Weblog Archive (May 2004) |
May 31, 2004Next Weblog update on 6/14/04.Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large 4, no. 7 (2004): Walt Crawford continues his incisive commentary on current issues, new articles worth reading, and other topics. Highly recommended. CLIR Issues, no. 39 (2004): Includes "Library Periodicals Expenses: Comparison of Nonsubscription Costs of Print and Electronic Formats on a Life-Cycle Basis" and other articles. Current Cites 15 (May 2004): Annotated references about information technology literature written by a team of librarians. College & Research Libraries News 65, no. 5 (2004): Includes "The View from Europe: Creating International Change" and other articles. College & Research Libraries News 65, no. 6 (2004): Includes "Information Access Alliance: Challenging Anticompetitive Behavior in Academic Publishing" and other articles. Digital and Preservation Dispatch, 19 May 2004: E-newsletter about digitization and preservation issues from the OCLC Digitization & Preservation Online Resource Center. D-Lib Magazine 10, no. 5 (2004): Includes "The Alexandria Digital Library Project: Review, Assessment, and Prospects"; "Combining Place, Time, and Topic: The Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative"; "Determining Space from Place for Natural History Collections in a Distributed Digital Library Environment"; "Georeferencing in Historical Collections"; "Issues in Georeferenced Digital Libraries"; "Spatial Data Infrastructures and Digital Libraries: Paths to Convergence"; and other articles. EDUCAUSE Review 39, no. 3 (2004): Includes "Pork Bellies and Silk Purses" and other articles. E-JASL: The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship 5, no. 1 (2004): Includes "The Next Step in Scholarly Communication: Is the Traditional Journal Dead?" and other articles. Emerging Technologies for the Cultural & Scientific Heritage Sector: DigiCULT Technology Watch Report 2: "TWR2 examines technologies that improve interoperability between sectors, standards that promote long term viability of resources, approaches that support personalise experiences of the heritage, and those that support access to shared spaces, and mechanisms that enable curators and users of the heritage to participate in enriched real and virtual environments." Final Report: The Selection, Appraisal and Retention of Digital Scientific Data: "The international EPRANET/CODATA seminar examined the current state of practice of the selection, appraisal and retention among diverse scientific communities and discussed how archival concepts can best be applied to the management and long-term preservation of digital data." Interoperability Between Library Information Services and Learning Environments—Bridging the Gaps: "The primary purpose of this paper is to explore potential interactions between information environments and learning environments, with emphasis on work that needs to be done involving standards, architectural modelling or interfaces (as opposed to cultural, organizational or practice questions) in order to permit these two worlds to co-exist and co-evolve more productively." Library & Information Science Research 26, no. 2 (2004): Includes "A Fair History of the Web? Examining Country Balance in the Internet Archive," "The Attributes of Research on End-User Online Searching Behavior: A Retrospective Review and Analysis," and other articles. Library Hi Tech News 21, no. 4 (2004): Includes "Professional Library & Information Associations Should Rise to the Challenge of Promoting Open Access and Lead by Example" and other articles. Library Review 53, no. 4 (2004): Includes "Awareness of Quality Assurance Procedures in Digital Preservation" and other articles. Nature Web Focus: Access to the Literature: The Debate Continues: Includes "Can 'Author Pays' Journals Compete with 'Reader Pays'?," "The Green and the Gold Roads to Open Access," " Not So Quiet on a Western Front," and other articles. New Review of Information and Library Research 9, no. 1 (2003): Includes "Librarians as Researchers and the Digital Research Library," "Technology and People: Some Challenges When Integrating Digital Library Systems into Online Learning Environments," and other articles. Online Information Review 28, no. 2 (2004): Includes "Contractual and Technological Approaches for Protecting Digital Works: Their Relationship with Copyright Limitations" and other articles. "Scholars and Scripts, Eyeballs and Epistemes: What it Means to Publish": "Blaise Cronin discusses the culture of scholarly communication and its likely impact on various modes of publication as part of the OCLC Research Distinguished Seminar Series." (Large MP3 file.) ShelfLife, 27 May 2004: A weekly e-newsletter from RLG. Click on "Read Past Issues" to access the current issue. May 17, 2004Next Weblog update on 5/31/04.Ariadne, no. 39 (2004): Includes "The Biggest Digital Library Conference in the World," "Can We Save Our Audio-Visual Heritage?," "A National Archive of Datasets," "ePrints UK Workshop," "Filling Institutional Repositories: Practical Strategies from the DAEDALUS Project," "RDN/LTSN Partnerships: Learning Resource Discovery Based on the LOM and the OAI-PMH," "Towards the Digital Aquifer: Introducing the Common Information Environment," and other articles. Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives 56, no. 2 (2004): Includes "Research in Progress. Part 2—Some Preliminary Insights into the Information Needs of the Contemporary Academic Researcher" and other articles. The Charleston Advisor 5, no. 4 (2004): Includes "Casting Forward; Collection Development After Mass Digitization or Doing One's Part: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally"; "Federating Electronic Resources: ELIN@—Integrating End-User Access and Efficient Management Resources"; "Heard on the Net: Access, Open and Otherwise"; and other articles. Electronic Scientific, Technical, and Medical Journal Publishing and Its Implications: Report of a Symposium: "The symposium brought together experts in STM publishing, both producers and users of these publications, to: 1. identify the recent technical changes in publishing, and other factors, that influence the decisions of journal publishers to produce journals electronically; 2. identify the needs of the scientific, engineering, and medical community as users of journals, whether electronic or printed; 3. discuss the responses of not-for-profit and commercial STM publishers and of other stakeholders in the STM community to the opportunities and challenges posed by the shift to electronic publishing; and 4. examine the spectrum of proposals that has been put forth to respond to the needs of users as the publishing industry shifts to electronic information production and dissemination." First Monday 9, no. 5 (2004): Includes "Building on Success, Forging New Ground: The Question of Sustainability," "Choosing the Components of a Digital Infrastructure," "Session Three: Building the Digital Infrastructure," and other articles and videos. Nature Web Focus: Access to the Literature: The Debate Continues: Includes "Can Open Access Be Viable? The Institute of Physics' Experience," "CrossRef Launches CrossRef Search, Powered By Google," "Do Open Access Journals Have Impact?," and other articles. Open Access Now, 10 May 2004: Includes "Google and DSpace Launch Joint Project," "Grants Program Supports Open Access Publishing in Developing Countries," "Open Access and Creative Common Sense," and other articles. Reference Services Review 32, no. 1 (2004): Includes "Campus Intellectual Property Policy Development," "STM Publishing Meets NIH Digital Archive: Librarian Service on the PubMed Central National Advisory Committee," and other articles. Research Information (March/April 2004): Includes "You Can't Read E-Journals When the Lights Go Out," "Will Banking Data Improve Research Output?," and other articles. Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography (Version 53): This new SEPB version includes over 2,100 articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet. The "Scholarly Electronic Publishing Resources" directory includes over 270 related Web sites. ShelfLife, 13 May 2004: A weekly e-newsletter from RLG. Click on "Read Past Issues" to access the current issue. SPARC Open Access Newsletter, no. 73 (2004): News and commentary about the open access movement by Peter Suber. Syllabus (May 2004): Includes "Deep Infrastructure Supports Digital Library Services," "Digital Images Come of Age," "Fat Cat Publishers Breaking the System," and other articles. May 3, 2004Next Weblog update on 5/17/04.For some issues of Haworth Press journals, there is a discrepancy between the year of publication in the table of contents listing at the Web site and the PDF article files for the issue. For example, the TOC listing for Science & Technology Libraries volume 22, number 3/4 indicates "2004," but the PDF file for "Can Peer Review Be Better Focused?" from that issue says "2002." Unfortunately, some SEPW entries for new Haworth journal issues have been based on these table of contents listings. (SEPB article references are done from the electronic or print articles themselves). In the future, new Haworth SEPW entries will be done like SEPB references. Access in the Future Tense. Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information Resources, 2004: "CLIR organized a conference in May 2003 to examine the key factors shaping the information environment in which libraries operate and how these factors will affect stewardship of the cultural and intellectual resources vital to education and research. To frame the discussion, CLIR asked four experts to address key features of the changing landscape." Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large 4, no. 6 (2004): Walt Crawford continues his incisive commentary on current issues, new articles worth reading, and other topics. Highly recommended. Collection Building 23, no. 2 (2004): Includes "Linking Preservation Metadata and Collection Management Policies," "User Preferences in Formats of Print and Electronic Journals," and other articles. Current Cites 15 (April 2004): Annotated references about information technology literature written by a team of librarians. EContent 27, no. 3 (2004): Includes "eScholars of the World, Unite! The University of California Revolutionizes Publishing Paradigm" and other articles. The Electronic Library 22, no. 2 (2004): Includes "Metadata for Harvesting: The Open Archives Initiative, and How to Find Things on the Web"; "The Revolt Against Journal Publishers"; "RoMEO Studies 5: IPR Issues Facing OAI Data and Service Providers"; and other articles. Information Today 21, no. 5 (2004): Includes "The COUNTER Project," "EUSIDIC Spring Meeting 2004," "The Free-Access Debate Flourishes," "Project Gutenberg Progresses," and other articles. Library Hi Tech News 21, no. 3 (2004): Includes "Open Archives Initiative Data Providers. Part I: General," "Open Archives Initiative (OAI) 3 Workshop," and other articles. New Library World 105, nos. 3/4 (2004): Includes "The Challenge of Metasearching," "EScholarship at the University of California: A Case Study in Sustainable Innovation for Open Access," and other articles. Nature Web Focus: Access to the Literature: The Debate Continues: Includes "Analysing the Scientific Literature in Its Online Context," "Open Access Ignoring Lessons of Dot-Com Bubble," "Open Access Needs to Get 'Back to Basics'," and other articles. Searcher 12, no. 5 (2004): Includes "Institutional Repositories: Hidden Treasures" and other articles. Serials Review 30, no. 1 (2004): Includes "Digital Archiving: A Necessary Evil or New Opportunity?," "A Leap into the Future: Serials Literature of 2002," "Publishers Joining Forces through CrossRef," "Reflections on Wrapping Paper: Random Thoughts on AACR2 and Electronic Serials," "The Scientists' Digital Workbench," and other articles. ShelfLife, 29 April 2004: A weekly e-newsletter from RLG. Click on "Read Past Issues" to access the current issue. SQW Limited. Costs and Business Models in Scientific Research Publishing. London: The Wellcome Trust, 2004: "This report provides evidence that an author-pays model offers a viable alternative to subscription journals. Open access publishing should be able to deliver high-quality, peer-reviewed research at a cost that is significantly less than the traditional model while bringing with it a number of additional benefits." See also: Economic Analysis of Scientific Research Publishing. |
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography > Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog > Weblog Archive (May 2004)
Note: Links in the Weblog are not maintained. The Weblog includes some references that will not appear elsewhere in the bibliography. Copyright © 2004 by Charles W. Bailey, Jr. Bailey, Charles W., Jr. Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography. Houston: University of Houston Libraries, 1996-2004. <URL:http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html>. |