Weblog Archive (June 2002) |
June 27, 2002Next Weblog update on 7/8/2002.Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 28 (June/July 2002): Includes "Network-Enabled Digitized Collection at the Central Library, IIT Delhi" and other articles. Coleman, Ross, and Colin Webb. "Digital Conversion of Nineteenth Century Publications—Production Management in the Australian Cooperative Digitisation Project 1840-45": Examines content, logistical, preservation, project management, and technical aspects of the Australian Cooperative Digitisation Project 1840-45. The authors conclude: "Digital conversion is not the seamless, simple process often portrayed by some digital library proponents." de Lusenet, Yola. Preservation of Digital Heritage: UNESCO discussion paper on digital preservation. The Filter, 26 June 2002: Internet news and commentary from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School. (Click on "Current Issue.") MacMillan, Robert. "Lawmaker Tries to Foil Illegal File-Sharing." TechNews.com, 25 June 2002: Rep. Howard Berman plans to introduce a bill to allow copyright holders to block illegal file-sharing using technological strategies that are currently illegal. June 26, 2002Annual Review of Information Science and Technology 36 (2002): Includes "Digital Libraries," "Scholarly Communication and Bibliometrics," and other bibliographies.CLIR Issues (July/August 2002): Includes "Digital Libraries Seek Interoperability," "A Matter of Public Good," "Perspectives on Digital Preservation," and other articles. Digital Library Documents: A collection of "digital library policies, strategies, technical reports guidelines and other documents" from the Digital Library Federation. Free Online Scholarship Newsletter, 17 June 2002: Interesting news about scholarly electronic publishing. June 25, 2002Crawford, Walt. "Electronic Access to Scientific Articles: Another Perspective." EContent (May 2002): Crawford's reaction to "Behind the Firewall—Electronic Access to Scientific Journals: Problems, Problems."EP Topic News, 20 June 2002: Electronic publishing news from El.pub. Manjoo, Farhad. "Danish Deep-Link Decision Due." Wired News, 24 June 2002: Newsbooster deep-links to newspapers. The Danish Newspaper Publishers' Association wants the court to stop this practice. ShelfLife, 20 June 2002: A weekly e-newsletter from RLG. Click on "Read Past Issues" to access the current issue. June 24, 2002Against the Grain 14 (June 2002): Includes "ONIX—A Transforming Standard," "Print on Demand (POD): An Important Step in the Change to a Digital Distribution Model for Books," and other articles.Associated Press. "Bush Presses Supremes on Filters." Wired News, 20 June 2002: The Children's Internet Protection Act decision is appealed to the Supreme Court. Carnevale, Dan. "College Stations Alarmed as Librarian of Congress Sets Rates for Broadcasting Music Online." The Chronicle of Higher Education, 21 June 2002: Is this the day the music died? Vangelova, Luba. "A Global Audience, a World of Worries? Australian Court's Ruling in Libel Case Could Have a Chilling Effect on Web Publications." TechNews.com, 19 June 2002: Will Dow Jones & Co. be able to move a defamation lawsuit from Melbourne to New Jersey? June 21, 2002Manjoo, Farhad. "Public Protests NPR Link Policy." Wired News, 20 June 2002: If you want to link to National Public Radio pages, fill out this form."New Decree for Kulturarw3": Press release from the Royal Library in Sweden about a decree that will allow it to collect Swedish web sites. (Choose "New decree autorises the library to collect web sites and allow public access" from list.)
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography (Version 43): The new version includes over 1,600 articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet. The "Scholarly Electronic Publishing Resources" directory now includes over 230 related Web sites. There has been not been significant use of the JavaScript navigation window, and it has been discontinued in this version. Wood, Douglas J. "Best Practices for Avoiding Linking and Framing Legal Liability." GigaLaw.com: Examines linking and framing cases, and suggests best practices. June 20, 2002Interlending & Document Supply 30, no. 2 (2002): Includes "Digitising Instead of Mailing or Shipping: A New Approach to Interlibrary Loan Through Customer-related Digitisation of Monographs" and other articles.The Journal of Academic Librarianship 28, no. 3 (2002): Includes "Shaping Digital Library Content," "To Link or Not to Link: How to Avoid Copyright Traps on the Internet," and other articles. Suber, Peter. "Open Access to the Scientific Journal Literature": Suber considers issues related to intellectual property, peer review, preservation, prestige, priced add-ons, professional quality, and profit. June 19, 2002Cave, Damien. "File Sharing: Innocent until Proven Guilty." Salon.com, 13 June 2002: Interview with UT Dallas professor Stan Liebowitz.D-Lib Magazine 8 (June 2002): Includes "Evaluation of Digital Library Impact and User Communities by Analysis of Usage Patterns," "The KYVL Kentuckiana Digital Library Project: Background and Current Status," and other articles. "Open Archives Initiative Release Version 2.0 of the Protocol for Metadata Harvesting": Press release about version 2.0 of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). "TEI P4 Press Release": E-mail message from John Unsworth on the Humanist Discussion Group about a new version of TEI Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. June 18, 2002Publishing Research Quarterly 17, no. 4 (2001): Includes "The Laser Printer as an Agent of Change" and other articles.Reuters. "Copy-Protected CDs: Technically Flawed?" ZDNet News, 17 June 2002: The law firm of Milberg, Weiss, Bershad, Hynes & Leracha has filed class-action lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court about copy-protected CDs. RLG DigiNews 6, no. 3 (2002): Includes "Automated Digitisation of Printed Material for Everyone: The METADATA ENGINE," "Researching Long Term Digital Preservation Approaches in the Digital Preservation Testbed (Dutch Testbed Digitale Bewaring)," and other articles. Ward, Mark. "Copyright Rows Ring Down the Centuries." BBC News, 17 June 2002: Charles Dickens had piracy problems too. June 17, 2002The Charleston Advisor 3 (April 2002): Includes "Ebrary—Another Response," "On the Road to Full Text—Linking to the Article," and other articles.EP Topic News, 13 June 2002: Electronic publishing news from El.pub. ShelfLife, 13 June 2002: A weekly e-newsletter from RLG. Click on "Read Past Issues" to access the current issue. Swan, Alma, and Sheridan Brown. Authors and Electronic Publishing: The ALPSP Research Study on Authors' and Readers' Views of Electronic Research Communication. Clapham, UK: The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers, 2002: Key statistics are available as a PowerPoint file. June 14, 2002CLIRinghouse Bulletin (June 2002): Issue on "What to Expect from Digital Library Development.""David Seaman to Head Digital Library Federation": Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) press release. The DigiCULT Report: Technological Landscapes for Tomorrow's Cultural Economy: Unlocking the Value of Cultural Heritage: Report from the European Commission Directorate-General Information Society D2 that is available at the DigiCULT Web site. June 13, 2002Associated Press. "To Link or Not to Link?" MSNBC, 10 June 2002: Discusses deep-linking issues.Denison, D. C. "Next Up: Web of Data." The Boston Globe, 10 June 2002: Tim Berners-Lee talks about the Semantic Web. Linking Law: Want more on deep-linking? Try the this Web page from the Open Directory Project. RLG Focus (June 2002): Includes "Connecting Citations and Full Text: Eureka® and OpenURL," Implementing OpenURL: Advice from the Library Trenches, "Implementing OpenURL Linking with SFX: The NYU Experience," "OpenURL at the University of Chicago Library," and other articles. June 12, 2002Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large 2 (July 2002): Walt Crawford continues his incisive commentary on the evolving e-book scene, new articles worth reading, and other topics. Highly recommended."NISO Releases Digital Still Image Metadata Draft Standard": E-mail message from Marilyn Geller about the release of Z39.87 (The Data Dictionary for Technical Metadata for Digital Still Images) as a Draft Standard for Trial Use. Towle, Gemma, and James Dearnley. "EBooks in the UK: The Story So Far." Electronic Book Web, 8 May 2002: Overview of academic e-book use in the UK. June 11, 2002Carlson, Scott. "Most Libraries and Museums Are Not Digitizing Collections, Survey Finds." The Chronicle of Higher Education, 21 June 2002: Discusses the results of a survey by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.EP Topic News, 6 June 2002: Electronic publishing news from El.pub. Musgrove, Mike. "Copyfight Renewal: Owners of Digital Devices Sue to Assert the Right to Record." TechNews.com, 7 June 2002: The Electronic Frontier Foundation has filed a suit against entertainment companies that asserts the fair use rights of owners of ReplayTV recorders. June 10, 2002"A Scalable Architecture for Harvest-Based Digital Libraries—The ODU/Southampton Experiments": Paper by Xiaoming Liu et al. that "discusses the requirements of current and emerging applications based on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) and emphasizes the need for a common infrastructure to support them.""The Second Gutenberg: Interview with Michael Hart." Planet eBook, 31 May 2002: Interview with the founder of Project Gutenberg by Sam Vaknin. ShelfLife, 6 June 2002: A weekly e-newsletter from RLG. Click on "Read Past Issues" to access the current issue. June 7, 2002Garretson, Cara. "Vendors Deride Mandatory Copy Controls." PCWorld.Com, 5 June 2002: Software vendors testify before the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property.MARC 21 XML Schema: A schema for MARC 21 records in an XML structure by the Library of Congress' Network Development and MARC Standards Office. June 6, 2002Cohen, David. "New Zealand University Opens E-Text Center in Partnership With U. of Virginia." The Chronicle of Higher Education, 5 June 2002: Victoria University of Wellington has established the New Zealand Electronic Text Centre.First Monday 7, no. 6 (2002): Includes "The Medical Journal Meets the Internet," "The Next Stage: Moving from Isolated Digital Collections to Interoperable Digital Libraries," "The Soundproof Book: Exploration of Rights Conflict and Access to Commercial EBooks for People with Disabilities," and other articles. June 5, 2002Conhaim, Wallys W. "Creative Commons Nurtures the Public Domain." Information Today NewsBreaks, 3 June 2002: Discusses the Creative Commons, which is chaired by Stanford Law School professor Lawrence Lessig.SPARC E-News (April-May 2002): News about the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC). Reuters. "Tech Firms, Hollywood Near Copyright Pact." ZDNet News, 4 June 2002: The Broadcast Protection Discussion Group is nearing agreement on copy protection measures. June 4, 2002"California Digital Library Opens Online Repository for Working Papers." Information Today 19 (June 2002): Discusses the eScholarship Repository.Digital Imagery for Works of Art: Final report of an invitational workshop sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Harvard University Art Museums, and the National Science Foundation. The Filter, 29 May 2002: Internet news and commentary from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School. (Click on "Current Issue.") June 3, 2002COUNTER: COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources) is an effort by library associations, publisher associations, and other groups to establish electronic resource use reporting standards.Free Online Scholarship Newsletter, 30 May 2002: Interesting news about scholarly electronic publishing. Krebs, Brian. "Judges Strike Down Internet Filtering Law." Washingtonpost.com, 31 May 2002: The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) has been struck down. Any appeal goes to the U.S. Supreme Court. Serials Review 28, no. 1 (2002): Includes "E-journal Package-Content Tracking Services," "Growth, Characteristics, and Distribution Patterns of Chemistry and Biochemistry E-Journals: A Feasibility Study for CUNY Libraries," "Journal Finder: A Solution for Comprehensive and Unmediated Access to Journal Articles," "The OpenURL: An Emerging Standard for Linking," "Qualifications for a Serials Librarian in an Electronic Environment," and other articles. ShelfLife, 30 May 2002: A weekly e-newsletter from RLG. Click on "Read Past Issues" to access the current issue. |
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography > Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog > Weblog Archive (June 2002)
Note: Links in the Weblog are not maintained. The Weblog includes some references that will not appear elsewhere in the bibliography. Copyright © 2002 by Charles W. Bailey, Jr. All Rights Reserved. Bailey, Charles W., Jr. Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography. Houston: University of Houston Libraries, 1996-2004. <URL:http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html>. |