Weblog Archive (July 2006) |
July 31, 2006Next Weblog update on 8/14/06. Arunachalam, Subbiah. "Open Access—Current Developments in India." (2006). Bailey, Charles W., Jr. "The American Library Association and Open Access." DigitalKoans, 23 July 2006. D-Lib Magazine 12, no. 7/8 (2006): Includes "Building a Distributed, Standards-based Repository Federation: The China Digital Museum Project," "The Role of Evidence in Establishing Trust in Repositories," "A Service Framework for Libraries," "WikiD: An OpenURL 1.0 Application," and other articles. EDUCAUSE Review 41, no. 4 (2006): Includes "Lessons for the Future Internet: Learning from the Past" and other articles. Harnad, Stevan. "Dramatic Progress in the Adoption of Open Access Self-Archiving Mandates." Open Access Archivangelism, 28 July 2006. Information Research 11, no. 4 (2006): Includes "Scholarly Use of Information: Graduate Students' Information Seeking Behaviour" and other articles. The Journal of Academic Librarianship 32, no. 4 (2006): Includes "Accessing Digital Libraries: A Study of ARL Members' Digital Projects"; "Identifiers: Unique, Persistent, Global"; and other articles. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 57, no. 9 (2006): Includes "eJournal Interface Can Influence Usage Statistics: Implications for Libraries, Publishers, and Project COUNTER" and other articles. Learned Publishing 19, no. 3 (2006): Includes "On the Tips of Their Tongues: Authors and Their Views on Scholarly Publishing," "Open Archives and Their Impact on Journal Cancellations," "Publishing and Electronic Piracy," "A Wel(l)come Development: Research Funders and Open Access," and other articles. Madison,Michael J. "The Idea of the Law Review: Scholarship, Prestige, and Open Access." (2006). Morrison, Heather. "Economics of Open Access Publishing: Another Look." Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics, 22 July 2006. Suber, Peter. "Self-Archived Chapters in the Neil Jacobs Anthology on OA." Open Access News, 18 July 2006. Webology 3, no. 2 (2006): Includes "Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries" and other articles. July 17, 2006Next Weblog update on 7/31/06. Bailey, Charles W., Jr. "How Can Scholars Retain Copyright Rights?" DigitalKoans, 9 July 2006. ———. "Open Access to Books: The Case of the Open Access Bibliography." DigitalKoans, 3 July 2006. Biomedical Digital Libraries 3 (2006): Includes "Scholarly Communications Program: Force for Change"; "Three Options for Citation Tracking: Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science"; and other articles. Boss, Richard W. "Institutional Repositories." (2006) Data Science Journal 5 (2006): Includes "Data Publication in the Open Access Initiative," "Open Access and Biodiversity Conservation: Changes and Potentials for the Developing World," and other articles. Department of Justice's Task Force on Intellectual Property. Progress Report of the Department of Justice’s Task Force on Intellectual Property. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, 2006. D-Lib Magazine 12, no. 6 (2006): Includes "The Digital Road to Scientific Knowledge Diffusion: A Faster, Better Way to Scientific Progress?"; "Distributed Preservation in a National Context NDIIPP at Mid-Point"; "Metadata Interoperability and Standardization—A Study of Methodology Part I: Achieving Interoperability at the Schema Level"; "Metadata Interoperability and Standardization—A Study of Methodology Part II: Achieving Interoperability at the Record and Repository Levels"; "Metasearch Authentication and Access Management"; and other articles. ECAR Research Bulletin, no. 13 (2006): Includes "Institutional Strategies and Policies for Electronic Theses and Dissertations." The Electronic Library 24, no. 3 (2006): Includes "E-Journals in Korea: The Electronic Site Licence Initiative," "Towards the Digital Library in Africa," and other articles. Felten, Edward W. "Nuts and Bolts of Network Neutrality." (2006) FreePint Newsletter, no. 209 (2006): Includes "On the Verge of Revolution—Open-Access Publishing" and other articles. Gorman, Robert A. Copyright Law, 2nd ed. Washington, DC: Federal Judicial Center, 2006. Harnad, Stevan. "Open Access Self-Archiving Mandates to Re-Route Cash Flow toward Open Access Publishing?" Open Access Archivangelism, 14 July 2006. Information Technology and Libraries 25, no. 2 (2006): Includes "Digital Collection Management through the Library Catalog," "Google Scholar and 100 Percent Availability of Information," "Visualizations for Digital Libraries," and other articles. Interlending & Document Supply 34, no. 2 (2006): Includes "Electronic Journals: Are They Really Used?" and other articles. Jacobs, Neil, ed. Open Access: Key Strategic, Technical and Economic Aspects. Oxford: Chandos, 2006. (Publisher description) Journal of Documentation 62, no. 3 (2006): "Optimising Metadata to Make High-Value Content More Accessible to Google Users" and other articles. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 38, no. 1 (2006): Includes "Digitized Content in the UK Research Library and Archives Sector" and other articles. Leonhardt, Thomas W., ed. Handbook of Electronic and Digital Acquisitions. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, 2006. Library Hi Tech 24, no. 2 (2006): Includes "The CARL Institutional Repositories Project: A Collaborative Approach to Addressing the Challenges of IRs in Canada"; "The CARL Metadata Harvester and Search Service"; "Copyright in the Networked World: Copies in Courses"; "Evolving an In-House System to Integrate the Management of Digital Collections"; "Institutional Repositories: Proposed Indicators of Success"; "Library Digitization Projects, Issues and Guidelines: A Survey of the Literature"; "Towards User Responsive Institutional Repositories: A Case Study"; "University of Waterloo Electronic Theses: Issues and Partnerships"; and other articles. Library Management 27, no. 4/5 (2006): Includes "Institutional Repositories: Review and an Information Systems Perspective" and other articles. Library Review 55, no. 2 (2006): Includes "Digital Librarians: Boundary Riders on the Storm"; "Institutional Repositories, Self-Archiving and the Role of the Library"; and other articles. Library Review 55, no. 6 (2006): Includes "Taking Stock of Open Access: Progress and Issues" and other articles. Litman, Jessica, "The Economics of Open-Access Law Publishing." (2006) Morrison, Heather. "Dramatic Growth June 2006." Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics, 30 June 2006. Muthu, Madhan, Y. Srinivasa Rao, and Shipra Awasthi. "Institutional Repository Enhances Visibility and Prestige of the Institute—The Case of National Institute of Technology, Rourkela." (2006) OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives 22, no. 2 (2006): Includes "Creating an OpenURL Resolver," "The Potential of the Digital Library as a Platform," "Some Considerations When Selecting Digital Library Software," "Storytelling in an Automated Environment: Using Metadata Analysis to Develop Curated Guides to a Digital Image Collection," and other articles. RLG DigiNews 10, no. 3 (2006): Includes "Foundations for a Successful Digital Preservation Program: Discussions from Digital Preservation in State Government: Best Practices Exchange 2006," "RLG Image Services: Where We Are and Where We Are Going," "UBdigit: A Repository Infrastructure for Digital Collections at the University at Buffalo," and other articles. Rogoschewsky, Tanya, comp. Digitization in Saskatchewan and Critical Issues in Its Continuing Development Report of the Digitization Inventory Project. Regina: Saskatchewan Multitype Library Board, 2005. The Royal Society. Factors Affecting Science Communication: A Survey of Scientists and Engineers. London: The Royal Society, 2006. ScieCom Info, no. 2 (2006): Includes "Conference Report: Third Nordic Conference on Scholarly Communication, Lund 24-25 April, 2006" and other articles. Serials Review 32, no. 2 (2006): Includes "Building Publishers' Journal Archives in the Committee on Institutional Cooperation"; "Copyright Knowledge of Faculty at Two Academic Health Science Campuses: Results of a Survey"; "E-Matrix—Choosing to Grow Your Own Electronic Resource Management System"; "Follow the Money!"; "An Overview of Portico: An Electronic Archiving Service"; "The Oxford Journals Online Archives: The Purpose and Practicalities of a Major Print Digitization Program"; "Promoting and Archiving Student Work through an Institutional Repository: Trinity University, LASR, and the Digital Commons"; "Serials Preservation at a Crossroads"; "A Social Model for Archiving Digital Serials: LOCKSS"; "The Weight of E-Collections and Value-Added Services: Revisiting Assumptions and Practices to Meet the Challenge"; and other articles. Slavic & East European Information Resources 7, no. 1 (2006): Includes "Cooperative Digital Initiatives: A Prescription for Success," "The University of California International and Area Studies Digital Collection," and other articles. Suber, Peter. "Open Access in the United States." (2006) Suber, Peter. SPARC Open Access Newsletter, no. 99 (2006): Includes "Open Access Mandate Coming to the NIH," "Open Access Mandates Coming to the RCUK," "Open Access to Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs)," and other articles. Velterop, Jan. "Open Access, Quo Vadis?" The Parachute, 12 July 2006. Verheul, Ingeborg. Networking for Digital Preservation: Current Practice in 15 National Libraries. Munich: K.G. Saur Verlag, 2006. Vine: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems 36, no. 2 (2006): Includes "Alexandria Burned—Securing Knowledge Access in the Age of Google" and other articles. U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science. Mass Digitization: Implications for Information Policy. Washington, DC: U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, 2006. |
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography > Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog > Weblog Archive (July 2006)
Note: Links in the Weblog are not maintained. The Weblog includes some references that will not appear elsewhere in the bibliography. Copyright © 2006 by Charles W. Bailey, Jr. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. Bailey, Charles W., Jr. Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography. Houston: University of Houston Libraries, 1996-2006. <URL:http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html>. |