Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog Archive
(January 2008)

January 9, 2008

Next Weblog update on 2/6/08.

ACRL Research Committee. Environmental Scan 2007. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2008.

Bailey, Charles W., Jr. Institutional Repositories, Tout de Suite. Houston: Digital Scholarship, 2008.

CLIR Issues, no. 60 (2007): Includes "DLF Surveys U.S. Moving-Image Archives" and other articles.

The Code4Lib Journal, no. 1 (2007): includes "The Rutgers Workflow Management System: Migrating a Digital Object Management Utility to Open Source" and other articles.

Crawford, Walt. Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large 8, no. 1 (2007): Includes "Discovering Books: OCA & GBS Retrospective" and other articles.

The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship 8, no. 3 (2007): Includes "Developing a Web-Based Evaluation Tool for Purchasing Electronic Resources: A Librarian-Faculty-Student Partnership," "A Faculty Led Response to the Crisis in Scholarly Communications," and other articles.

First Monday 12, no. 12 (2007): Includes "The Cost Profiles of Alternative Approaches to Journal Publishing" and other articles.

Geist, Michael. In the Public Interest: The Future of Canadian Copyright Law. Toronto: Irwin Law Inc., 2007. (Publisher's description)

IFLA Journal 33, no. 4 (2007): Includes "Bridging the North-South Divide in Scholarly Communication in Africa—A Library and Information Systems Perspective," "Pushing the Boundaries of Traditional Heritage Policy: Maintaining Long-Term Access to Multimedia Content," and other articles.

Information Services and Use 27, no. 4 (2007): Includes "APE 2007: Pre-Conference Day—'Embracing Change' Workshop: University Presses and Open Access: Presentation: Isabella Meinecke, Hamburg University Press, State and University Library of Hamburg"; "Article Repositories and Journal Subscription—Future Scenarios"; "The i2010 Digital Libraries Initiative: Europe's Cultural and Scientific Information at the Click of a Mouse"; "Libraries in Times of Open Access: Paper Presented at the APE 2007: Academic Publishing in Europe Conference 'Innovation & Publishing,' Berlin, 23-24 January 2007"; "ONIX for Licensing Terms: Standards for the Electronic Communication of Usage Terms"; "Pricing, Business Models and Open Access: Status Quo vs. Apocalypse"; "Pricing in Academic Publishing: A Wake-Up Call to the Online Era"; "Usage Statistics: About COUNTER and SUSHI"; and other articles.

Interlending & Document Supply 35, no. 4 (2007): Includes "Creating a Consumer Market for Scholarly Journals," "The Importance of Aggregators for Libraries in the Digital Era," and other articles.

Johnson, Richard K., and Judy Luther. The E-Only Tipping Point for Journals: What's Ahead in the Print-to-Electronic Transition Zone. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, 2007.

Joint Task Force on Library Support for E-Science. Agenda for Developing E-Science in Research Libraries: Final Report and Recommendations to the Scholarly Communication Steering Committee, the Public Policies Affecting Research Libraries Steering Committee, and the Research, Teaching, and Learning Steering Committee. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, 2007.

The Journal of Academic Librarianship 33, no. 6 (2007): Includes "Diversity in the Information Seeking Behaviour of the Virtual Scholar: Institutional Comparisons," "Assessment of Self-Archiving in Institutional Repositories: Across Disciplines," and other articles.

Journal of Scholarly Publishing 39, no. 1 (2008): Includes "Authority 3.0: Friend or Foe to Scholars?," "The Changing College and University Library Market for University Press Books and Journals: 1997-2004," and other articles.

Learned Publishing 21, no. 1 (2008): Includes "Data, Disciplines, and Scholarly Publishing"; "Integrating Research Articles and Supporting Data in Crystallography"; "Publishing Technologies: What Does the Future Hold?"; " Vendor-Supplied Usage Data for Electronic Resources: A Survey of Academic Libraries"; and other articles.

Library Hi Tech 25, no. 4 (2007): Includes "Accessibility of Web-Based Library Databases: The Vendors' Perspectives in 2007," "Ten Years After," and other articles.

Morrison, Heather. "Dramatic Growth of Open Access: Dec. 31, 2007 Update." Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics, 31 December 2007.

Murray-Rust, Peter. "Open Data In Science." DSpace at Cambridge, 2008.

portal: Libraries and the Academy 8, no. 1 (2008): Includes "Closing the Repository Gap at Small Institutions" and other articles.

SCRIPT-ed 4, no. 4 (2007): Includes "Copyright and Research: A Different Perspective," "Emerging Global Networks for Free Access to Law: WorldLII's Strategies," and other articles.

Searcher 16, no. 1 (2008): Includes "'Copyfraud' and Public Domain Works," "Crisis or Opportunity: The First International Public Knowledge Project (PKP) Scholarly Publishing Conference," "The Race to the Shelf Continues: The Open Content Alliance and," and other articles.

Suber, Peter. "AAP/PSP Response to the OA Mandate at NIH." Open Access News, 4 January 2008.

———. SPARC Open Access Newsletter, no. 117 (2008): Includes "Open Access in 2007," "An Open Access Mandate for the NIH," and other articles.