Library of Congress Launches Digital Preservation Podcast Series

The Library of Congress has launched a digital preservation podcast series.

Here's an excerpt from the press release:

The Library of Congress presents a new podcast series, featuring interviews with prominent digital preservation practitioners and thought leaders. These podcasts offer a chance to hear experts talk about their lessons learned and goals for future projects.

The debut podcasts are interviews with Patricia Cruse and Martin Halbert. Cruse is the director of the California Curation Center, formerly known as the California Digital Library's Digital Preservation Program. She talks about her professional achievements and personal interest in making government information widely available to the public. Halbert is the newly appointed dean of libraries at the University of North Texas and one of the co-founders of the MetaArchive Cooperative. In his podcast he talks about institutional collaboration and how pooling resources helped build large-scale online resources such as the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database.

The podcasts are available on the Library of Congress website and by subscription through iTunesU.

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Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.