in evaluating abstracting/indexing databases that proudly claim to have coverage of electronic publishing, but do not come close to SEP.

Note on pricing: author royalties for the book in different CreateSpace sales channels under the Pro Plan are: Expanded Distribution Channel: $.69, $4.48, and CreateSpace eStore: $8.27. Without the Pro Plan, author royalties would have been: Expanded Distribution Channel: not available, -$0.35, and CreateSpace eStore: $3.58.

Digital Scholarship 2009

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