Proceedings of DigCCurr2009: Digital Curation: Practice, Promise, and Prospects

Helen R. Tibbo has published Proceedings of DigCCurr2009: Digital Curation: Practice, Promise, and Prospects on Lulu.

Here's the ad:

DigCCurr2009 was held on April 1-3, 2009 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina as part of the Preserving Access to Our Digital Future: Building an International Digital Curation Curriculum (DigCCurr) project. DigCCurr is a three-year (2006-2009), Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)-funded project to develop a graduate-level curricular framework, course modules, and experiential components to prepare students for digital curation in various environments. Contributions to DigCCurr2009 take the form of long and short papers, posters and panels. Potential contributions were submitted for peer review by a rich and diverse panel of international experts. Reviewers evaluated the submissions based on clarity and organization of presentation and writing; originality, creativity and potential for new contributions to the field; and engagement (topics addressed would be appropriate for and engaging to the diverse audience of DigCCurr2009 participants).