"ARL Statistics 2014–2015 and Updated Trends Graphs Published"

ARL has released "ARL Statistics 2014–2015 and Updated Trends Graphs Published."

Here's an excerpt:

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has released the ARL Statistics 2014–2015 and updated its free series of graphs showing trends in the ARL Statistics data over time. These two publications present information describing the collections, staffing, expenditures, and service activities of the Association’s 124 member libraries in fiscal year 2014–2015. Of these, 114 are university libraries (15 in Canada and 99 in the US); the remaining 10 are public, governmental, and nonprofit research libraries (1 in Canada, 9 in the US).

See also: "ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2014–2015 Published" and "ARL Academic Health Sciences Library Statistics 2014–2015 Published."

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AAU, ARL, and AAUP Will Launch Open Access Monograph Publishing Initiative

AAU, ARL, and AAUP will launch the Open Access Monograph Publishing Initiative this spring.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

The universities and colleges directly participating in this initiative will incorporate three components into their digital monograph publishing projects: provide a baseline university publishing grant of $15,000 to support the publication of an open access, digital monograph of 90,000 words or less (with additional funding for works of greater length or complexity to be negotiated by the author, institution, and publisher); set a target of awarding at least three publishing grants per year; and commit to participating in this initiative for five years.

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University of Arizona Names Karen Williams as VP for Information Strategy and University Libraries

The University of Arizona named Karen Williams as VP for Information Strategy and University Libraries.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Karen Williams, who has been serving as the interim leader for University Information Technology Services in addition to her duties as dean of University Libraries, has been appointed to a new position that gives her oversight over both areas. . . .

Although Williams will oversee the two areas, UITS and University Libraries will not be merged into one unit.

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John Pollitz Named Dean of Library Affairs at Southern Illinois University Carbondale

John Pollitz has been named the Dean of Library Affairs at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Pollitz has held a number of higher education library administration positions. Most recently, he has served as the director of libraries for the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire since 2007. During his tenure there, he led a 30-member staff while overseeing a $3.8 million budget. . . .

Previously, Pollitz was the associate university librarian for public services and innovative technology at Oregon State University, O'Keefe Library Director at St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa, and assistant director of library automated services at Augustana College in Illinois.

In other ARL mews, William Mischo has been named Acting Dean of Libraries at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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"Campus Shootings and Library Security Covered in Research Library Issues"

ARL has released "Campus Shootings and Library Security Covered in Research Library Issues."

Here's an excerpt:

How can research libraries handle and recover from "active shooter" incidents? The latest issue of Research Library Issues (RLI) features two articles that describe campus shootings and library response.

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Across the Great Divide: Findings and Possibilities for Action from the 2016 Summit Meeting of Academic Libraries and University Presses with Administrative Relationships (P2L)

ARL has released Across the Great Divide: Findings and Possibilities for Action from the 2016 Summit Meeting of Academic Libraries and University Presses with Administrative Relationships (P2L).

Here's an excerpt:

P2L explored how these separate components of the scholarly communications ecosystem (e.g., libraries and publishers) might move beyond relationships often established for administrative convenience and think together, leveraging the skills and strengths of their distinctive enterprises to move toward a unified system of publication, dissemination, access, and preservation that better serves both the host institution and the wider world of scholarship. P2L was an important first step toward a shared action agenda for university presses and academic libraries that supports and updates traditional approaches to scholarly publishing, broader scholarly communication through established and emerging channels and practices, and digital scholarship services for faculty and students. This shared action agenda also must seek to adapt to the new challenges of the digital environment in commitments such as the preservation of the scholarly record.

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Two Reports on Disk Image Formats from the Harvard Library Digital Preservation Program

The Harvard Library Digital Preservation Program has released Disk Image Content Model and Metadata Analysis ACTIVITY 1: Comparative Format Matrix Analysis and Disk Image Content Model and Metadata Analysis ACTIVITY 2: Metadata Analysis

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Harvard Library collections include a variety of computer media that will be imaged using forensic disk imaging techniques and preserved in the Library's preservation and access repository—the Digital Repository Service (DRS). As a first step towards providing support for this material in the DRS, the Library contracted AVPreserve in late 2015 to assist with the analysis. The goals of the analysis were:

  • Recommended disk image formats to accept and prefer for the DRS
  • Recommended technical metadata schema(s) to use for disk image file formats
  • DRS content models for these objects
  • Recommendations for enhancing Harvard Library's FITS tool to better support these objects

See also: Disk Image Format Matrix spreadsheet.

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MIT: Institute-wide Task Force on the Future of Libraries: Preliminary Report

MIT has released the Institute-wide Task Force on the Future of Libraries: Preliminary Report.

Here's an excerpt:

Recommendation 6: Through interdisciplinary institutional and external partnerships, the Libraries should generate open, interoperable content platforms that explore new ways of producing, using, sharing, and preserving knowledge and that promote revolutionary new methodologies for the discovery and organization of information, people, ideas, and networks. . . .

Recommendation 7: The Task Force recommends that the Institute convene a new Ad Hoc Task Force on Open Access to review the current MIT Faculty Open Access Policy and its implementation with an eye toward revising and expanding current policies and practices, where appropriate, to further the Institute's mission of disseminating the fruits of its research and scholarship as widely as possible. . . .

Recommendation 10: The Task Force recommends that MIT establish an Initiative for Research in Information Science and Scholarly Communication, based in the MIT Libraries, to enable bold experimentation and to serve as a hub for best-in-class research on the great challenges in information science and scholarly communication.

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"ARL Membership Convenes in Washington, DC, for Fall 2016 Meeting"

ARL has released "ARL Membership Convenes in Washington, DC, for Fall 2016 Meeting. "

Here's an excerpt:

Association of Research Libraries (ARL) member representatives, ARL leadership fellows, staff, and guests gathered in Washington, DC, on Tuesday-Wednesday, September 27-28, 2016, for the 169th Association Meeting. All available presentation slides are linked from the speakers' names or session titles in the following summary of the meeting.

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Vice Provost & University Librarian at Washington University in St. Louis

Washington University in St. Louis is recruiting a Vice Provost & University Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Vice Provost and University Librarian oversees 142 staff members and is responsible for an annual budget of $23 million. The libraries' organization includes 6 Associate University Librarians, 28 subject librarians, and 8 curators/archivists.

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"Dr. Carla Hayden to Serve as the Next Librarian of Congress"

ALA has released "Dr. Carla Hayden to Serve as the Next Librarian of Congress."

Here's an excerpt:

Today the Senate approved the nomination of Dr. Carla Hayden to serve as the nation's 14th Librarian of Congress. Dr. Hayden, American Library Association (ALA) past president and director of the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore, Maryland, is the first female and the first African American to lead the Library of Congress. She also is the first professional librarian to be confirmed in more than 60 years.

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Hillman University Librarian and Director, University Library System at University of Pittsburgh

The University of Pittsburgh is recruiting a Hillman University Librarian and Director, University Library System.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

A member of the Association of American Universities, current enrollment in Pitt's 16 undergraduate and graduate schools and 4 regional campuses is 34,934 (25,074 undergraduate and 9,860 graduate students).

In 2015, the University's federally funded research summed to almost $600 million. . . .

The ULS is comprised of 11 libraries and holdings of nearly 7.2 million volumes and employs a total FTE count of 180. The director oversees the ULS budget, which in 2015 was approximately $32 million.

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Simon Neame Named Dean of Libraries at University of Massachusetts Amherst

Simon Neame has been named the Dean of Libraries at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

At UBC, Neame oversees 33 professional librarians and 114 support staff as associate university librarian, learning and engagement. His budget responsibilities include the Barber Centre, the Walter C. Koerner Library for humanities and social sciences, the Woodard Library for health sciences, science and applied science, the Music, Art and Architecture Library, access services and the library's teaching, learning and community engagement programs. . . .

He holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Victoria and a master's of library and information studies from UBC.

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Valerie Hotchkiss Named as University Librarian at Vanderbilt University

Valerie Hotchkiss, Andrew S.G. Turyn Endowed Professor and Director of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has been named as the University Librarian at Vanderbilt University.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Hotchkiss built visibility for the collections and promoted the study of primary resources as an integral part of the school's curriculum. . . . In addition, she served as editor-in-chief of Women in Print, a digital humanities publishing project of the University of Illinois Press. . . .

From 1993 to 2005, Hotchkiss was the J.S. Bridwell Foundation Endowed Librarian and professor of medieval studies at Southern Methodist University, where she raised more than $16 million for the library's endowment and introduced many new community initiatives. . . .

She also served as library director for Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and was employed by Yale University's Divinity School Library. She earned three degrees—master of arts, master of philosophy, and doctorate in medieval studies—all from Yale. In addition, she earned a master of library science from Southern Connecticut State University.

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John M. Unsworth Named as University of Virginia University Librarian and Dean of Libraries

John M. Unsworth, Vice Provost, University Librarian, Chief Information Officer, and Professor of English at Brandeis University, has been named as the new University Librarian and Dean of Libraries at the University of Virginia .

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

He received his Ph.D. in English from UVA in 1988, and later in his career became a tenured associate professor of English at the University, as well the first director of UVA's Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities. Recognized as a pioneer in the field of digital humanities, he is the co-founder of the first peer-reviewed electronic journal in the humanities, Postmodern Culture.

Before going to Brandeis, Unsworth was dean of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he also held faculty appointments in library and information science, English, and library administration. His first faculty appointment was as an assistant professor in English at North Carolina State University.

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Anne Jarvis Named as University Librarian at Princeton University

Anne Jarvis, University Librarian at the University of Cambridge, has been named as University Librarian at Princeton University.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Jarvis has a bachelor's degree from Trinity College Dublin, a diploma in library and information studies from University College Dublin, a master's degree in communication and cultural studies from Dublin City University and a master of arts from Cambridge.

Her library career began in special libraries and included posts in Ireland and the United Kingdom. She began working in academic libraries in 1992 and spent some years at Dublin City University and Trinity College Dublin. In 2000 she was appointed deputy librarian at Cambridge.

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Trevor A. Dawes Named May Morris Librarian and Vice Provost for Libraries and Museums at the University of Delaware

Trevor A. Dawes, Associate University Librarian at Washington University, has been named as the May Morris Librarian and Vice Provost for Libraries snd Museums at the University of Delaware.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

At Washington University, Dawes has provided leadership, direction and guidance for scholarly services, diversity and outreach, scholarly communication, and collections and acquisitions.

Prior to joining the staff at Washington University, Dawes served as circulation services director of the Princeton University Library from 2004-13 and as head of the circulation and support services department of the Columbia University Libraries from 1999-2004.

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A Day in the Life of a (Serious) Researcher: Envisioning the Future of the Research Library

Ithaka S+R has released A Day in the Life of a (Serious) Researcher: Envisioning the Future of the Research Library .

Here's an excerpt:

Beyond this, the library is not even the best starting point for envisioning the library. A better starting point is to develop an understanding about the lives and information practices of the scholars and students who depend on the library in all its shapes and forms. Therefore, in this Cornell project, we looked at what academic researchers do day-to-day and how they acquire, use, and share information in the course of their daily activities. From our interpretations of these data we imagined new models.

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Damon Jaggars Now Vice Provost and Director of Ohio State University Libraries

Damon Jaggars became the Vice Provost and Director of Ohio State University Libraries on 2/1/2016.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Jaggars was interim vice provost and university librarian at Columbia and has significant, successful leadership experience supporting the evolving academic enterprise in the libraries both at Columbia and another top-tier research-intensive university, the University of Texas (UT) at Austin. His administrative work has included service planning, collection development and management, facilities planning and design, budgetary management and human resources.

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"ARL Libraries and Research: Correlates of Grant Funding"

Ryan P. Womack has self-archived "ARL Libraries and Research: Correlates of Grant Funding."

Here's an excerpt:

This study focuses on U.S. members of the ARL, the Association for Research Libraries. Research success is measured by the total grant funding received by the University, creating an ordered set of categories. Combining data from the NSF National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, ARL Statistics, and IPEDS, the primary explanatory factors for research success are examined. Using linear regression, logistic regression, and the cumulative logit model, the best-fitting models generated by ARL data, NSF data, and the combined data set for both nominal and per capita funding are compared. These models produce the most relevant explanatory variables for research funding, which do not include library-related variables in most cases.

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"Publishing as Pedagogy: Connecting Library Services and Technology"

Laurie Alexander et al. have published "Publishing as Pedagogy: Connecting Library Services and Technology" in EDUCAUSE Review.

Here's an excerpt:

In the following three case studies we profile three student publishing outputs (a journal, a book, and an exhibit) from the University of Michigan Library. Beyond describing the products themselves, we identify the opportunities that the librarians involved found to emphasize particular learning experiences during the creation process.

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Dean of Libraries at University of Massachusetts Amherst

The University of Massachusetts Amherst is recruiting a Dean of Libraries.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The University of Massachusetts Amherst invites nominations and applications for the position of Dean of Libraries. This is an outstanding opportunity for a transformational leader to define the blueprint for the academic library of the future, building on the solid foundations of our current library system, which has been a trendsetter in the adoption of new services, new technologies, and new concepts of library space utilization.

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Dean of Libraries at University of Virginia

The University of Virginia is recruiting a Dean of Libraries.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The University Library includes twelve facilities, in addition to specialized libraries serving the Darden School, the Health Sciences, and Law. Additionally, the Library offers digital resources, specialized labs, and other services to support research and scholarship at all levels. These services include: Collections; Data Services; Digitization & Computing; Reference, Consultations, & Classes; Rooms, Equipment, & Reservations; and Scholarly Communication Services. The Dean of Libraries is the chief administrator of the Library and oversees 212 staff members and a $33 million budget.

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Office of Scholarly Communication: Scope, Organizational Placement, and Planning in Ten Research Libraries

Ithaka S+R has released Office of Scholarly Communication: Scope, Organizational Placement, and Planning in Ten Research Libraries.

Here's an excerpt:

The project was designed to gather basic information about these issues at some of the largest research-intensive university libraries. It finds categorical differences in the vision for the scholarly communications unit and its organizational placement, as well as associated differences in staffing and budget.

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