The PrestoCentre Foundation has released Digitizing Video for Long-Term Preservation: An RFP Guide and Template.
Here's an excerpt:
Digitizing Video for Long-Term Preservation: An RFP Guide and Template is intended to take an institution step-by-step through the process of drafting a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the transfer of analog video formats to digital carriers for preservation. This template can be used by libraries, archives, and other cultural heritage institutions and submitted to qualified transfer vendors.
Funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Digitizing Video for Long-Term Preservation publication is part of the Video at Risk project undertaken by New York University and two partner institutions, Loyola University New Orleans and the University of California, Berkeley. The authors of this publication set out to create a template that would identify the key elements integral to the transfer of the video and audio signal from Standard Definition VHS to a preservation-quality digital file.
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