- Sustainable Digitalization of Cultural Heritage-Report on Initiatives and Projects in Brandenburg, Germany
- How to Curate Research Data: An 8 Step Guide with Incentives to Collaborate (Presentation)
- Breaking Boundaries—Videos Now Online ("research data through the eyes of the archives, records management, and research data management communities.")
- Making the Switch from User to User AND contributor: My First File Format Signature
- Refining the Concept of Scientific Inference When Working with Big Data: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief (2016)
- MEMSO Shell ("a digital curation and publishing platform for archives and historical projects of any size.")
- Memento at W3C
- DPTP: Web Archiving 101 Course (London, 10/17/16)
- PRUNE: A Preserving Run Environment for Reproducible Computing
- PIDapalooza ("a two-day Persistent Identifier festival," 11/9/16, Reykjavík)
- Digital Preservation Librarian at Pennsylvania State University
- State of the Art Report on Open Access Publishing of Research Data in the Humanities
Digital Curation and Digital Preservation Works | Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 5 | Digital Curation Bibliography: Preservation and Stewardship of Scholarly Works and Supplement | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap