Digital Library Jobs: Systems Analyst at Kingston University

Kingston University Information Services is recruiting a Systems Analyst.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Infrastructure Team is seeking an additional Systems Analyst to assist with the management of existing services (particularly Linux/Unix) and to take responsibility for the technical development of new services, specifically our E-Prints Research Repository and our Federated Access solutions based on Shibboleth. You will be an excellent communicator, liaising with colleagues both across Kingston University as well as with external organisations.

Digital Library Jobs: Assistant Director for Discovery Systems at Davidson College

The Davidson College Library is recruiting an Assistant Director for Discovery Systems.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Create a new department! Bring together areas of library systems, cataloging and metadata, and digitization of special collections! Unleash their synergies to energize users’ experience!

Sound intriguing? The Davidson College Library seeks a creative, visionary leader to join our management team. The successful candidate will develop a department of Discovery Systems, leading four librarians working in systems, cataloging, and archives. Responding to current needs and anticipating future possibilities, s/he will ensure that ¬the work of the department fosters student learning and faculty productivity. With the director and three other assistant directors, s/he will set direction for the library and measure achievement.

Digital Library Jobs: Digital Initiatives Librarian at the University of New Mexico Libraries

The University of New Mexico Libraries are recruiting a Digital Initiatives Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

We are seeking an enthusiastic and innovative Librarian to play a leadership role in planning, implementing and supporting digital collections and services. This librarian will work closely with the CSWR curatorial staff, UL subject liaisons, members of the Cataloging and Discovery Services division and IT staff in initiating projects to enhance the university's scholarly communications and publications programs. This librarian will take the lead in developing policies and procedures for the production and management of digital content, metadata, workflow, and intellectual property issues. This librarian will also develop and provide training, and perform outreach to inform the campus community about the UL's digital initiatives.

Primary Duties

  • Provide leadership in the continued development and management of the UNM digital repository system.
  • Provide technical expertise to continue development and enhancements for the Rocky Mountain Online Archives.
  • Provide expertise and leadership for current and future UNM escholarship projects such as electronic journal publishing and data curation.
  • Initiate and promote scholarly communication/publishing initiatives.
  • Provide expertise on intellectual property issues.
  • Maintain awareness and develop in-depth knowledge of new technology, relevant national standards and best practices related to digitization and scholarship.
  • Coordinate training for digitization and associated standards.

Digital Library Jobs: Digital Repository Assistant at Columbia University

Columbia University is recruiting a Digital Repository Assistant.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Assists Digital Repository Coordinator with acquiring digital objects (including texts, images, audio, video, websites, and datasets in a variety of digital formats) from Columbia University faculty, staff, and students by following-up with departmental and individual contacts to ensure timely delivery or self-deposit of materials; assists with managing the process of reviewing and tracking digital object collections. Both by hand and in batch processes, deposits digital objects into various online storage locations, including the Columbia University Libraries/Information Services research repository (Academic Commons); helps develop more efficient workflow and procedures. Using a variety of tools, catalogs digital objects using standardized metadata schemas and controlled vocabularies. Provides training for departmental administrative staff and for individual faculty, staff, and students wishing to ingest materials themselves. When necessary, develops derivative versions of digital objects (e.g., PDF-A) that conform to best practices for long-term digital preservation. Performs quality control procedures both for individual and sets of digital objects and for the metadata records created for the objects; runs specified software checks on digital objects to ensure object safety (e.g., absences of electronic viruses) and integrity (e.g., completeness and accuracy). Assists with evaluating the display of digital objects and metadata in the repository; documents issues and anomalies; provide feedback to the technical team for improvements

Digital Library Jobs: IT Specialist at NASA Astrophysics Data System

The NASA Astrophysics Data System is recruiting an IT Specialist.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The employee will develop software modules and web-based applications to support the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) services. The ADS is a 16-year-old project that has revolutionized access to the astronomical literature. The successful candidate will join a dynamic team to help enhance and solidify the project's role as THE digital library portal for astronomers. The employee will participate in the development, maintenance and upgrading of the ADS infrastructure and help plan, specify, and build the technologies needed to support the project's goal of ubiquitous access to the astronomical literature and related datasets.

Digital Library Jobs: Scholarly Communications and Intellectual Property Librarian at Appalachian State

The University Library at Appalachian State University is recruiting a Scholarly Communications and Intellectual Property Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The position is responsible for uniting and strengthening the Library’s efforts in scholarly communications and intellectual property. The successful candidate will lead scholarly communication outreach efforts to the campus community; will develop and provide intellectual property and copyright services for the campus; and will develop and administer policies and procedures related to the ASU Institutional Repository and Faculty Publications Database. This position demands leadership abilities and the ability to work with library and university constituencies.

Digital Library Jobs: Digital Services Librarian at Oxford College of Emory University

The Hoke O'Kelley Memorial Library of Oxford College of Emory University is recruiting a Digital Services Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Digital Services Librarian will develop, market, and deliver a comprehensive suite of digital library services. The librarian will play an integral role in the Research Skills at your library instructional program with the other librarians. To support the teaching, learning, and research of the community, the successful candidate will oversee development of innovative services and programs for students and faculty; assist with development of the library website; identify and analyze user requirements for systems and services; use knowledge of digital formats, current standards, human interface design, information search and retrieval protocols, and disciplinary trends to maintain and/or implement digital systems and repositories. The librarian in this position will provide reference services along with some scheduled night and weekend reference work. The individual will work with internal library teams, other College and University groups, and professional organizations.

Digital Library Jobs: Library Technology Development Specialist at Villanova

The Falvey Memorial Library at Villanova University is recruiting a Library Technology Development Specialist.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Responsible for designing, developing, testing and deploying new technology methods, tools and resources to extend and enhance digitally-mediated or digitally-delivered library services, including but not limited to Web interfaces, digital reference and research assistance, digitization and digital library development, institutional repository services, "portalization" and personalization of library resources, the integration of handheld devices into the library service environment, Web content management, collaboration software, staff Intranet services, online knowledge base development, and related areas. Contributes code, conducts quality assurance on code contributed by other developers, and helps facilitate the evolutions of the VuFind open source resource discovery software. Participates in the implementation and enhancement of an open source library management (enterprise) system. Contributes to the development of instructional support applications for library digital resources. Participates in ongoing environmental scanning for emerging applications and technology opportunities in an academic library context. Contributes to tactical and strategic technology planning for library environment. Collaborates with Instructional Design librarian and Center for Instructional Technology to integrate new library technologies into library educational services. Collaborates with Library Assessment Team to measure success of new technology projects.

Digital Library Jobs: Librarian—Copyright and Scholarly Communication at UT-Pan American

The University of Texas-Pan American Library is recruiting a Librarian—Copyright and Scholarly Communication.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

  • Serves as the library's advisor for copyright and intellectual property issues; work as a liaison with faculty members and Copyright Clearance Center.
  • Assist with formation of UTPA scholarly communications database. Create and maintain UTPA library website for copyright issues.
  • Assist faculty in obtaining copyrights for materials stored in online classes or in the library. Work at reference desk as scheduled; Make sure updated copyright information is provided to faculty, staff and students when needed.
  • Teach some bibliographic instruction classes. Assist Library administration with information regarding the copyright issues.

Digital Library Jobs: Head, Digital Library Production Services at Michigan

The University of Michigan Library is recruiting a Head, Digital Library Production Services.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Digital Library Production Service (DLPS), a part of the University of Michigan University Library, is one of the nation’s premier organizations for the creation and support of digital library resources and infrastructure, with production level support for electronic library collections. Comprised of more than 20 staff members, including librarians, programmers, and skilled technical staff, DLPS is funded primarily with a base budget for both staff and equipment, and relies on significant grant and revenue funding for a variety of new and incremental initiatives. Staff members within DLPS have responsibility for creating online access mechanisms, and for significant digital conversion activities. DLPS provides these services to the University of Michigan as well as to other institutions. DLPS staff members play a significant role in the University of Michigan Library’s work on the HathiTrust digital library and conversion related to the Google Books digitization effort. Most conversion activities are conducted through a unit within DLPS, the Digital Conversion Unit (DCU). In addition to work related to HathiTrust, one of the world’s largest digitized book and journal collections, DLPS staff support several hundred thousand rich images in visual resource collections, large collections of finding aids, and contribute to the Library’s development efforts with many other formats. DLPS is also the primary development organization for DLXS (, a leading-edge initiative for the development of a digital library access system. . . .

Reporting to the Associate University Librarian for Library Information Technology, the Head of DLPS manages all operational aspects of DLPS, including:

  • Management of more than 20 FTE staff in several functional areas;
  • Budget management across DLPS ($1.5m of combined annual base budget, grant, and revenue funds), for both personnel and vended services; includes DLXS-related budget management;
  • General coordination or direction of Digital Conversion Unit (DCU) activities in conjunction with DCU’s manager.
  • General strategic planning for DLPS;
  • DLXS development, planning, and outreach;
  • A role on the University of Michigan campus and beyond (i.e., nationally and internationally) representing the University Library's digital library efforts and capabilities and promoting appropriate adoption in those venues.

Digital Library Jobs: Text Creation Partnership Project Outreach Librarian at Michigan

The University of Michigan Library is recruiting a Text Creation Partnership Project Outreach Librarian (two-year term).

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The University of Michigan Library and Oxford University Library have collaborated for several years with three corporate partners, ProQuest Information and Learning. Readex-Newsbank and Gale Cengage Learning, in an international effort to create structurally marked-up full-text transcriptions of early English and American printed books, dating from 1475 to 1800, on behalf of a large and growing academic consortium, the Text Creation Partnership (TCP). About 32,000 texts have been produced so far, towards a goal of 80,000, representing a substantial portion of the nearly 300,000 books contained in the subscription databases from which they are transcribed: Early English Books Online (EEBO), Evans Early American Imprints, and Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO). ProQuest, Readex, and Gale supply the page images; Michigan and Oxford oversee the keying and SGML/XML tagging; and the partner libraries own the resulting corpus. This is arguably the largest and most significant full-text project of its kind undertaken to date, not least in that it is being done under terms that reflect the needs and values of libraries and scholars.

The Text Creation Partnership Project Outreach Librarian will be appointed as a Librarian (or equivalent professional classification) at the University Library and will work under the supervision of the TCP Project Director (also a librarian at the University Library). The Outreach Librarian will be housed in the Scholarly Publishing Office at the University of Michigan Library and will interact with a wide range of staff throughout the Library system. The University of Michigan is a national leader in digital library development and the Project Outreach Librarian will be working with skilled digital library and electronic publishing specialists as well as leading collection, service, and processing librarians at Michigan, Oxford, ProQuest, and the libraries funding and supporting the project.

Digital Library Jobs: Digital Preservation Librarian at Michigan

The University of Michigan Library is recruiting a Digital Preservation Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Digital Preservation Librarian will report to the head of the Department of Preservation and Conservation. Working closely with staff in Library IT Core Services, Digital Library Production Service, the Scholarly Publishing Office, Deep Blue, Preservation, and other library units, as well as with partners at other institutions, the Digital Preservation Librarian will:

  • Research, plan, and develop the digital preservation program for University Library collections of enduring value in digital format: review existing library practices and analyze needs and establish policies and best practices for the long-term protection and access to digital materials of all types, both created by or acquired by the library. While the library’s focus has been on text and images, digital collections to be preserved may also include data, audio-visual resources, Web pages, and ephemera. Working with specialists at other partner institutions, the Digital Preservation Librarian will also support the development of the preservation program for the HathiTrust.
  • Assist in the ongoing development of requirements and specifications, including formats and metadata, for digital material the library solicits, accepts, or purchases into its collections. Advise both library staff and external content creators on strategies and the practical implementation of those specifications.
  • Advise library staff and digital initiatives on all phases of the life cycle of digital content with the aim of long-term retention and access; provide training or orientations. Represent and champion digital preservation interests across the library, the university, and to the community at large.
  • Prepare proposals for external funding for digital preservation projects. Prepare specifications for vended services that support the digital preservation program; evaluate responses to proposals for such services and make recommendations for selecting vendors; and act on behalf of the library as a technical liaison on preservation issues to vendors providing digital materials. Represent the University Library in cooperative projects or programs in digital preservation.
  • Research and advise the library on contingency plans against threats to the digital collections, such as industry changes to file formats, natural disaster, and security breaches.
  • Stay current on developing technologies, standards, and practice in preservation of digital collections; recommend responses to these developments through periodic alerts, summaries, reports, and revisions to policies and procedures. Represent the University Library in forums on digital preservation at the campus, regional, national, or international level.

Digital Library Jobs: Metadata Librarian at MIT

The MIT Libraries are recruiting a Metadata Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The MIT Libraries is seeking a self-motivated Metadata Librarian to join the service-oriented and innovative staff of our Cataloging and Metadata Services (CAMS) Department in support of discovery and access to MIT collections in both print and digital formats. This is a new position, whose responsibilities include: original and complex copy cataloging of monographic materials in all formats, creating and maintaining authority records, and creating metadata for the Libraries' digital projects. This position will serve as a resource for support staff performing copy cataloging and assist the unit manager with staff training, workflow redesign, and prioritizing and managing projects. The Metadata Librarian reports to the Head of the Monograph Cataloging Unit, works closely with the Metadata Specialist who leads the Metadata Services unit, and collaborates with staff of other library units engaged in metadata creation. S/he will direct students and supervise the work of staff as needed, be expected to keep current with emerging standards, and participate in committees and projects within MIT Libraries and beyond. The MIT Libraries currently utilize the Ex Libris' Aleph System for its Integrated Library System and DSpace for its digital repository. We are experimenting with vendor cataloging and end-processing services for more routine materials in order to allow CAMS to focus on specialized resources and MIT-produced content. CAMS maintains a close working relationship with all the directorates in the MIT Libraries and in particular works with the Technology Research and Development group which engages in research on the application of Semantic Web and Data Grid technologies to digital libraries and data curation. CAMS seeks to operationalize the output of this research.

Digital Library Jobs: Programmer/Analyst, Variations Application Development at Indiana

The Indiana University Digital Library Program is recruiting a Programmer/Analyst, Variations Application Development.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Working as part of a small software development team for the Variations digital music library system, maintains and improves the algorithm for converting library catalog records to a FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) model; re-architects the search subsystem within Variations to make it separable and FRBR-based; implements web-based user interfaces for the new search and cataloging features; participates in full software life cycle activities: requirements, design, implementation, testing, debugging, maintenance, and support; communicates effectively with the larger team, which includes usability and user interface design personnel and metadata specialists; and documents work and trains users as needed.

Digital Library Jobs: Digital Library Services Librarian for Technical Services at UMass Boston

The University of Massachusetts Boston Joseph P. Healey Library is recruiting a Digital Library Services Librarian for Technical Services.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Digital Library Services Librarian for Technical Services assumes overall responsibility for digital library services metadata development, cataloging, and quality control policy development and maintenance in coordination with Fenway Library Online (FLO) standards and expectations. The incumbent trains, supervises, and develops all primary technical services functions in a network environment with FLO in accordance with new developing modes to acquire, access, and store information resources. This position is part of the Digital Library Services (DLS) management team which coordinates departmental policies, procedures and workflows, including technical services and how DLS functions related to other library operations and services, particularly Reference Outreach and Instruction. The incumbent supports access to Healey Library’s print and digital collections, including e-journals, e-books, blogs, pod-casts, 3-D images, virtual environments, and other web content as selected by faculty, librarians, and other stakeholders. S/he also assists in the development and maintenance of the library’s web portal. The incumbent works in coordination with the Acquisitions Coordinator and the Electronic Resources Librarian to ensure efficient and effective delivery of electronic resources to the campus community, using emerging information technologies and standards-based methods. S/he works independently with Library colleagues and community partners to develop and provide access to information and materials that support research and public needs and meet the outreach goals of the Library. S/he participates in preparing grant submissions for additional projects and maintains statistics and produces monthly reports

Digital Library Jobs: Librarian III at Houston Public Library

Houston Public Library is recruiting a Librarian III.

Here's an excerpt from the ad :

The Houston Public Library seeks an energetic, knowledgeable, self motivated, customer service driven individual to create descriptive metadata for digital images as well as texts in accordance with established standards and make accessible online. Participate in the development of policy and procedures for digitization projects and coordinate them with other departments and cultural institutions. Assist digitalization staff to manage digital content, and determine controlled vocabularies, and perform original cataloging. Monitor and maintain URL links in the Innovative Interfaces, Inc. bibliographic databases for subscribed online databases, and electronic books, eAudiobooks, and journals. Supervise one paraprofessional as well as any temporary digital collections staff. Work with manager to establish local cataloging rules and schema for digital collection.

Digital Library Jobs: Director, Copyright and Publishing Resource Center at Minnesota

The University of Minnesota is recruiting a Director, Copyright and Publishing Resource Center.

The University of Minnesota seeks leadership for its newly established Copyright and Publishing Resource Center (CPRC). Based in the University Libraries, the Center plays a critical educational and advisory role within the University community and engages nationally in the evolving legal and policy arenas relevant to intellectual property, copyright, and publishing. In the context of emergent technologies and new methods/genre of scholarship, the Director develops programs and supports the University in policy development in areas relevant to the creation, use, and sharing of recorded knowledge. The Director reports to the Associate University Librarian for Academic Programs.

The Center is an outcome of the University's recent copyright policy development and recognizes the increasing complexity of issues of ownership and use of copyrighted resources in a digital age. The University's copyright policy affirms the rights of faculty and student ownership of academic works and encourages broad access to these works to facilitate the advancement of knowledge within the academy. Further, e-education efforts will require new models for shared or University ownership of learning resources. The University's land grant mission, global research agenda, and robust digital infrastructure create a context where an informed community vis-à-vis copyright and publishing is essential.

The University Libraries provide campus leadership and community education about the use and creation of information resources and play a vital role in the development of technologies to facilitate the processes of teaching, learning, and research. The Libraries' established program in copyright education will be expanded in the Center, and the Center will draw upon the Libraries' network of discipline liaisons and technology infrastructure to reach a broad audience. The Center operates in collaboration with other campus offices, including the Office of General Counsel.

Digital Library Jobs: Digital Services and Cataloging Librarian at Providence College

The Phillips Memorial Library at Providence College is recruiting a Digital Services and Cataloging Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad (position 0000616):

Leads the Digital Services and Cataloging (DSC) initiatives.

The DSC unit has primary responsibility for digital services and knowledge management: 1) leadership in the library's digital initiatives, especially its institutional repository; 2) management of PC's materials cataloging in all formats. The DSC unit also collaborates closely with other areas of Collection Services and electronic resources.

Digital Library Jobs: Director of Bibliographic and Digital Services at University of Richmond

The University of Richmond Libraries are recruiting a Director of Bibliographic and Digital Services.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Director of Bibliographic and Digital Services (BDS) provides strategically focused leadership, coordination, administration, and policy management for all technical and digital services, including acquisitions, serials, cataloging, special collections, electronic resource management, and the University's growing digital library program, which includes the planning for, creation of, and preservation of sustainable digital library collections and services. Develops and implements innovative programs to facilitate change and promote an environment of continuous improvement through library-wide strategic planning, policy making, and development and evaluation of services. Identifies staff training needs to further the goal of providing efficient, effective, and high quality services. Supervises Head, Digital Initiatives; Head, Cataloging and Metadata Services; Head, Acquisitions; Electronic Resources Librarian; and the Head, Collections Development and Special Collections Librarian.

Digital Library Jobs: Digital Services Librarian at Bridgewater State

The Bridgewater State College's Maxwell Library is recruiting a Digital Services Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The successful candidate will work collaboratively with librarians, faculty, staff, administrators and others to design, develop, deploy and provide ongoing maintenance for the Library’s digital publishing initiatives. The Digital Services Librarian will investigate, evaluate and recommend appropriate digital collection management software products and/or systems, oversee and participate in their implementation, and provide training in their use. The Digital Services Librarians will develop written workflows, policies and procedures to bring digitization projects to fruition; assist in writing grant applications to fund digitization projects; monitor professional trends, communicate positively and effectively with colleagues within and outside the Library; maintain a positive, focused customer service orientation; and apply critical and creative thinking skills to resolve problems successfully in a collegial, team-based environment. The Digital Services Librarian will represent the College and the Library in statewide and regional digitization projects, seek opportunities for participating in collaborative projects and programs; and perform other duties as assigned, which may include but not be limited to collection development responsibilities and reference services.

Digital Library Jobs: Digital Humanities Specialist at Virginia

The University of Virginia Library is recruiting a Digital Humanities Specialist.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The University of Virginia Library seeks a technically-grounded, visionary person with a deep understanding of scholarship in the humanities and social sciences to shape the services of the Scholars' Lab and Digital Scholarship R&D departments around text-based digital humanities. The successful candidate will design and implement technical services that sustain legacy content while supporting current faculty development, are forward-looking to research trends such as data mining, visualization, and social, semantic, and web services, and that further UVA Library's reputation as a leader in the digital humanities. . . .

Responsibilities: Reporting to the Director of Digital Research & Scholarship, the Digital Humanities Specialist offers and coordinates support for scholarly projects and public services around text-based digital humanities. This individual will: consult with faculty on scholarly and technical goals and best practices; perform XSL work in support of faculty projects as needed and provide targeted TEI, XML, and XSLT training for faculty and students; collaborate with Digital Scholarship R&D on the development of faculty projects with significant textual components; pursue innovative solutions to problems of ontology, markup, data mining, visualization, and display; supervise XML/XSLT efforts by Scholars' Lab students attached to faculty projects; create and offer training programs related to text-based digital humanities, assist in ongoing corpus management work related to resources developed by the former Etext Center; and follow emerging standards and methods to ensure that UVA Library practices keep pace in public service and technology support. The Digital Humanities Specialist is further expected to engage professionally in digital scholarship by publishing and presenting original research or development work.

Digital Library Jobs: Digital Projects Librarian at NYU's Ehrman Medical Library

The Frederick L. Ehrman Library at New York University is recruiting a Digital Projects Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Digital Projects Librarian will join the Library Medical Informatics Group (LMIG) in the provision of high-quality computing services to the faculty and staff of the libraries, as well as to the libraries' constituencies in the Medical Center. The Digital Projects Librarian will take the lead role in coordinating the design, creation, and maintenance of the libraries' digital projects in a manner that is consistent with NYU Medical Center policies and supports library resources of the NYU Health Sciences Libraries at the NYU School of Medicine, College of Dentistry and Nursing, Bellevue Hospital and the Hospital for Joint Diseases as well as the library's three consumer health branches.

The Digital Projects Librarian is responsible for the coordination of the libraries' digital initiatives. Working in a highly integrated team environment, the Digital Projects Librarian will assess appropriate standards, policies, and procedures for application to the library's digital projects and ensure continued development and maintenance of the libraries' digital initiatives, which include projects with the Archives, digital resources targeted for special groups, and joint projects with the Medical Education IT services unit and other departments of the School of Medicine.

This is a tenure track position and reports to the Associate Director for Library Systems.

Digital Library Jobs: Digital Archivist at the University of Texas

The University of Texas Libraries are recruiting a Digital Archivist.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Plan, schedule and implement the creation of digital content and collections. Scan and digitize archival material in a variety of formats. Prepare digital content, with rigorous attention to metadata development, for access through Center's Web site and through other methods. Supervise project staff. Function Lead effort to plan for long-term preservation of digital assets, including born-digital such as email. Investigate, plan and manage format conversions and migrations to meet preservation needs of collections. Develop policy and procedures for digital asset management. Oversee digitization operations and workflows. Investigate and recommend equipment and standards. Lead effort to identify, implement, and maintain new digital repository system. Work closely with webmaster to schedule content additions and updates to Web site. Participates in collection development, donor relations, and on-site assessment and acquisition of material as assigned. Participate in reference desk rotation. Keeps current with research and emerging technologies and make recommendations as appropriate. Assist in transferring archival collections to the Center, occasionally traveling within the state driving a UT vehicle. Occasional interstate or intrastate travel to transfer collections, for collection development or donor relations.

Digital Library Jobs: Digital Library Software Engineer at Harvard

The Harvard University Library is recruiting a Digital Library Software Engineer (one-year term appointment with possibility of renewal).

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Harvard University's Library (HUL) seeks a programmer/analyst for development of a digital scholarship repository. This is a unique opportunity to serve as the technical lead on a project to collect and share the university's research with the world. Reporting to the Manager of Systems Development in HUL's Office for Information Systems and the Program Manager of HUL's Office for Scholarly Communication, position responsibilities include development of web applications, tools, interfaces, and databases. S/he will assume ongoing configuration, customization, and integration of our open-source DSpace repository, with the aim of rapidly deploying production code for user-friendly deposit, management, and reporting processes. The position requires the ability to multi-task and to help grasp requirements from discussions with stakeholders, recommend solutions, and translate these into specifications, prototypes, and production code with accompanying documentation. The ideal candidate will work efficiently, creatively, and independently as requirements evolve, and also enjoy collaborative problem solving (locally as well as more broadly, in regular communication with other repository developers).

Digital Library Jobs: Digital Project Manager at Houston Public Library

Houston Public Library is recruiting a Digital Project Manager.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Digital Project Manager leads the library's Digital Projects and will have primary responsibility for building a comprehensive digital initiatives program.

Other position specific accountabilities are as follows:

  • In collaboration with special collections managers, identify existing content within the library for digitization;
  • Seek out new content and new partners for digital initiatives.
  • Manage a wide range of project activities using appropriate tools and techniques.
  • Provide leadership in technical planning, technical implementation, management and support of digital collections, working with IT, Web, and Cataloging staff.
  • Develop specifications and requirements within project scope and budget and manage contracts with external service providers.
  • Identify grant and other external support and take the lead in grant writing.
  • Promote use of the institution's digital collections through demonstrations to library departments and affiliated groups and at professional conferences.
  • Serve as the institution's representative to various consortia on shared digital initiatives.