After the Goldman Ruling DigitalKoans Will No Longer Use Twitter Directly

After further consideration of the Goldman ruling, DigitalKoans will no longer tweet directly in Twitter. If embedding a tweet with an image in a web page can be infringing, it stands to reason that embedding a third-party image in a tweet itself can be infringing. It is not possible to stop Twitter from embedding content, including images, in tweets. It is possible to do so by first creating a WordPress post that then creates a tweet, which is what will be done starting now.

These "tweets" will include no content from the linked item unless it is under an appropriate Creative Commons license or it is in the public domain.

Read more about it: “A Ruling Over Embedded Tweets Could Change Online Publishing.”

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Digital Curation News (2/19/2018) #digitalcuration #digitalpreservation #datamanagement #researchdata #rdm

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