Crystal Hampson has published "The Adoption of Open Access Funds among Canadian Academic Research Libraries, 2008-2012" in Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research.
Here's an excerpt:
To examine academic libraries' responses to OA publishing charges, this article explores the adoption of OA funds among Canadian academic research libraries from 2008 to 2012 by analyzing results from a series of previously published surveys. The findings are then examined in light of Everett Rogers' Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) to consider the question of whether or not OA funds are becoming a standard service in Canadian academic research institutions. Adoption in Canada is briefly compared to that in the United States and United Kingdom. The paper concludes that, as of 2012, OA funds were becoming common but were not a standard service in Canadian academic research libraries and that libraries were actively participating in the development of OA funding models.
Digital Scholarship | "A Quarter-Century as an Open Access Publisher"