- Making Repositories Mean More: Report on the Fifth International Conference on Open Repositories 2010 http://icio.us/d43nla #
- The Simple Publishing Interface (SPI) http://icio.us/yay4zp #
- Representation and Recognition of Subject Repositories http://icio.us/b1tsvw #
- A Checklist and a Case for Documenting PREMIS-METS Decisions in a METS Profile http://icio.us/m23xod #
- Designing and Implementing Second Generation Digital Preservation Services: A Scalable Model . . . http://icio.us/qpdhmn #
- Q&A : The 'ATM for Books' http://icio.us/wjdla1 #
- Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter, September 2010 http://icio.us/x0zeym #
- Time Travelling at RepoFringe10 http://icio.us/zbp1jm #
- Europe Encourages Re-Use of Public Information http://icio.us/doqput #
- DSpace Global Outreach Committee Update http://icio.us/bkookv #
- The Skinny on Net neutrality (FAQ) http://icio.us/yd50xj #
- "Questionable" Whether Lawyers Can Sue 14,000 P2P Users in 1 court http://icio.us/mfwbxy #