Paywall — Nearly 9 Out of 10 Covid Deaths in October Were People 65 or Older: "COVID Deaths Skew Older, Reviving Questions about ‘Acceptable Loss’"

The proportion of deaths among those 65 or older has fluctuated from eight out of 10 in the first few months of the pandemic, to a low of 6 out of 10 when the delta wave struck in the summer of 2021, to a high of 9 out of 10 today. . . . Last month [October], people 85 and older represented 41.4 percent of deaths, those 75 to 84 were 30 percent of deaths, and those 65 to 74 were 17.5 percent of deaths, according to a Post analysis. All told, the 65-plus age group accounted for nearly 90 percent of covid deaths in the United States despite being only 16 percent of the population.

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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.