"Crowding the Library: How and Why Libraries Are Using Crowdsourcing to Engage the Public"

Sarah Severson and Jean-Sébastien Sauve have published "Crowding the Library: How and Why Libraries Are Using Crowdsourcing to Engage the Public" in Partnership.

Here's an excerpt:

This article is written from a Canadian University library perspective with the goal to help the reader engage with the current crowdsourcing landscape. This article’s contribution includes a literature review and a survey of popular projects and platforms; followed by a case study of a crowdsourcing pilot completed at the McGill Library. The article pulls these two threads of theory and practice together—with a discussion of some of the best practices learned through the literature and real-life experience, giving the reader practical tools to help a library evaluate if crowdsourcing is right for them, and how to get a desired project off the ground.

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Yale: "Gibbons Named Vice Provost for Collections and Scholarly Communications"

Yale has released "Gibbons Named Vice Provost for Collections and Scholarly Communications."

Here's an excerpt:

Susan Gibbons, the Stephen F. Gates '68 University Librarian and deputy provost for collections and scholarly communications, has been appointed Yale’s vice provost for collections and scholarly communications, President Peter Salovey announced. The appointment is effective July 1. . . .

In addition to the Yale University Library, her expanded portfolio of responsibilities will include the Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage at West Campus, Yale University Art Gallery, Yale Center for British Art, Yale Peabody Museum, and Yale University Press.

The university will launch a search for a new university librarian, and Gibbons will continue to steward the library system until her successor is appointed.

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University Librarian at University of Hawaii

The University of Hawaii is recruiting a University Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Reporting to the Provost, the University Librarian will provide leadership and guidance in all aspects of the Library, including positioning the Library locally, nationally, and globally; maximizing the benefit of its multi-cultural and Pacific island environment; intellectual development; fundraising; and management of all aspects of Library operations, including developing and ensuring stewardship of a sustainable digital preservation program.

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Louisiana State University Drops the Big Deal: "Elsevier Changes: Message from the Provost"

Louisiana State University has released "Elsevier Changes: Message from the Provost."

Here's an excerpt:

During the Faculty Senate's final meeting of the spring semester, senators approved a resolution recommending the cancellation of the subscription package of Elsevier journals. Going forward, the Libraries will subscribe to Elsevier journals on a title-by-title basis, retaining the most highly used journals by the LSU community. The resolution further called for the creation of expedited document delivery to provide fast, unmediated access to articles in journals not on subscription.

The LSU administration supports this course of action. Once the current contract with Elsevier expires at the end of 2019, LSU will break away from the package agreement, and expects to spend $1 million on Elsevier titles, subscribing to fewer journals and providing access to all previously available material through alternate sources.

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"Brian Bannon Named The Merryl and James Tisch Director of The New York Public Library"

The New York Public Library has released "Brian Bannon Named The Merryl and James Tisch Director of The New York Public Library."

Here's an excerpt:

The New York Public Library has named Brian Bannon, current head of the Chicago Public Library system with extensive experience in both education and urban libraries, as its first-ever Merryl and James Tisch Director of The New York Public Library.

Bannon, a known innovator and award-winning leader who has transformed the Chicago Public Library since his appointment as commissioner and chief executive officer in 2012, will be responsible for the operation and direction of The New York Public Library’s 88 neighborhood branches, as well as the Library’s educational strategy.

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"New Penn State Open Access Policy to Expand Reach of University Research"

Pennsylvania State University has released "New Penn State Open Access Policy to Expand Reach of University Research."

Here's an excerpt:

A new open access policy at Penn State, recently endorsed by the University Faculty Senate, will greatly increase public availability of original, peer-reviewed Penn State scholarly research in support of the University’s land-grant mission. . . .

Under the policy—expected to be implemented by Penn State President Eric Barron in the fall 2019 semester—Penn State researchers will remain free to submit their work to scholarly journals of their choice. The policy also will not transfer copyright ownership of scholarly works to Penn State. In addition, a waiver option in the policy guarantees that researchers are able to opt out of open access for each one of their publications on an individual-article basis; these waivers would be automatically approved.

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University of Kentucky: "Doug Way Named Next Dean of UK Libraries"

The University of Kentucky has released "Doug Way Named Next Dean of UK Libraries."

Here's an excerpt:

For five years, Way has served as associate university librarian for Collections and Research Services at UW-Madison, where he provides leadership for the library’s collection development and management, resource sharing and scholarly communications programs. During his tenure, he supervised a direct staff of 75 full-time employees and an overall budget of $12 million for the university's general libraries system of 14 libraries that supports more than 4 million visitors per year. . .

Before arriving at UW-Madison, Way served as head of collections and scholarly communications at Grand Valley State University. While at Grand Valley State, he also spearheaded a statewide distributed shared print program that resulted in nine state-funded institutions in Michigan working collectively to manage widely held low-use collections.

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"BC Digitized Collections: Towards a Microservices-based Solution to an Intractable Repository Problem"

Chris Mayo et al. have published "BC Digitized Collections: Towards a Microservices-based Solution to an Intractable Repository Problem" in the Code4Lib Journal.

Here's an excerpt:

Our Digital Repository Services department faced a crisis point in late 2017. Our vendor discontinued support for our digital repository software, and an intensive, multi-department, six-month field survey had not turned up any potential replacements that fully met our needs. We began to experiment with a model that, rather than migrating to a new monolithic system, would more closely integrate multiple systems that we had already implemented—ArchivesSpace, Alma, Primo, and MetaArchive—and introduce only one new component, namely Mirador. We determined that this was the quickest way to meet our needs, and began a full migration in spring of 2018. The primary benefit of a microservices-based solution for our collections was the potential for customization; we therefore present our experiences in building and migrating to this system not as a blueprint but as a case study with lessons learned. Our hope is that in sharing our experience, we can help institutions in similar situations determine 1) whether a microservices-based solution is a feasible approach to their problem, 2) which services could and should be integrated and how, and 3) whether the trade-offs inherent in this architectural approach are worth the flexibility it offers.

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Research Library Issues, no. 297 (2019): The Current Privacy Landscape

ARL has released Research Library Issues, no. 297 (2019): The Current Privacy Landscape.

Here's an excerpt from the "Introduction" by Mary Lee Kennedy:

In this first issue of Research Library Issues (RLI) in 2019, the authors explore privacy from a legal, digital, and applied perspective, with a focus on the implications and opportunities for research libraries. The current privacy landscape highlights the need for a nuanced understanding of the complicated nature of privacy today. Research libraries need to collaborate with other privacy-related constituents within institutions and in the public policy and legislative arenas, and act as trusted institutions within a democratic society.

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"ARL White Paper on Wikidata Highlights Use of Open Knowledge in Scholarly Communication, Special Collections"

ARL has released "ARL White Paper on Wikidata Highlights Use of Open Knowledge in Scholarly Communication, Special Collections."

Here's an excerpt:

Librarians are using Wikidata's structured data about people, topics, concepts, and objects to populate open source faculty profiling systems, to enhance bibliographic records in online catalogs, and to collaborate with communities on meaningful, culturally relevant, descriptive metadata for special collections and archives. The white paper, circulated for public comment in fall 2018, contains examples of Wikidata applications, screenshots, and recommendations for involvement on an individual or organizational level.

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"Purdue Appoints New Dean for Libraries and School of Information Studies"

Purdue University has released Purdue Appoints New Dean for Libraries and School of Information Studies.

Here's an excerpt:

Beth McNeil, dean of library services and professor at Iowa State University, will join Purdue on July 1. . . .

Previously, McNeil was Purdue's associate dean for academic affairs and a professor of Purdue Libraries. Before her initial appointment at Purdue, McNeil was assistant, and then associate, dean of libraries for the University of Nebraska. She also has held positions in the libraries at Bradley University and the University of Illinois.

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MIT: "Open Access Task Force Releases Draft Recommendations"

The MIT News Office has released "Open Access Task Force Releases Draft Recommendations."

Here's an excerpt:

The Ad Hoc Task Force on Open Access to MIT's Research has released a set of draft recommendations that aim to support and increase the open sharing of MIT publications, data, software, and educational materials. . . .

The recommendations include ratifying an Institute-wide set of principles for open science; broadening the MIT Faculty Open Access Policy to cover all MIT authors; adopting an open access (OA) policy for monographs; and asking department heads to develop discipline-specific plans to encourage and support open sharing from their faculty, students, and staff.

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