"Data Librarianship: A Path and an Ethic. A Conversation between Thomas Padilla and Vicky Steeves"

Thomas Padilla and Vicky Steeves have published "Data Librarianship: A Path and an Ethic. A Conversation between Thomas Padilla and Vicky Steeves" in dh+lib.

I think a lot about the corporate capture of the scholarly record, and how my work in data management and reproducibility can either contribute to or disrupt that. With the rise of reproducibility as a buzzword, there are plenty of commercial entities ready to profit from so-called 'reproducibility platforms'. This represents yet another corporate capture of scholarship. I try to disrupt this by advocating for community-run, open source software for reproducibility, such as ReproZip (which I work on), o2r, and Binder. The same goes for data management platforms. We're seeing a lot of new data services springing up from major publishers and this is also something I am actively trying to combat.

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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.