"Current Trends and Goals in the Development of Makerspaces at New England College and Research Libraries"

Ann Marie Lynn Davis has published "Current Trends and Goals in the Development of Makerspaces at New England College and Research Libraries" in Information Technology and Libraries.

Here's an excerpt:

This study investigates why and which types of college and research libraries (CRLs) are currently developing Makerspaces (or an equivalent space) for their communities. Based on an online survey and phone interviews with a sample population of CRLs in New England, the investigator found that more than two dozen (26) CRLs had or were in the process of developing a Makerspace in this region. In addition, a number of other CRLs were actively engaged in promoting and diffusing the Maker ethos. Of these libraries, most were motivated to promote open access to new technologies, literacies, and STEM-related knowledge.

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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.