The Stanford University Libraries & Academic Information Resources are recruiting an Associate Director, SULAIR Enterprise Systems & Programming.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The person in this position provides management and oversight of the SULAIR enterprise systems, and provides process leadership in quality assurance and software/systems development and implementation in collaboration with Digital Library Systems and Services (DLSS) and Academic Computing Services (ACS). He/she will work within SULAIR and with other organizations within and outside of the University to ensure compliance with internal and external protocols, maximize efficiencies and synergies in software development, and integrate content, software and functionalities between systems within and outside of our domain.
The position directly manages a course management system (CourseWork, based on Sakai, an open source application), and an integrated library management system (Sirsi’s Symphony). As systems under development mature into enterprise services, it is anticipated that additional components may be added to the scope of this position. Such actions would be taken on a case-by-case basis after consultation with involved parties.
Duties include coordination with other units in SULAIR, with other organizations at Stanford, and with vendors as necessary. Primary engagement will involve work with DLSS on quality assurance and software/systems development involving digital library and digital archive initiatives. The Associate Director will participate in these developments as a QA and software development process lead and, where appropriate, help manage the transition of programs from a development environment to a production environment.