- An Open Source Infrastructure For Preserving Large Collections of Digital Objects: The SCAPE Project at the Austrian National Library [Presentation]
- Open Data and the Academy: An Evaluation of CKAN for Research Data Management
- Content Matters Interview: An Interview with David McClure of the Neatline Project
- SCAPE 2nd Year Review
Author: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Head of Library Application Support at Emory University Libraries
Emory University Libraries are recruiting a Head of Library Application Support.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The Head of Library Application Support contributes to the continuous improvement, extension, and integration of the Library's various systems and increasingly sophisticated search tools, including the Library catalog, discovery layer, Library website, ERM, knowledge base management, institutional repository, and other digital delivery platforms in support of faculty and student teaching and learning and research and scholarship.
"Economics of Scholarly Communication in Transition"
Heather Morrison has published "Economics of Scholarly Communication in Transition" in the latest issue of First Monday.
Here's an excerpt:
Academic library budgets are the primary source of revenue for scholarly journal publishing. There is more than enough money in the budgets of academic libraries to fund a fully open access scholarly journal publishing system. Seeking efficiencies, such as a reasonable average cost per article, will be key to a successful transition. This article presents macro level economic data and analysis illustrating the key factors and potential for cost savings.
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Executive Director of Digital Scholarship Services at Rice University’s Fondren Library
Rice University's Fondren Library is recruiting an Executive Director of Digital Scholarship Services.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
Rice University, a private university located in Houston, Texas, is seeking a highly motivated professional to serve as the Executive Director of Digital Scholarship Services. This position is responsible for the oversight and management of scholarly communications, the institutional repository, the Digital Media Commons, the Kelley Center for Government Information & Microforms, and the GIS/Data Center. The Executive Director of DSS will work with faculty on digital projects and collaborate in securing grant funding to support digital library and digital humanities research. Serving as the Principal Investigator on grants, the Executive Director will be responsible for the overall management of grant-funded activities in DSS. The position may occasionally involve collaborative teaching with faculty for Rice courses that address the use of digital technologies in scholarship. The position reports to the Vice Provost and University Librarian and is a member of the Fondren Library's Executive Committee.
John P. Culshaw Named University Librarian at University of Iowa
John P. Culshaw has been named University Librarian at the University of Iowa.
Here's an excerpt from the announcement:
Culshaw joined the university libraries at CU-Boulder in 1991 as central reference librarian. From 1996 to 2008, he oversaw the libraries' Systems Department, providing leadership and direction for information technology, media, and web services. In 2008 he was appointed associate director for administrative services. His position was renamed senior associate dean of libraries in 2011.
As senior associate dean, Culshaw provides administrative and budgetary leadership for libraries that have an annual budget of $20.9 million and staff in six physical locations.
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DigitalCurationNews (6/3/2013) #digitalpreservation
- Preserving.exe: Toward a National Strategy for Preserving Software [Presentations]
- Webinar Recording Available: "Using the DuraCloud Service to Archive Content in Glacier"
- When Archival Description Meets Digital Object Metadata: A Typological Study of Digital Archival Representation [in American Archivist]
- Research Associate (Digital Preservation), King's College London
Current News: DigitalKoans Twitter Updates for 6/3/2013
- Rise of 'Altmetrics' Revives Questions about How to Measure Impact of Research, http://t.co/t8kXiITcza
- Duke Classics Scholar Finds Another Home in the Library, http://t.co/sz6fTWgRan
- Lions and Tiger and Bears, OA, or, Scaring the Children, Part 1, http://t.co/UF0PkrJX7l
- California Open Access Legislation Clears Latest Hurdle, http://t.co/S81tPVaDxx
- Research Funders Propose Steps to Promote Open Access, http://t.co/A6Wc85IEMI
Digital Applications Librarian at Oregon State University Libraries
The Oregon State University are recruiting a Digital Applications Librarian.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
Reporting to the Heads of Emerging Technologies & Services and the Center for Digital Scholarship & Services, the Digital Applications Librarian develops and maintains technical infrastructure for digital library/repository preservation services. In support of the OSU research enterprise, excellence in teaching, and the Land Grant mission of the University, the Librarian is responsible for designing, developing, testing, and deploying new technologies, tools, and resources to extend and enhance digital content and services, and developing application programming interfaces (APIs) to facilitate multiple submission and discovery tools. Provides leadership and guidance for Oregon State University Libraries & Press on existing and emerging technologies including digital repository, discovery and preservation systems.
"Making Research Data Repositories Visible: The re3data.org Registry"
Heinz Pampel et al. have self-archived "Making Research Data Repositories Visible: The re3data.org Registry" in PeerJ PrePrints.
Here's an excerpt:
Researchers require infrastructures that ensure a maximum of accessibility, stability and reliability to facilitate working with and sharing of research data. Such infrastructures are being increasingly summarized under the term Research Data Repositories (RDR). The project re3data.org—Registry of Research Rata Repositories has begun to index research data repositories in 2012 and offers researchers, funding organizations, libraries and publishers an overview of the heterogeneous research data repository landscape. Information icons help researchers to easily identify an adequate repository for the storage and reuse of their data. This article describes the RDR landscape, outlines the practicality of re3data.org as a service, and shows how this service helps to find research data.
Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Publications Overview | Sitemap
Data Management Services Librarian at Ohio State University Libraries
The Ohio State University Libraries are recruiting a Data Management Services Librarian.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The Data Management Services Librarian will lead the Libraries' initiatives to assist faculty and students in managing the lifecycle of data resulting from research projects of all types, and develop a data services program to support use, curation and reuse of data. The position will catalyze progress in data management by engaging with the research practices of faculty and students and through positioning services and expertise at appropriate points in the research process. The successful candidate for this position will engage the campus in broader conversations around e-science and e-scholarship and will forge new collaborations and relationships that extend the Libraries' capacity to support the University's interdisciplinary initiatives. The librarian selected will collaborate with the Geospatial Information Librarian, the Digital Humanities Librarian, the Head of Digital Content Services, and Head of Digital Initiatives in order to develop an integrated set of data services supporting individual researchers and scholars as well as departmental or cross-institutional research teams. The position will initially focus on social sciences and humanities research data.
"The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer: The Effect of Open Access on Cites to Science Journals Across the Quality Spectrum"
Mark J. McCabe and Christopher M. Snyder have self-archived "The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer: The Effect of Open Access on Cites to Science Journals Across the Quality Spectrum" in SSRN.
Here's an excerpt:
An open-access journal allows free online access to its articles, obtaining revenue from fees charged to submitting authors. Using panel data on science journals, we are able to circumvent some problems plaguing previous studies of the impact of open access on citations. We find that moving from paid to open access increases cites by 8% on average in our sample, but the effect varies across the quality of content. Open access increases cites to the best content (top-ranked journals or articles in upper quintiles of citations within a volume) but reduces cites to lower-quality content. We construct a model to explain these findings in which being placed on a broad open-access platform can increase the competition among articles for readers' attention. We can find structural parameters allowing the model to fit the quintile results quite closely.
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DigitalKoans Posts Resume on 6/3/2013
DigitalKoans posts will resume on 6/3/2013.
Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Publications Overview | Sitemap
DigitalCurationNews (5/10/2013) #digitalpreservation
- Dr. Helen Tibbo Receives IMLS Grant for CRADLE project
- JMLA Review: Digital Curation Bibliography: Preservation and Stewardship of Scholarly Works
- Skills for the Future: Educational Opportunities for Digital Curation Professionals
- Digital Stewardship Education at the Graduate School of Library & Information Science, Simmons College
- Bridging By Design: The Curation and Management of Digital Assets Specialization at the University of Maryland
- Balancing the Books: The Economics of Digital Curation Training & Education
- The Digital Content Management Curriculum
- Extending the Reach of Digital Preservation Practice
- Infusing Digital Curation Competencies into the SLIS Curriculum
- 'DIY' Research Data Management Training Kit for Librarians
- Mainstreaming Digital Curation: An Overview of Activity in the UK Archives and Records Management Profession
- A Tale of Two Countries: Digital Curation Education in Malta and New Zealand
- Learning Hands-on and by Trial & Error with Data Curation Profiles
- Fifty Digital Preservation Activities You Can Do
Current News: DigitalKoans Twitter Updates for 5/10/2013
- White Houses Issues Important Executive Order on Open Government Data, http://t.co/IB47JkrWxd
- California Open Access Bill Clears Committee, http://t.co/iQVqVweGAB
- Amazon Working on a 3D Phone, http://t.co/gxHbbnxu8p
- New Bipartisan Bill Proposes Real Fixes to Bad Copyright Law, https://t.co/IAFVGXs0gD
- Senator John McCain Pushes to End the Cable Bundle, http://t.co/AfEYrhqqhl
- New Privacy Bill Requires Apps to Disclose How They Share Personal Data, http://t.co/mGJ5hHrWq1
- Viewing Cached Copyrighted Content Isn't Infringing, UK Supreme Court Says, http://t.co/wg3DzSI7ck
Associate University Librarian for Information Resources and Scholarly Communication at Wilfrid Laurier University Libraries
Wilfrid Laurier University Libraries are recruiting an Associate University Librarian for Information Resources and Scholarly Communication.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The AUL IRSC provides library-wide leadership,management, policy and planning responsibility in the areas of Information Resources, Metadata Initiatives, Scholarly Communication, Data and Government Information and Assessment and Evaluation, with an emphasis in advancing digital initiatives and services.
"Educational Fair Use Brief in Support of Georgia State University on Behalf of Amici Curiae Academic Authors and Legal Scholars"
David R. Hansen et al. have self-archived "Educational Fair Use Brief in Support of Georgia State University on Behalf of Amici Curiae Academic Authors and Legal Scholars" in SSRN.
Here's an excerpt:
In this case, Plaintiff Publishers accuse GSU and its faculty of violating their copyrights through this practice. But, as the district court correctly found, such uses are fair, especially because they primarily use factual information to promote the purposes of education and teaching, the amount taken was reasonable in light of its purpose, and because Plaintiffs' evidence of a cognizable copyright market harm was speculative at best. However, the district court erred when it incorrectly concluded that these uses are not transformative. Using an unduly narrow definition of the concept, it failed to consider how educators repurpose scholarly works in productive ways that bring new meaning to and understanding of the works used.
As scholars and educators who produce and repurpose such works, amici urge this Court to affirm that these uses constitute a transformative use under the first fair use factor, and to reaffirm the findings under the other factors that these uses are fair. A finding of fair use in this case not only furthers the underlying goals of scholarship and education – access to knowledge – but also the very purposes of the Copyright Act itself.
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Coordinator, Information Technology at Iowa City Public Library
The Iowa City Public Library is recruiting a Coordinator, Information Technology .
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The Iowa City Public Library seeks an Information Technology Coordinator to manage all aspects of library technology including online library systems, productivity systems, internet access, website, access cable channel, telephone and other IT hardware, software and networks. Manages all aspects of library technology supporting both staff and public. Participates in ongoing library management. Functional direction is exercised over permanent and temporary staff assigned to work in the IT department. Directly supervises five staff. Assists in the development of the budget and makes recommendations for purchases, capital items or additional employees during the annual budget process.
"Trends in Image Use by Historians and the Implications for Librarians and Archivists"
Valerie Harris and Peter Hepburn have published "Trends in Image Use by Historians and the Implications for Librarians and Archivists" in the latest issue of College & Research Libraries.
Here's an excerpt:
For years, libraries have offered reproduction services to users, with historians being the core audience. More recently, archives and special collections have developed digitization programs to make primary sources widely available through the Internet. The authors tracked image use from 2000 through 2009 in journals from the discipline of history to discover whether use of images has increased with the growing availability of digital images through libraries, or from social media sites such as Flickr. The study discusses the results, which show no increase in the inclusion of images in the literature, and the implications for librarians and archivists.
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Current News: DigitalKoans Twitter Updates for 5/8/2013
- Google, Authors Guild Back in Court, http://t.co/00f38eO0TY
- Finding Out Who Your Friends Are [Georgia State University copyright case], http://t.co/N34oUb3gM1
- IFLA Builds Its New Repository with EPrints Services, http://t.co/QkEFvjU6Wn
- Google Glass: What Do You Want to Know about Google's Internet Eyewear?, http://t.co/7NLXMMZcJ9
- Intellectual Property Owners Association Against Helping the Blind Because It Would 'Set a Dangerous Precedent', http://t.co/J2AK3i1qdC
- Providing Context to Article-Level Metrics, http://t.co/7UpENsz2Um
DigitalCurationNews (5/8/2013) #digitalpreservation
- ICPN Webinar: "Identifying and Selecting Content for Digital Preservation" [Video]
- The APTrust [Academic Preservation Trust] Architecture Presentation
- British Library Digital Preservation Strategy (2013-2016)
- Digital Curation: Creating an Environment for Success (SAA course)
- Historicizing the Digital for Digital Preservation Education: An Interview with Alison Langmead and Brian Beaton
Web Application Programmer/Analyst, Digital Library Applications at Indiana University Libraries
Indiana University Libraries are recruiting a Web Application Programmer/Analyst, Digital Library Applications.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
Performs software design, programming, database administration, and other tasks required for the ongoing maintenance and enhancement of Library Technologies (LT) software systems, primarily in support of web-based digital content delivery.
"Remarkable Growth of Open Access in the Biomedical Field: Analysis of PubMed Articles from 2006 to 2010"
Keiko Kurata, Tomoko Morioka, Keiko Yokoi, and Mamiko Matsubayash have published the "Remarkable Growth of Open Access in the Biomedical Field: Analysis of PubMed Articles from 2006 to 2010" in PLOS One.
Here's an excerpt:
This study clarifies the trends observed in open access (OA) in the biomedical field between 2006 and 2010, and explores the possible explanations for the differences in OA rates revealed in recent surveys. . . .
OA articles in the biomedical field have more than a 50% share. OA has been achieved through OAJs. The reason why the OA rates in our surveys are different from those in recent surveys seems to be the difference in sampling methods and verification procedures.
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Web Specialist at University of Nevada, Reno Libraries
The University of Nevada, Reno Libraries are recruiting a Web Specialist.
Here's an excerpt from the ad:
The position is responsible for the ongoing technical management, updating, and repair of all server-side and client-side code on which the libraries' website is built. This includes routine maintenance and content upkeep, as well as design and quality assurance activities. The position maintains public access to the databases underlying the libraries' various web services. The position works closely with the Web Development Librarian to implement new aspects of the website, such as new pages, new functionalities, and new design.
Research Data Management in Practice
The Australian National Data Service has released Research Data Management in Practice.
Here's an excerpt:
ANDS has commissioned this "Research Data Management Practice Guide" as a practical starting point that focuses on the 'Why' and 'How' of good data and risk management, with plenty of references for further reading for readers who need more detail. . . .
The Practice Guide is aimed at research administrators in the e-research space, providing them with an overview for the planning and operations of sharing research data, thereby creating better opportunities for data re-use. It is acknowledged that no single person or even business unit is responsible for all aspects of research data management and that a collaborative approach is required. In all cases this will involve the researcher/data creator.
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Current News: DigitalKoans Twitter Updates for 5/7/2013
- The New York Public Library Discusses eBook Pilot Projects, http://t.co/6y7gLqPJ4r
- Adobe's Creative Suite Is Dead, Long Live the Creative Cloud, http://t.co/ISzCLOUugB
- I, For One, Welcome Our New Software Overlords, http://t.co/zzHGzdGNGk
- Rice's OpenStax College Doubles Down on Free, Online Textbooks, http://t.co/VgCLx0wCdJ
- Internet Tax Bill Targets All Digital Downloads, http://t.co/YjJQrGmaoD
- Coming Soon: Desktops Hosted on the Cloud, Usable Anywhere, http://t.co/Le03kdsGAq
- Copyright Provisions in the TPP Would Stifle Innovation and Impede the Economy, https://t.co/8y81xXcB3k
- Video: The Digital Commons Network, http://t.co/8OelqumW8i