"Dataverse 4.0: Defining Data Publishing"

Mercè Crosas has self-archived "Dataverse 4.0: Defining Data Publishing."

Here's an excerpt:

The research community needs reliable, standard ways to make the data produced by scientific research available to the community, while getting credit as data authors. As a result, a new form of scholarly publication is emerging: data publishing. Data pubishing—or making data long-term accessible, reusable and citable—is more involved than simply providing a link to a data file or posting the data to the researchers web site. In this paper, we define what is needed for proper data publishing and describe how the open-source Dataverse software helps define, enable and enhance data publishing for all.

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Analyst Programmer at Oregon State University

Oregon State University is recruiting an Analyst Programmer.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

OSU Libraries and Press (OSULP) seeks a creative, curious and collaborative fulltime Analyst Programmer (competency level 3) to join our motivated team of developers and staff as they re-envision strategic core applications such as the institutional repository and digital collections platforms.

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Digital Projects Manager at American Theological Library Association

The American Theological Library Association is recruiting a Digital Projects Manager.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

This position is primarily responsible for developing collaborative digital projects involving members and other peer organizations for the benefit of members and to support expanded access to digital collections from religious and theological libraries. This position coordinates the implementation of various digital projects and services including conducting member needs assessment; evaluating, selecting, and leading implementation of software platforms and tools; assessing education and training needs and arranging professional development programs; designing and implementing programs that leverage existing projects, support standards, and feed into other projects/programs such as the DPLA; writing and project managing grants.

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Open Science, Open Questions

IBICT and Unirio have released Open Science, Open Questions.

Here's an excerpt:

It is hoped that this publication will provide an overview of topics and issues that both trace and permeate the topic of open science nowadays from different perspectives and points of view. Above all, it is hoped that it might instigate further reflection and foster new ways of producing and circulating knowledge. Thus, it is geared not only towards the academic world, but also to a broader range of social actors that concern themselves with the democratisation of knowledge and information.

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Digital Curation News (8/28/2015) #digitalcuration #digitalpreservation #researchdatamanagement #rdm

| New: Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 5 | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap

Digital Archivist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center

The University of Nebraska Medical Center is recruiting a Digital Archivist.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Digital Archivist works to ensure the long term preservation, organization, distribution and retrieval of digitized and born-digital institutional assets. This position will help define and apply the methodology and standards for archival best practices to these collections and shape and promote the archives online presence and promotion of collections and services.

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"Is it True that Most Open Access Journals Do Not Charge an APC? Sort of. It Depends."

David Crotty has published "Is it True that Most Open Access Journals Do Not Charge an APC? Sort of. It Depends." in The Scholarly Kitchen.

Here's an excerpt:

Most journals in the study ["72% and 41%: A Gold OA 2011-2014 Preview"] do not charge authors, but the majority of authors are choosing to publish in journals that do charge. 27% (2,365) of the journals studied required an APC and were responsible for 57% of the articles.

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Scholarly Communications Design Studio Coordinator at the University of Connecticut

The University of Connecticut is recruiting a Scholarly Communications Design Studio Coordinator.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Scholarly Communications Design Studio Coordinator is a new interdisciplinary position created to provide leadership and coordination for design project development and engage with faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, and the broader University community across all UConn campuses to facilitate and promote design thinking in digital scholarship. The Scholarly Communications Design Studio Coordinator organizes and coordinates facilities management and scheduling, technology training and support, and project support services devoted to digital scholarship projects at the UConn Libraries.

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Enquiries Into Intellectual Property’s Economic Impact

OECD has released Enquiries Into Intellectual Property's Economic Impact.

Here's an excerpt from "Chapter 7: Legal Aspects of Open Access to Publicly Funded Research":

To explain the interplay between open access and IP laws, this chapter provides an overview of the IP regimes that protect research outputs in a sample of OECD jurisdictions. It then reviews the open access policies that are in place in some of those jurisdictions and examines two contexts in which IP questions can arise when open access principles are applied: public/private partnerships and text and data mining.

Also of interest: "Chapter 5: Copyright in the Digital Era: Country Studies."

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Digital Archivist at Benedictine University

Benedictine University is recruiting a Digital Archivist.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The ideal candidate will collect, organize, and make accessible digital resources relating to the history of the institution while also preserving them for future generations in collaboration with the Archives and Special Collections Librarian. S/he will work to ensure the effective acquisition, appraisal, description, arrangement, and preservation of born-digital collections according to archival standards while working with other library departments to develop and sustain a program for the stewardship of born-digital materials.

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Americans’ Views on Mobile Etiquette

The Pew Research Center has released Americans' Views on Mobile Etiquette.

Here's an excerpt:

This Pew Research Center report explores newly released survey findings about Americans' views about the appropriateness of cellphone use in public places and in social gatherings and the way those views sometimes conflict with their own behaviors.

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Humanities Data Curator at University of California, Santa Barbara

The University of California, Santa Barbara is recruiting a Humanities Data Curator.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Humanities Data Curator is responsible for collecting, managing, curating, preserving, and providing access to digital humanities datasets and other digital collections in the Library. The candidate actively manages data produced by humanities scholars on campus, as well as data acquired by the Library, and ensures ongoing sustainable preservation and access through metadata creation and data discovery tools development. The candidate participates in the development, evaluation, education, and implementation of metadata policies, standards, goals, procedures, and workflows in cooperation with engaged campus stakeholders.

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Copyright Reform for a Digital Economy

The Computer & Communications Industry Association, has released Copyright Reform for a Digital Economy.

Here's an excerpt:

Congress can accommodate new technology innovation by:

(a) ensuring that fair use, which is integral to the fabric of the Copyright Act, remains a central consideration in any legislative effort;

(b) preserving the first sale doctrine to ensure that contractual restrictions do not limit the free movement of goods in the economy as more products increasingly incorporate digital components; and

(c) reforming the licensing landscape to ensure greater transparency as to copyright ownership and to better police against anticompetitive conduct, particularly where rights ownership is highly concentrated, and reforming Copyright Office functions to improve the quality and public availability of data about copyrighted works.

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Digital Curation News (8/26/2015) #digitalcuration #digitalpreservation #researchdatamanagement #rdm

| New: Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 5 | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap

Head Librarian, Science Library and Director of Scholarly Communications at Princeton University

Princeton University is recruiting a Head Librarian, Science Library and Director of Scholarly Communications.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The successful candidate will be responsible for the overall direction of the Lewis Science Library, the Furth Plasma Physics Library, and the Scholarly Communications Office. The Science Library grouping, staffed by 8 librarians, 10 members of the support staff, and student assistants, share a collections budget of more than $5,000,000. The Scholarly Communications Office, located in the Lewis Library and staffed by 1 librarian, collaborates with the Office of Information Technology to support the entire campus through management of the Princeton Open Access Repository and services for research data management and scholarly communications.

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"Open Journal Systems and Dataverse Integration—Helping Journals to Upgrade Data Publication for Reusable Research"

Micah Altman et al. have self-archived "Open Journal Systems and Dataverse Integration—Helping Journals to Upgrade Data Publication for Reusable Research."

Here's an excerpt:

This article describes the novel open source tools for open data publication in open access journal workflows. This comprises a plugin for Open Journal Systems that supports a data submission, citation, review, and publication workflow; and an extension to the Dataverse system that provides a standard deposit API. We describe the function and design of these tools, provide examples of their use, and summarize their initial reception. We conclude by discussing future plans and potential impact.

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Associate Director, Data Management Program at the University of California, Davis

UC Davis is recruiting an Associate Director, Data Management Program.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Under general direction of the Director, Online Strategy, the Associate Director, Data Management Program provides leadership and expertise for research data management across the Library, serving the entire UC Davis community.

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Obituary: Robin Peek

Peter Suber has reported the sad news that noted open access advocate and retired Simmons College professor Robin Peek died on August 21.

Here's an excerpt "Open Access Movement Pioneer Robin Peek Retires from Simmons GSLIS," which discusses Peek's distinguished career:

Peek is a distinguished author, editor, and scholar. As a lecturer and an author of more than 200 articles about digital and scholarly publishing, Peek co-edited the groundbreaking book Scholarly Publishing: The Electronic Frontier with Gregory Newby. In addition to being an international coordinator for Open Access Week, Peek was on the editorial boards of leading information technology journals, such as the Journal of Global Information Management. She was also a peer reviewer for the Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, Information Systems Frontiers, IEEE Transactions on Education, and Library and Information Science Research. In addition, she was on the Journal of the American Society of Information Science's editorial board for ten years and was an associate editor of book reviews. Her "Focus on Publishing" column appeared in Information Today for fifteen years.

Peek was also the editor and co-founder of the Open Access Directory.

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Digital Curation News (8/25/2015) #digitalcuration #digitalpreservation #researchdatamanagement #rdm

| New: Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 5 | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap

Digital Technologies Development Librarian at California Institute of Technology

The California Institute of Technology is recruiting a Digital Technologies Development Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Working collaboratively the Digital Technologies Development Librarian (DTDL) envisions, designs and implements new tools, technology services and collaboration infrastructures to support scholarship in the data-intensive Caltech research and teaching community. Building on the Library's well-established repository program, digitized archival collections, and recently established "TechLab," the DTDL will work with the Digital Library Development team to build platforms for innovation and new services to Caltech and the world.

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"The Trending Academic Library Job Market: An Analysis of Library Position Announcements from 2011 with Comparisons to 1996 and 1988"

Therese F. Triumph and Penny M. Beile have published "The Trending Academic Library Job Market: An Analysis of Library Position Announcements from 2011 with Comparisons to 1996 and 1988" in College & Research Libraries.

Here's an excerpt:

The primary objective of the study was to describe the number, types and titles, requested qualifications and skills, salary information, and locations of positions advertised in 2011 on the ALA JobLIST and ARL Job Announcements websites and in the print version of the Chronicle of Higher Education for purposes of determining the current state of the academic library job market in the United States. To investigate changes in the academic library job market and identify emerging trends over a 23-year period, results also were compared to studies that analyzed position announcements from 1996 and 1988.

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Digital Archivist at Oklahoma State University

Oklahoma State University is recruiting a Digital Archivist.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

This position will be responsible for: preserving and curating born-digital files and analog materials converted to digital; developing and implementing electronic record workflows; coordinating with metadata specialists for access and preservation purposes; converting materials to appropriate digital formats; and processing digital materials in a wide variety of formats.

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Creative Commons License Court Decision: "Defining Derivatives"

Kevin Smith has published "Defining Derivatives" in Scholarly Communications @ Duke in which he discusses the Drauglis V. Kappa Map Group decision. In this case, a photographer sued a publisher who used his CC BY-SA licensed photo on Flickr without permission.

Here's an excerpt:

One thing that is clear, and this is my second point, is that a Share Alike provision does not require that the second work be made available for free, as long as a derivative is not created. The compilation atlas containing Drauglis' photo was sold, of course, and the court said that was OK because there was no non-commercial restriction on the license and the commercial work was not a derivative (which would activate the share alike restriction).

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Digital Curation News (8/24/2015) #digitalcuration #digitalpreservation #researchdatamanagement #rdm

| New: Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 5 | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap

Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson

Springer has published Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson as an open access book.

Here's an excerpt from the Wikipedia page on Ted Nelson:

Theodor Holm Nelson (born June 17, 1937) is an American pioneer of information technology, philosopher, and sociologist. He coined the terms "hypertext" and "hypermedia" in 1963, and published them in 1965.

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