JISC has released SHERPA DP2: Developing Services for Archiving and Preservation in a Distributed Environment—Final Report.
Here's an excerpt:
The SHERPA DP2 project (2007-2009) was a two year project funded by the JISC under the Digital Preservation and Records Management Programme. The project was led by the Centre for e- Research at King's College London (formerly the Executive of the Arts and Humanities Data Service), which is working with several institutions to develop a preservation service that will cater for the requirements of a diverse range of digital resources and web-based resources. In summary, the project has the following objectives:
- Extend and refine the OAIS-based Shared Services model created for the initial SHERPA DP project to accommodate the requirements of different Content Providers and varied collaborative methods.
- Produce a set of services that will assist with the capture and return of research data stored in distributed locations, building upon existing software tools.
- Expand upon the work processes and software tools developed for SHERPA DP(1) and SOAPI to cater for the curation and preservation of increasingly diverse resource types.