"Libraries and Museums Advance the Digital Humanities: New Grant Opportunity"

IMLS has released "Libraries and Museums Advance the Digital Humanities: New Grant Opportunity."

Here's an excerpt:

Through Libraries and Museums Advance the Digital Humanities, IMLS will be able to support innovative collaborations between museum or library professionals and humanities professionals to advance the preservation of, access to, use of, and engagement with, digital collections and services. Through this partnership, IMLS and NEH will jointly fund Digital Humanities Advancement Grant projects (link is external) that involve collaborations with museums and/or libraries in support of the National Digital Platform effort.

These projects will advance the IMLS mission of improving broad public access to knowledge, cultural heritage, and lifelong learning. Through this partnership, IMLS funds will support Level I and II projects that involve collaborations with museums and/or libraries. Level I projects (from $5,000 to $40,000) are small grants designed to fund exploratory sessions, workshops, early alpha-level prototypes, and initial planning. Level II projects (from $40,001 to $75,000) can be used for more fully-formed projects that are ready to begin implementation or demonstrate proofs of concept.

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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.