Digital Video of the Age of Open Access: New Paradigm for Universities and Researchers Session

The Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences has released a digital video of the Age of Open Access: New Paradigm for Universities and Researchers session at Concordia University. (No audio during first 48 seconds.)

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Significant technological advances in recent years have made research more accessible than ever. Funding agencies now require researchers to make their findings accessible in open access journals, which have grown significantly in number. Universities everywhere are adopting policies mandating their researchers to post a copy of their published work on institutional repositories accessible to the public. These changes in the way scholarly content is made available are raising the many questions that will be the focus of this panel discussion. What challenges are facing universities that want to promote greater accessibility to their faculties research? What support and infrastructure are necessary for the journals to continue to survive (or better still, thrive) in this new environment? What are the choices and challenges facing researchers interested in advancing their research?

Join moderator Guy Berthiaume (Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec) at this panel discussion with John Willinsky (Stanford University), Michael Geist (University of Ottawa), Heather Joseph (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, Washington), and Gerald Beasley (Concordia University).

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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.