"Data Management Outreach to Junior Faculty Members: A Case Study"

Megan Sapp Nelson has published "Data Management Outreach to Junior Faculty Members: A Case Study " in the Journal of eScience Librarianship.

Here's an excerpt:

New tenure track faculty members are generally in positions as leaders of a research laboratory or group for the first time. In addition to building up the infrastructure of a research lab (whether space, equipment, funding, or personnel), the new faculty member is also setting the research process and expectations for the first time as well. This article highlights outreach to new faculty members assisting those individuals with developing a data management protocol that effectively supports the laboratory researchers to make quality data available internally to and externally from a research laboratory. Using a self-assessment tool and reflective conversation, junior faculty were offered insight and advice into creating a data management protocol for use in their research laboratory.

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Director of Library Technology and Digital Strategies at Emory University

Emory University is recruiting a Director of Library Technology and Digital Strategies.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Director is a key member of the Emory Libraries' administration with responsibility for a growing department focused on providing high-quality, robust systems that facilitate search, discovery, preservation, and the delivery of library services and resources to the entire Emory University campus. The Director provides leadership and vision for the enhancement, extension, and integration of the Libraries' technology and tools in support of faculty and student teaching, learning, research and scholarship. The Director collaborates with the technology team and the broader Libraries and Information Technology Services (LITS) organization to ensure a flexible, scalable, and sustainable technology infrastructure enabling library services, content management, applications support, repositories, web maintenance and development, and resources for innovation.

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Digital Archivist at Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University is recruiting a Digital Archivist.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Reporting to the University Archivist, the Digital Archivist leads the continuing development of the Archives' maturing digital archives program, establishing and implementing policies and procedures for the management of born-digital materials including university records and manuscript collections of the Sheridan Libraries Special Collections department that are informed by pragmatic application of professional standards.

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"University Data Policies and Library Data Services: Who Owns Your Data?"

Lisa D. Zilinski, Abigail Goben and Kristin Briney have published "University Data Policies and Library Data Services: Who Owns Your Data?" in the Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology.

Here's an excerpt:

A review of research data and library data services presented on the websites of 206 top research universities as of July 2014 provided insights into policies and practices. Limited to publicly accessible information, the review indicated about half of the surveyed libraries offer some type of data services beyond a resource guide, about four in 10 had a librarian fully or partly dedicated to data management support and about one in 10 had a dedicated data repository. Institutions are likely to have a specific data policy if they are more involved in research and have higher research spending, have larger faculties and offer data services or a data librarian.

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Digital Curation News (8/3/2015) #digitalcuration #digitalpreservation #researchdatamanagement #rdm

Digital Curation News will resume on 8/24/2015.

| New: Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 5 | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap

Web Software Developer at University of Utah

The University of Utah is recruiting a Web Software Developer.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

  • Develop and maintain technological infrastructure for digital library projects, which include delivering and preserving library assets using various content management systems (vendor/Open Source technologies)
  • Develop automation and processes to enable teams to deploy, manage, configure, scale, and monitor applications
  • Participate in application development meetings; Create re-usable, service based components promoting best practice application architectures and designs

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The Once and Future Publishing Library

The Council on Library and Information Resources has released The Once and Future Publishing Library .

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

The report explores the revitalization of library publishing and its possible future, and examines elements that influence the success and sustainability of library publishing initiatives.

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arXiv Operations Manager at Cornell University

Cornell University is recruiting an arXiv Operations Manager.

Here's an excerpt from the ad (three-year appointment with the expectation of renewal):

The arXiv Operations Manager will:

  • Be responsible for the effective leadership, management, and ongoing development of arXiv's operational environment.
  • Supervise arXiv's operations staff and oversee the administration of arXiv's user-support and moderation processes, ensuring that daily operational activities are carried out thoroughly and accurately, and that all processes and procedures follow arXiv policy.
  • Regularly perform routine arXiv operational tasks and user-support activities where needed, or delegate to others.

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"The Oldest Internet Publication You’ve Never Heard Of"

Roy Tennant has published "The Oldest Internet Publication You've Never Heard Of" in Digital Shift.

Current Cites is now 25 years old. It was established by the Library Technology Watch Program at the University of California, Berkeley Library in 1990. It went online on the University of California's Melvyl system in February 1991, and it was distributed on the University of Houston's PACS-L discussion list starting eight months later. In January 1992, it became one of the first digital publications distributed on the University of Houston's PACS-P discussion list, and it was distributed on this list until May 2014. Starting in 2005, it was distributed by OCLC's WebJunction.org. As of 2011, the list has been supported by the University of Notre Dame and the website has been provided by Roy Tennant.

Current Cites is published monthly by Roy and written by Roy and his team of contributors. This serial has always been open access.

Congratulations, Roy on 25 years of publication!

You can read more about it at:

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Programmer/Analyst at New York University

New York University is recruiting a Programmer/Analyst.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Under the direction of the Senior Manager, Digital Library Infrastructure, the Programmer/Analyst will develop digital library infrastructure, including Web-based tools for content curation and display as well as discovery interfaces for a variety of metadata standards. The infrastructure that this individual will build will support researchers during the full research lifecycle, including data storage and preservation, publication preservation, and data discovery and dissemination.

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"What Cost and Usage Data Reveals About E-Book Acquisitions: Ramifications for Collection Development"

Steven B. Carrico et al. have published "What Cost and Usage Data Reveals About E-Book Acquisitions: Ramifications for Collection Development" in Library Resources & Technical Services.

Here's an excerpt:

To better determine how e-book acquisitions might affect future collection development decisions, a team of librarians from the University of Florida (UF) launched a project to assess cost and usage of e-books purchased using three different acquisitions methods: e-books acquired in large publisher packages; single-title e-books selected through firm orders; and e-books purchased through two patron-driven acquisitions (PDA) plans. . . . The authors compared the cost-usage data of e-books acquired by the acquisitions methods across the three subject areas and describe how the findings are affecting current and future acquisitions, traditional collection management, and budgeting at UF.

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"Small Steps Matter: FASTR Passes Senate Committee Hurdle"

SPARC has released Small Steps Matter: FASTR Passes Senate Committee Hurdle by Heather Joseph.

Here's an excerpt:

With its action today, the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) advanced the cause of public access to publicly funded research articles another crucial step. In a unanimous voice vote, the Committee approved S. 779, the Fair Access to Science and Technology Research (FASTR) Act which now positions the legislation to be considered by the full Senate.

This marks the first time that a U.S. Senate Committee has acted on a government-wide policy ensuring public access to the results of publicly funded research and signals that there is deep support for the ideal that taxpayers have the right to access to the research that their tax dollars fund. This action continues the steady march towards enabling fast, barrier-free access to research articles that got its start with the establishment of a voluntary NIH policy in 2005, and slowly progressed with legislation shifting that policy to mandatory in 2008, again in 2010 with the America COMPETES Act and most recently with the 2013 White House OSTP Directive on public access. . . .

Today's progress on FASTR is another step in this long march. Under the leadership of Senator Cornyn (R-TX) and Senator Wyden (D-OR), FASTR provides the statutory framework needed codify the White House OSTP Directive, which was issued with the goal of accelerating scientific discovery and fueling innovation. While 13 federal agencies and departments have released their initial plans, the reality is that the OSTP Directive is not law, and can be easily overturned by a subsequent Administration. Should FASTR continue on course and be passed by both chambers of Congress, free, fair public access to research articles will become the law of the land – and not just the preference a President.

See also: "Cornyn Bill To Improve Access To Taxpayer-Funded Research Passes Committee Unanimously."

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Digital Curation News (7/30/2015) #digitalcuration #digitalpreservation #researchdatamanagement #rdm

| New: Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 5 | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap

Director, Metadata and Digital Strategies at Hamilton College

Hamilton College is recruiting a Director, Metadata and Digital Strategies.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The director provides leadership for cataloging, metadata creation, library information systems, digitization, data curation and preservation and is a major partner in our support for digital scholarship. The director will help keep Library and Information Technology Services (LITS) future-focused in a rapidly changing information resources environment and represent Hamilton in local, regional and national settings.

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"15% of Americans Don’t Use The Internet. Who Are They?"

Monica Anderson and Andrew Perrin have published "15% of Americans Don't Use The Internet. Who Are They?" in Fact Tank.

Here's an excerpt:

The latest Pew Research analysis also shows that internet non-adoption is correlated to a number of demographic variables, including age, educational attainment, household income, race and ethnicity, and community type.

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Digital Library Tech Analyst at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis

Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis is recruiting a Digital Library Tech Analyst.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

This is a new position and will be a member of a high performing digital technology team. The analyst will provide technology support for complex projects and assignments for a wide variety of library activities. Additionally, the position will explore emerging technologies, develop administrative as well as user interfaces and workflows for digital scholarship tools (including text, image, data, and multimedia repositories, journal publishing systems, and websites) through use of open source or vendor based applications.

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"Research Data Management Practices: A Snapshot in Time"

Mary Anne Kennan and Lina Markauskaite have published "Research Data Management Practices: A Snapshot in Time" in the International Journal of Digital Curation.

Here's an excerpt:

There is increasing pressure from funders, publishers, the public, universities and other research organisations for researchers to improve their data management and sharing practices. However, little is known about researchers' data management and sharing practices and concerns. The research reported in this paper seeks to address this by providing insight into the research data management and sharing practices of academics at ten universities in New South Wales, Australia. Empirical data was taken from a survey to which 760 academics responded, with 634 completing at least one section. Results showed that at the time of the survey there were a wide variety of research data in use, including analogue data, and that the challenges researchers faced in managing their data included finding safe and secure storage, particularly after project completion, but also during projects when data are used (and thus stored) on a wide variety of less-than-optimal temporary devices. Data sharing was not widely practiced and only a relatively small proportion of researchers had a research data management plan.

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Digital Archivist at Emerson College

Emerson College is recruiting a Digital Archivist.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Digital Archivist works with the Head of Archives and Special Collections and Digital Initiatives Librarian to plan and execute workflows for the digitization of analog records. Core responsibilities will include acquisition, appraisal, description, and preservation of both digitized and born-digital records. The Digital Archivist will also monitor the activities of interns and work study students.

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"Omeka Curator Dashboard"

Jess Waggoner has published "Omeka Curator Dashboard" in the Omeka blog.

Here's an excerpt:

The Omeka Curator Dashboard (or "the OCD" as we endearingly refer to it) is a suite of fifteen plugins (though a bonus sixteenth will be coming soon!) designed to facilitate object import and export, manage metadata, and curate collections. Several of our plugins are already available on the official list of Omeka plugins. The others are still undergoing testing, but can be downloaded from the UCSC Library GitHub in the meanwhile. We are actively soliciting feedback on these plugins from the Omeka user community so we can continue to improve their features and interfaces.

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Digital Preservation Librarian at University of Virginia

The University of Virginia is recruiting a Digital Preservation Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

This position is responsible for creating, maintaining, and ensuring access to policies, procedures, workflows, and strategies related to digital preservation projects and practices. The employee in this position is expected to be current with the community of practice for digital preservation, as well as be a leader within the broader fields of preservation and digital libraries.

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Take Action: Fair Access to Science and Technology Research (FASTR) Act Being Marked Up

The Fair Access to Science and Technology Research (FASTR) Act is being marked up.

Here's an excerpt from the SPARC announcement:

After a month of intense conversations and negotiations, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) will bring the "Fair Access to Science and Technology Research (FASTR) Act" up for mark-up on Wednesday, July 29th. The language that will be considered is an amended version of FASTR, officially known as the 'Johnson-Carper Substitute Amendment,' which was officially filed by the HSGAC leadership late on Friday afternoon, per committee rules.

There are two major changes from the original bill language to be particularly aware of. Specifically, the amendment

  • Replaces the six month embargo period with "no later than 12 months, but preferably sooner," as anticipated; and
  • Provides a mechanism for stakeholders to petition federal agencies to 'adjust' the embargo period if the 12 months does not serve "the public, industries, and the scientific community."

To support the bill and communicate your concerns, see: "Help Move FASTR" "Secure Open Access to Taxpayer-Funded Research"

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Digital Curation News (7/28/2015) #digitalcuration #digitalpreservation #researchdatamanagement #rdm

| New: Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 5 | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap

Software Engineer for Digital Content Management at University of Virginia

The University of Virginia is recruiting a Software Engineer for Digital Content Management.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The University of Virginia Library collects, curates and facilitates access to a wide variety of rare and unique materials, chiefly in the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library. The Library acquires born-digital materials and digitizes many rare and unique materials for the purpose of preservation and dissemination to support the University's research and scholarly objectives. The employee in this position supports that mission by collaborating with archivists, curators and digitization specialists to understand their technology needs and as part of a team to procure or design and develop software solutions.

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