Last July, I reported on use of the Open Access Bibliography: Liberating Scholarly Literature with E-Prints and Open Access Journals, which is both a printed book and a freely available e-book. Both versions are under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 License. You can get a detailed history at the prior posting; the major changes since then have been the conversion of the HTML version to XHTML and the addition of a Google Custom Search Engine.
So, what does cumulative use of the e-book OAB version look like slightly over one year down the road from the last posting? Here's a summary:
- UH PDF: 29,255 (March through May 2005)
- All Web files on both Digital Scholarship hosts: 192,849 (33,814 uses of the PDF file; June 2005 through July 2007)
- dLIST PDF: 655 (March 2005 to present)
- E-LIS PDF: 556 (November 2005 to present)
- ARL PDF: Not Available
Combined, OAB Web files have been accessed 223,315 times since March 2005.