The National PID Strategies Working Group was endorsed to explore how Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) form part of national policy and research infrastructure implementation frameworks. . . .
The findings of the 18 months of the WG have been that:
- National PID strategies are on the rise, evidenced in the case studies collected by the WG and the growing momentum of discussions at RDA Plenaries and other international fora.
- The development of national PID strategies is a relatively new phenomenon and many countries are in the very early stages. In fact, many have more of a national approach that they are seeking to transform into a strategy.
- All national PID strategies are currently in development and therefore subject to a high degree of change. During the course of the WG, nine case studies were collected and several of these needed to be updated prior to the Group’s final output due to changes that had taken place in those countries.
- There is no single "cookie cutter" approach to developing a national PID strategy. Critical components include:
- A clear value proposition with use cases
- A group or organisation that is responsible for driving strategy development
- An open, inclusive, iterative process that involves all stakeholders
- An accompanying roadmap that outlines practical steps for implementation
- International PID providers such as ORCID and DataCite have begun to actively engage with national PID strategies and the RDA National PID Strategies WG provides a focal point for furthering this engagement.
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