- Google Releases Full Google Glass Explainer Video, http://t.co/V2e6nHwk7b
- Introducing Scientific Data Updates, http://t.co/Idqh3E7EL1
- NLM Releases Extensible Markup Language (XML) for IndexCat Data, http://t.co/UzXWJOf1HG
- The New York Public Library Digital Collections API, http://t.co/7zhBTUusj0
- Comparison of ARC & NHMRC Policies [Australian open access policies], http://t.co/bpJVlkl7mO
Month: April 2013
Current News: DigitalCurationNews Twitter Updates for 4/4/2013
- Nominations Now Open for the 2013 NDSA Innovation Awards, http://t.co/m6lvIHYtsJ
- A Reliable TARDIS for Precious Research Data, http://t.co/b1qHFUQHoe
- An Interview with Heather Piwowar: On Data Archiving, Open Notebook Science, and Discovering Your Impact Flavor, http://t.co/2Sx4rlFXZr
- Information Stewardship in Public-Private Partnerships: Managing Vendor Agreements for Information Services, https://t.co/3MJiCuUfRi
- RDAP13 John Kunze The Data Management Ecosystem [Presentation], http://t.co/l7Mw1NTB0M
Current News: DigitalKoans Twitter Updates for 4/4/13
- Who Owns the Law: Private Ownership of Public Law and How to Stop It, http://t.co/ShxjaTuCcE
- Grimmelmann: ReDigi, Digital First Sale…and Star Trek, http://t.co/oeImHLGov2
- A 3-Step Guide to Getting Started with NoSQL, http://t.co/6bFL6GqUTr
- Dramatic Growth of Open Access 3013 First Quarter: Comparisons, http://t.co/d5L4LBW3J6
- Tablets Expected to Surpass Desktop, Laptop Sales by 2015, http://t.co/qWn5QN8idB
- Latest Download Figures for the Social Sciences Directory, https://t.co/jaE9rtREXN
- Filtering and the First Amendment, http://t.co/p5uEbE38lM
- Stanford U. and edX Will Jointly Build Open-Source Software to Deliver MOOCs, http://t.co/bx3kpilvEg
- Wiley Journals Comply With New Open Access Policies of UK Funders, http://t.co/34r3GjjqjE
Supervisory Information Technology Specialist at Smithsonian Institution
The Smithsonian Institution is recruiting a Supervisory Information Technology Specialist.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
This position is located in the Smithsonian Institution's Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery (FSG), Network Services Division. The incumbent serves as the head of Digital Access and Outreach with responsibility for long-range planning, direction and implementation of the museum's digital strategy. The incumbent reports to the Director of the FSG.
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"New Opportunities for Repositories in the Age of Altmetrics"
Stacy Konkiel and Dave Scherer have published "New Opportunities for Repositories in the Age of Altmetrics" in the latest issue of the Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
Here's an excerpt:
By reporting altmetrics (alternative metrics based on online activity) for their content, institutional repositories can add value to existing metrics—and prove their relevance and importance in an age of growing cutbacks to library services. This article will discuss the metrics that repositories currently deliver and how altmetrics can supplement existing usage statistics to provide a broader interpretation of research-output impact for the benefit of authors, library-based publishers and repository managers, and university administrators alike.
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BitCurator Community Lead at Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities is recruiting a BitCurator Community Lead.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The Community Lead will be responsible for representing the BitCurator project in public contexts; conducting site visits to work with the partner institutions represented on our Professional Experts Panel and Development Advisory Group; promoting BitCurator through social media, online community-building, and at conferences; gathering and analyzing user feedback in conjunction with our developers; creating and maintaining documentation; and working with the project team to develop a long-term sustainability plan for BitCurator's deliverables.
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The Impact of the Supreme Court’s Decision in Kirtsaeng v. Wiley on Libraries
The Library Copyright Alliance has released The Impact of the Supreme Court's Decision in Kirtsaeng v. Wiley on Libraries.
Here's an excerpt:
This paper first provides background on this issue and an overview of the Kirtsaeng litigation. It then summarizes Justice Breyer's majority opinion, Justice Kagan's concurrence, and Justice Ginsburg's dissent, emphasizing the opinions' references to libraries. The paper next discusses the likely arguments of those who may seek to overturn the Court's decision and the shortcomings of those arguments. Finally, the paper concludes that the Supreme Court decision represents a complete victory for libraries, reaffirming the importance of libraries' engagement in policy debates.
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Current News: DigitalKoans Twitter Updates for 4/3/13
- Digital Public Library of America Will Launch on April 18, http://t.co/nK1je1dVIy
- Beyond the PDF 2—Resources and Highlights, http://t.co/8B0VQoEKEv
- We're Not Done with First Sale, http://t.co/L18RlN1VUw
- Automation Marketplace 2013: The Rush to Innovate, http://t.co/Eq3NVknYwx
- Goodreads Acquisition Presents Opportunity for LibraryThing, http://t.co/bLBZqHVK9P
- Ten Questions with the Library Publishing Coalition, http://t.co/5ZuMuueJlQ
Current News: DigitalCurationNews Twitter Updates for 4/3/2013 #digitalpreservation
- Report from Game On! The Challenges of Digital Games Preservation and Why It Matters, http://t.co/7VOEbjntOA
- Beyond the PDF 2–Resources and Highlights, http://t.co/uW9C7CjSUT
- Re-tailoring FITS, http://t.co/e5dO3T03wR
- Software Archiving for EaaS, http://t.co/JCzSbXV3mQ
- The Metadata Games Crowdsourcing Toolset for Libraries & Archives: An Interview with Mary Flanagan, http://t.co/NpCLhESZDD
| Digital Scholarship | DigitalCurationNews | Digital Curation & Digital Preservation Posts |
Associate Director, Library Applications and Knowledge Systems at Health Sciences and Human Services Library at University of Maryland
The Health Sciences and Human Services Library at the University of Maryland is recruiting an Associate Director, Library Applications and Knowledge Systems.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
Reporting to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs/Executive Director Health Sciences and Human Services Library (HS/HSL), this newly created faculty position will provide leadership for the library's applications, knowledge systems, and new and emerging technologies, integrating the resources, services and programs of the HS/HSL. Working in a highly collaborative library and campus environment, the Associate Director for Library Applications and Knowledge Systems will manage 6.5 staff consisting of an internal library network administrator, web developers, support staff, and an instructional technology/design team.
"A Pilot Using OverDrive: E-lending in Academic Law Libraries"
Nina E. Scholtz has published "A Pilot Using OverDrive: E-lending in Academic Law Libraries" in the latest issue of AALL Spectrum.
Here's an excerpt:
With these increasing signs of a strong future for e-books, and possibly for e-lending as well, in spring 2012 Cornell University Law Library decided to pilot OverDrive for the Cornell Law School community. . . .
Exploring the future of e-book lending was a natural fit for us. And by embarking on a pilot of the OverDrive service, we could test the waters of e-lending in a cost-efficient way that would not be prohibitive in terms of staff time and library resources. The service would allow us to see specifically how our users would respond to an e-lending program. The library had already successfully introduced a popular small-print reading collection. Trying out an online component to this simple but well-liked outreach program seemed like a logical progression. With these thoughts in mind, in June 2012 we signed a contract with OverDrive for a one-year pilot period.
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Associate Dean for University Libraries Information Technology Services at Western Michigan University Libraries
Western Michigan University Libraries are recruiting an Associate Dean for University Libraries Information Technology Services.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
Western Michigan University (WMU) Libraries seeks an innovative and collaborative leader to serve as Associate Dean for the Libraries Information Technology Services. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to lead strategic and sustained technological innovations, and to coordinate their operations and assessment. The Associate Dean will play a key role in improving collaborative user-focused information technology services that contribute to the success of WMU students, faculty, and staff through continuous evaluation of their impact and value in supporting the University's mission, its evolving academic programs, research interests and user needs.
Ocean Data Publication Cookbook
UNESCO has released the Ocean Data Publication Cookbook.
Here's an excerpt:
This "Cookbook" has been written for data managers and librarians who are interested in assigning a permanent identifier to a dataset for the purposes of publishing that dataset online and for the citation of that dataset within the scientific literature. A formal publishing process adds value to the dataset for the data originators as well as for future users of the data. Value may be added by providing an indication of the scientific quality and importance of the dataset (as measured through a process of peer review), and by ensuring that the dataset is complete, frozen and has enough supporting metadata and other information to allow it to be used by others. Publishing a dataset also implies a commitment to persistence of the data and allows data producers to obtain academic credit for their work in creating the datasets. One form of persistent identifier is the Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
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Current News: DigitalKoans Twitter Updates for 4/2/2013
- What the Internet Looked Like in 1995, http://t.co/FyAQUYoaer
- Browzine: Academic Journals on Your Tablet, http://t.co/jQBDDX0Jmu
- From Books to Bits: Library of Congress Electronic Literature Showcase Highlights Emerging Literary Forms, http://t.co/XMGwbsv53R
- 'Aaron's Law' Rewrite Backfires, Reformers Now on Defensive, http://t.co/ESkZPDt4qF
- US Court Rules TV Streaming Service Does Not Violate Copyright Law, http://t.co/GVLNNGLMQs
- No Resale for Digital Music, http://t.co/gsuU2Qf6m5
- ARTstor to Help Launch the Digital Public Library of America, http://t.co/jh0mtW3Y4x
- Gary King and Stuart Shieber on Open Access [Video], http://t.co/TUQrKKv2eX
- Amazon Turns Cloud Drive into a Dropbox Rival with File Syncing, http://t.co/FMeK4RsaRK
ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2010-2011
The Association of Research Libraries has released ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2010-2011 (print: $135; $65 for ARL members; online: $170).
Here's an excerpt from the announcement:
In 2010-2011, the reporting law libraries held a median of 370,485 volumes, spent a total of $216,677,517, and employed 1,987 FTE staff. Expenditures for materials and staff accounted for the bulk of total expenditures, at approximately 46% for each of the two categories. Respondents reported spending a total of $25,469,277 for electronic materials, or a median of almost 28% of their total materials budgets; this includes a total of $22,185,942 for electronic serials.
| Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Publications Overview | Sitemap |
Programmer/Analyst at Columbia University Libraries
Columbia University Libraries are recruiting a Programmer/Analyst.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
Columbia University Libraries seeks an enthusiastic programmer / analyst to work on a variety of important, innovative knowledge applications and to help maintain and develop Columbia's overall digital library infrastructure. The incumbent will work collaboratively with programmers, analysts and designers—as well as faculty and library specialists—on projects such as: Columbia's long-term digital archiving service, custom research portals, search and retrieval interfaces and repository-based scholarly publishing systems.
ARL Academic Health Sciences Library Statistics 2010-2011
The Association of Research Libraries has released ARL Academic Health Sciences Library Statistics 2010-2011 (print: $135; $65 for ARL members; online: $170).
Here's an excerpt from the announcement:
In 2010–2011, the reporting health sciences libraries held a median of 217,811 volumes, spent a total of $240,675,218, and employed 1,977 FTE staff. Expenditures for materials and staff accounted for the bulk of total expenditures, at approximately 52% and 38% respectively. Respondents reported spending a total of $101,124,356 for electronic materials, or a median of almost 89% of their total materials budgets; this includes a total of $97,504,002 for electronic serials.
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Digital Initiatives Librarian at Wake Forest’s Z. Smith Reynolds Library
Wake Forest's Z. Smith Reynolds Library is recruiting a Digital Initiatives Librarian.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The Digital Initiatives Librarian will develop, coordinate, and guide a formal program designed to cover the wide range of digital needs that span the academic and administrative domains of the University. This person will develop a digital initiatives program framework that includes developing policies, planning and implementing workflows, prioritizing projects and building productive partnerships with internal and external collaborators. Key internal partners include the Library's Special Collections, Scholarly Communication, and Technology Team. External partners include WFU Digital Publishing, the WFU Digital Humanities initiative, and other University faculty, staff and units.
How to Develop Research Data Management Services—A Guide for HEIs
The Digital Curation Centre has released How to Develop Research Data Management Services—A Guide for HEIs.
Here's an excerpt:
The purpose of this guide is to help institutions understand the key aims and issues associated with planning and implementing research data management (RDM) services. It explains the components and processes of RDM services and describes the roles and responsibilities of those who will deliver and use them.
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Current News: DigitalCurationNews Twitter Updates for 4/1/2013
- Choosing JPEG 2000: The Growing Choice for Master File Format, http://t.co/qcQ4BfFQTf
- A Month of FITS, http://t.co/4gE2sKRoFA
- First Aid on the Front Lines: Immediate Training Needs, http://t.co/cB2wvYSYME
- Defining Institutional Data Storage Requirements, http://t.co/L2AS9oYbwI
Programmer/Analyst, Digital Media Services, Libraries at Indiana University Libraries
Indiana University Libraries are recruiting a Programmer/Analyst, Digital Media Services, Libraries.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
Performs software design, programming, database administration, and other tasks required for the ongoing maintenance and enhancement of Library Technologies (LT) software systems, primarily in support of digital media (audio and video) online services delivery.
Is the Future of Preservation Cloudy? (Dagstuhl Seminar 12472)
Weitere Beteiligte, Erik Elmroth, Michael Factor, Ethan Miller, and Margo Seltzer have self-archived Is the Future of Preservation Cloudy? (Dagstuhl Seminar 12472) in DROPS.
Here's an excerpt:
This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 12472 "Is the Future of Preservation Cloudy?". Our seminar was composed of a series of panels structured as a series of brief presentations followed by an open discussion. The seminar started with a session introducing key concepts and definitions and illuminating the vast array of perspectives from which attendees were addressing issues of cloud and preservation. We them proceeded into a discussion of requirements from different types of communities and a subsequent discussion on how to protect the data and ensure its integrity and reliability. We next considered issues related to cloud infrastructure, in particular related to management of the bits and logical obsolescence. We also considered the economics of preservation and the ability to reuse knowledge. In addition to these pre-planned panels, we had three breakout sessions that were identified by the participants: automated appraisal, design for forgetting, and PaaS/SaaS for data preservation. After the executive summary, we present summaries of the panels and reports on the breakout sessions, followed by brief abstracts from a majority of the seminar participants describing the material they presented in the panels.
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Electronic Resources Metadata and Discovery Librarian at Ohio State University Libraries
Ohio State University Libraries are recruiting an Electronic Resources Metadata and Discovery Librarian.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The Electronic Resources Metadata Discovery Librarian will work in a highly collaborative organization to create and implement innovative approaches that provide support for the bibliographic control and metadata related to electronic resources of all types, with a focus on e-books and databases.
"Fair Use & Mass Digitization: The Future of Copy-Dependent Technologies after Authors Guild v. Hathitrust"
Angel Siegfried Diaz has self-archived "Fair Use & Mass Digitization: The Future of Copy-Dependent Technologies after Authors Guild v. Hathitrust" in SSRN.
Here's an excerpt from:
This note discusses the future of digital libraries and other products reliant on mass digitization in the wake of the Hathitrust decision. First, this note presents an overview of U.S. copyright protection and the ways in which its goal of incentivizing authors has consistently been balanced by efforts to protect preservation, access, and fair use. . . .
Second, this note discusses the trial court opinion in Authors Guild v. Hathitrust and the court's fair use finding regarding the full-text search index and copies for the print disabled. . . .
Third, this note discusses the Hathitrust decision's effect on the future of the Google Books case and argues that the fair use ruling paves the road for a similar finding while also giving Google leverage in its ongoing settlement negotiations. . . .
Fourth, after exploring the judicial efforts to protect useful technologies as a matter of public policy, this note explores legislative solutions that would better advance copyright's goals of promoting education, research, preservation, and access.
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