Harvard University Library System Reorganization

Harvard Provost Steven E. Hyman announced in a letter that Harvard President Faust and the Harvard Corporation have accepted the recommendations of the Library Implementation Work Group for reorganizing the Harvard University Library system.

Here's an excerpt:

The Work Group recommendations, which have been accepted by President Faust and the Harvard Corporation, call for establishing a coordinated management structure for the University's libraries that will balance the need for School-based strategic decisions regarding patron-facing activities with the clear need for a more harmonized approach to the global strategic, administrative, and business processes of our library system. This structural redesign will bring the libraries even closer to curricula across all Schools, allowing librarians to work arm in arm with faculty members to develop course plans that bring into the classroom the best resources that the University can access, from the latest scientific article to a page from Keats' journals. The redesign will also permit cataloging and preservation of materials to be prioritized across the entire collection, and new scholarly materials, which will largely be born in digital formats, to be shared more easily through a sustainable model that would make these materials available for generations of scholars to come.

Read more about it at "Harvard U. Library Restructuring Seeks to Unify High-Tech Services," "Library Administration to Be Redefined" and "Renewing Harvard’s Library System."

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