DataCite is recruiting a Community Engagement and Support Officer for THOR Project.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The Community Engagement and Support Officer will head communication, outreach, and training efforts for DataCite activities related to the THOR project. The successful candidate will work with a diverse community of researchers, libraries, data centres, publishers and research funders to promote the uptake of PIDs for data sharing and citation. This will be achieved by providing multi-faceted outreach and training opportunities for a diverse community of users. Specific activities include:
- engage with a dynamic community of thought leaders to guide and work collaboratively with ORCID to deliver THOR's communication plan in this rapidly changing data driven research environment;
- create effective and compelling outreach and training materials for THOR partners, the diverse DataCite community, and the broader community of stakeholders; and
- plan and deliver webinars, workshops and events designed to inform and educate the diverse network of stakeholders relevant to THOR and DataCite.
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