DigitalKoans Posts will resume on 9/10/2024.
| Artificial Intelligence |
| Research Data Curation and Management Works |
| Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works |
| Open Access Works |
| Digital Scholarship |
DigitalKoans Posts will resume on 9/10/2024.
| Artificial Intelligence |
| Research Data Curation and Management Works |
| Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works |
| Open Access Works |
| Digital Scholarship |
Happy Fourth of July to US readers. DigitalKoans Posts will resume on 7/10/2024.
| Artificial Intelligence |
| Research Data Curation and Management Works |
| Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works |
| Open Access Works |
| Digital Scholarship |
Happy holidays. DigitalKoans posts will resume in mid-January 2024.
| Research Data Publication and Citation Bibliography | Research Data Sharing and Reuse Bibliography | Research Data Curation and Management Bibliography | Digital Scholarship |
Happy holidays. DigitalKoans posts will resume on 1/24/2023.
| Research Data Publication and Citation Bibliography | Research Data Sharing and Reuse Bibliography | Research Data Curation and Management Bibliography | Digital Scholarship |
You may have noticed that some direct job ad links don’t appear to work. This is because the employment system in use, such as PeopleSoft, either requires cookies to be enabled or all privacy settings be off. So, want a job? Forget about browser privacy.
Academic Library as Scholarly Publisher Bibliography, Version 2 | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
FeedBurner has announced that it is ending support for e-mail subscriptions. Consequently, DigitalKoans e-mail subscriptions will be discontinued. The FeedBurner RSS feed will continue to be available: You can also access the regular RSS feed here:
Research Data Curation and Management Bibliography | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
DigitalKoans posts will resume on 4/27/2021.
Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 10 | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
DigitalKoans posts will resume on 2/22/2021.
Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 10 | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
DigitalKoans posts will resume on 1/25/2021. Have a good holiday season and stay safe.
Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 10 | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
DigitalKoans will resume once any power outages or other problems from Hurricane Laura that affect its production are over.
Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 10 | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
In March, I was diagnosed with a severe case of elderly-onset rheumatoid arthritis. Working with three pharmacies, it took a month to get appropriate medications due to an extreme Hydroxychloroquine shortage.
My condition has significantly improved, but it is unpredictable on a day-to-day basis. I’ll be reevaluating the continuation of DigitalKoans on 9/1/2020. Note that I have stopped my regular postings to my LinkedIn Digital Curation group.
I’ve been informed by my hosting service that it is impossible to change Digital Scholarship’s log retention period for my business-level account from daily retention to any longer period. (Hosting service was changed early this year.)
Consequently, here are the final use statistics for Digital Scholarship. From April 2005 through December 2019, Digital Scholarship had over 20 million visitors from 242 Internet country domains, over 100.7 million file requests, and over 76 million page views. Excluding spiders, there were over 12.2 million visitors from 242 Internet country domains, over 59 million file requests, and over 35.9 million page views.
Stay safe and keep up the good work of supporting open access and research data curation.
I anticipate resuming regular weekly DigitalKoans posts on 9/1/2020. In the meantime, irregular postings may occur.
I hope that you and your family will remain safe during the COVID-19 crisis.
I have followed this crisis closely, and I think the importance of open access—especially preprints—has been proven by it. Preprints from China and other countries have helped medical staff around the world to quickly understand the virus. Although the penetration of "Gold" open access journals in the field of medicine has been far from ideal, those Gold journals that do exist have assisted researchers worldwide in their efforts to fight the virus. Moreover, major publishers have temporarily dropped paywalls for works they consider relevant.
From my perspective, the OA movement began in the late 1980's. It has been a protracted struggle against very long odds that owes much to a number of leaders such as Stevan Harnad, Peter Suber, and John Willinsky. While much remains to be done, everyone who has contributed to the movement should be very proud of what they have accomplished to date.
Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap | A Look Back at 30 Years as an Open Access Publisher
It may take some time for a DNS change to propagate across the network, but DigitalKoans and Digital Scholarship are back up.
Happy holidays. DigitalKoans posts will resume on 1/23/2020.
Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 10 | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
DigitalKoans posts will resume on 12/10/2019.
Academic Library as Scholarly Publisher Bibliography | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
2019 marked my 30th year of continuous open access publishing on the Internet and the 14th year of publishing DigitalKoans.
Unfortunately, it also marked the onset of acute episodes of arthritic pains in my hands, which can affect my ability to write DigitalKoans.
So, it's time to make some adjustments. There will be periods of short posts like today's, and there may be brief periods of inactivity that are not announced beforehand.
For those with similar problems, I’d suggest trying the FENIFOX mouse, which is almost flat. After testing a half-dozen low-profile mice, it was the clear winner for me (in spite of having to be charged).
Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 10 | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
DigitalKoans posts will resume on 11/5/2019.
Academic Library as Scholarly Publisher Bibliography | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
DigitalKoans posts will resume on 9/18/2019.
Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 10 PDF | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
DigitalKoans posts will resume on 8/13/2019.
Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 10 PDF | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
DigitalKoans posts will resume on 7/9/2019.
Academic Library as Scholarly Publisher Bibliography | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
DigitalKoans posts will resume on 6/17/2019.
Academic Library as Scholarly Publisher Bibliography | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
DigitalKoans posts will resume on 5/7/2019.
Academic Library as Scholarly Publisher Bibliography | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
DigitalKoans posts will resume on 4/15/2019.
Academic Library as Scholarly Publisher Bibliography | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
DigitalKoans posts will resume on 2/6/2019. Happy holidays.
Academic Library as Scholarly Publisher Bibliography | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
DigitalKoans posts will resume on 12/4/2018.
Academic Library as Scholarly Publisher Bibliography | Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Open Access Works | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap