- The Google Appeal: Is There a Class?, http://t.co/ROIEbHD1
- Fair Use(-ful), http://t.co/ojbHUziX
- Loughborough's Department of Information Science to Close, http://t.co/Ul8vuzE8
- Tablet Use, E-book Sales Grow Beyond Amazon, Nook, http://t.co/lYFMIWx1
- WIPO Committee Finishes a Step Closer to Treaty for Visually Impaired, http://t.co/B5dXRgjW
- A Better Way to Manage Your Research Outputs, http://t.co/t1JwE08C
- CC-BY Reflects a Small Subset of Open Access. Claims of "Emerging Consensus" on CC-BY Are Premature, http://t.co/VskthFSW