Gale S. Etschmaier Named as Dean of Florida State University Libraries

The Florida State University Libraries have released "FSU Names New Dean of University Libraries."

Here's an excerpt:

At San Diego State, Etschmaier provided leadership for the library and the university's student computer hub with more than 700 computers. She oversaw 80 faculty and staff, 100 student assistants and a budget of approximately $12 million.

Prior to her tenure at San Diego State, Etschmaier spent a decade as associate university librarian for public service at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.

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Artificial Intelligence in Libraries in the Late 1980’s and Early 1990’s

In the late 1980's and early 1990's, academic libraries were creating prototype and operational expert systems using expert system shells and logic programming languages, such as Prolog.

A snapshot of this activity in ARL libraries is:

Expert Systems in ARL Libraries, SPEC Kit 174. Bailey, Charles W., Jr., and Judy E. Myers. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, 1991.

In-depth treatments include:

Alberico, Ralph, and Mary Micco. Expert Systems For Reference and Information Retrieval. Westport: Meckler, 1990.

Aluri, Rao., and Donald E. Riggs, eds. Expert Systems in Libraries. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1990.

You can get a sense of the AI activities in research libraries during this period by reading articles about the University of Houston Libraries' grant-funded Intelligent Reference Information System Project, which was prototyped in expert system shells and completed in Prolog. The Prolog code was freely distributed to over 500 libraries and other institutions (on floppy disk!).

Bailey, Charles W., Jr., and Robin N. Downes. "Intelligent Reference Information System (IRIS)," In 101 Success Stories of Information Technology in Higher Education: The Joe Wyatt Challenge," ed. Judith V. Boettcher, 402-407. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993.

Bailey, Charles W., Jr. "The Intelligent Reference Information System Project: A Merger of CD-ROM LAN and Expert System Technologies." Information Technology and Libraries 11 (September 1992): 237-244.

Bailey, Charles W., Jr., and Thomas C. Wilson. "The Intelligent Reference Information System CD-ROM Network." In Library LANs: Case Studies in Practice and Application, ed. Marshall Breeding, 157-171. Westport, CT: Meckler, 1992.

Bailey, Charles W., Jr. "Building Knowledge-Based Systems for Public Use: The Intelligent Reference Systems Project at the University of Houston Libraries." In Convergence: Proceedings of the Second National Conference of the Library and Information Technology Association, October 2-6, 1988, ed. Michael Gorman, 190-194. Chicago: American Library Association., 1990.

Bailey, Charles W., Jr., and Kathleen Gunning. "The Intelligent Reference Information System." CD-ROM Librarian 5 (September 1990): 10-19.

Bailey, Charles W., Jr., Jeff Fadell, Judy E. Myers, and Thomas C. Wilson. "The Index Expert System: A Knowledge-Based System to Assist Users in Index Selection." Reference Services Review 17, no. 4 (1989): 19-28.

For an example of contemporaneous thinking about AI potentials among librarians, see:

Bailey, Charles W., Jr. "Intelligent Library Systems: Artificial Intelligence Technology and Library Automation Systems." In Advances in Library Automation and Networking, vol. 4, ed. Joe A. Hewitt, 1-23. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1991.

There has been very little activity in this area since the turn of the 21st century, but here's an example:

Ma, Wei. "A Database Selection Expert System Based on Reference Librarian's Database Selection Strategy: A Usability and Empirical Evaluation." Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 53 no. 7 (2002): 567-580.

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New OA Poliicy: "Johns Hopkins Open Access Policy"

The Sheridan Libraries of Johns Hopkins University have released "Johns Hopkins Open Access Policy."

Here's an excerpt:

Johns Hopkins joins peer institutions, such as Harvard, MIT, and The University of California, by instituting a faculty open access policy. . . .

The Open Access website on the Provost’s site provides an FAQ, a background on Open Access, and a short history of the policy. It also provides a link to the Public Access Submission System, PASS, built by the library development team, to allow faculty to submit their author’s final version of their articles to JScholarship and PubMed Central, the repository for articles funded by NIH, ACL, ASPR, CDC, VA, FDA, HHMI, and NASA. More repositories will be added to PASS over time, saving faculty time and effort.

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Senior Vice Provost and Director of Libraries at North Carolina State University

North Carolina State University is recruiting a Senior Vice Provost and Director of Libraries.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The NCSU Libraries—the gateway to knowledge for the North Carolina State University community and partners—consists of D.H. Hill, James B. Hunt Jr., Harrye B. Lyons Design, Natural Resources, and William R. Kenan Jr. Veterinary Medicine Libraries. The Libraries has earned an international reputation as a technology incubator and leader in the digital library domain. Additionally, the Libraries is known for the extraordinary caliber of employees as well as the quality and innovation of the services offered. Ten departments include 210 FTE staff as well as an extensive and engaged student workforce (45 FTE). The award-winning NCSU Libraries Fellows Program is recognized for its originality, leadership and exceptionally successful impact.

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"Conceptualizing Data Curation Activities within Two Academic Libraries"

Sophia Lafferty-Hess et al. have self-archived "Conceptualizing Data Curation Activities within Two Academic Libraries."

Here's an excerpt:

At the 2017 Triangle Research Libraries Network Institute, staff from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University used the 47 data curation activities identified by the Data Curation Network project to create conceptual groupings of data curation activities. The results of this "thought-exercise" are discussed in this white paper. The purpose of this exercise was to provide more specificity around data curation within our individual contexts as a method to consistently discuss our current service models, identify gaps we would like to fill, and determine what is currently out of scope. We hope to foster an open and productive discussion throughout the larger academic library community about how we prioritize data curation activities as we face growing demand and limited resources.

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Austin Booth Named Dean of Libraries at New York University

Austin Booth has been named Dean of Libraries at New York University.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Austin received her BA in English and Economics from Cornell University in 1984, and received her MLIS from University of California, Berkeley in 1987. She received an MA in English Language and Literature in 1992 and a Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies in 1995, both from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Austin has been with the Libraries at Buffalo in increasingly prominent roles since 1997, including Director, Arts & Sciences Libraries and Director of Collections. Previously, Austin worked at San Jose State University, UC Berkeley, and Oakland Public Library.

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Joseph Salem Jr. Recommended to Michigan State University Board of Trustees as Director of Libraries/University Librarian

Joseph Salem Jr. has been recommended to the Michigan State University Board of Trustees as the Director of Libraries/University Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Salem is currently the associate dean for learning, undergraduate services and commonwealth campus libraries at Penn State, a role he assumed in 2015.

In that role, he has led Penn State's open and affordable course content program, built the libraries' assessment effort, developed a programmatic approach to teaching and learning, developed the Diversity Librarian Residency program, created undergraduate internships and graduate assistantships within the libraries and led strategic and space planning.

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Christopher Cox Named Dean of Libraries for Clemson University

Christopher Cox has been named Dean of Libraries for Clemson University.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

He has been the dean of library services for the University of Northern Iowa since 2012. Before that, he was dean of libraries at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington, and interim director of libraries at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He is a member of the editorial board of College & Research Libraries and is the current chair of the Iowa Commission of Libraries. He was named a 2017 Leading Change Institute participant.

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SPEC Kit 358: Accessibility and Universal Design

ARL has released SPEC Kit 358: Accessibility and Universal Design .

Here's an excerpt:

This SPEC Kit explores how ARL member libraries are meeting the accessibility needs of individuals with disabilities. This study gathered information on support for assistive technologies in libraries, services provided to individuals with disabilities, staffing and training for these services, evaluation of resources, and institutional policies and procedures in this area. It also includes questions on universal design, an approach to design that makes spaces and services more inclusive of all, regardless of their needs.

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University of Colorado Boulder Names Robert H. McDonald Dean of University Libraries

The University of Colorado Boulder has named Robert H. McDonald, Associate Dean for Research and Technology Strategies Librarian at Indiana University Libraries, as Dean of University Libraries.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

As the associate dean for research and technology strategies at IU, McDonald led the work of providing library information system and discovery services to the entire IU system. He managed projects related to scholarly communications, new model publishing and technologies that enabled IU's libraries to support teaching and learning for the IU Bloomington campus.

At IU, he also served as deputy director of the Data to Insight Center, where he conducted research in areas of large data analysis and digital storage and preservation through grant-funded and collaborative projects, such as the HathiTrust Research Center.

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Lisa R. Carter Named Vice Provost for Libraries at University of Wisconsin–Madison

Lisa R. Carter, Associate Director, Special Collections and Area Studies at The Ohio State University Libraries has been named Vice Provost for Libraries at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Carter has been at Ohio State since 2011. Previously, she was the head of the Special Collections Research Center at North Carolina State University Libraries in Raleigh, North Carolina and director of archives at the University of Kentucky Libraries in Lexington, Kentucky. In her professional service, Carter has advanced conversations about integrating distinctive collections widely throughout the academic enterprise.

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University Librarian and Vice-Provost (Knowledge Systems) at University of Ottawa

The University of Ottawa is recruiting a University Librarian and Vice-Provost (Knowledge Systems).

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The University Librarian and Vice-Provost (Knowledge Systems) (hereafter "University Librarian") will play a critical role in providing strategic direction and leadership in advancing the University’s teaching and research mission through the adoption of emerging technologies, sound fiscal management and via strong advocacy for professional values and standards to a broad spectrum of external constituents. He/She will possess a strong vision and be prepared to identify critical Library and University needs and lead the Library team to address information challenges and the strategic future of the University Libraries through the development of a strategic plan that is both unifying and innovative.

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Dean, University Libraries at Florida State University

Florida State University is recruiting a Dean, University Libraries.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Reporting to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Dean is the senior academic and administrative officer of the University Libraries, home to 138 full time employees supported by a total annual operating budget of more than $18 million.

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"UC San Diego Names Erik T. Mitchell New Audrey Geisel University Librarian"

The University of California San Diego has released "UC San Diego Names Erik T. Mitchell New Audrey Geisel University Librarian."

Here's an excerpt:

Erik T. Mitchell, Ph.D. has been appointed university librarian at the University of California San Diego effective April 16, 2018. Mitchell currently serves as associate university librarian of Digital Initiatives and Collaborative Services and associate chief information officer at UC Berkeley.

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