Digital Art: April’s Pastel Drawings, Pen and Ink Drawings, and Oil Paintings

In April, I continued to transform public domain photos into pastel drawings, pen and ink drawings, and oil paintings using a variety of Photoshop plug-ins and Topaz Impression. Full-size download images (8 x 10 in. or 8 x 12 in.) and descriptions of the processing steps involved are freely available on Flickr. The images are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License.

Digital Pastel Drawing of a Grocery Store in Lincoln

Digital Oil Painting of the Rjecina River Valley

Digital Pen and Ink Drawing of Saint Mark's Basilica

Digital Pen and Ink Drawing of the Devil's Bridge in Schollenen Gorge

Digital Oil Painting of Red Rock Country

Charles W. Bailey, Jr., Digital Artist | List of All Artworks

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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.