"ARL Fall Forum Explores Research Partnerships in Digital Scholarship for the Humanities and Social Sciences—Overview and Slides Online"

ARL has released "ARL Fall Forum Explores Research Partnerships in Digital Scholarship for the Humanities and Social Sciences—Overview and Slides Online."

Here's an excerpt:

More than 170 librarians, publishers, scholars, and others spent an invigorating day discussing research partnerships in digital scholarship for the humanities and social sciences at the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Fall Forum in Washington, DC, on October 8, 2015. . . .

The 2015 recipient of the Julia C. Blixrud Scholarship is Liz Hamilton, permissions manager and assistant to the director at Northwestern University Press. As part of the scholarship, Hamilton wrote an overview of this year's forum, which includes links to presentation slides.

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Director, University Library System at University of Pittsburgh

The University of Pittsburgh is recruiting a Director, University Library System .

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The director is responsible for the leadership and administration of the ULS, overseeing the innovation and development of the libraries in the areas of user services, collections and resources, management and infrastructure, cooperative initiatives and outreach, and support and funding. The new director will provide visionary leadership for the ULS and implement the libraries' strategic plan in support of the University's academic priorities, curricula, and research; keep the ULS collections vital and accessible for the University community; support and continue to develop open access initiative; increase awareness on campus of what the ULS has to offer; leverage and augment the resources of the ULS wisely; and lead and further develop a strong, service-oriented staff. The director reports to the provost of the University of Pittsburgh and sits on the Council of Deans.

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"Strategic Planning for a Data-Driven, Shared-Access Research Enterprise: Virginia Tech Research Data Assessment and Landscape Study"

College & Research Libraries has released an e-print of "Strategic Planning for a Data-Driven, Shared-Access Research Enterprise: Virginia Tech Research Data Assessment and Landscape Study."

Here's an excerpt:

The data landscape study at Virginia Tech addresses the changing modes of faculty scholarship and supports the development of a user-centric data infrastructure, management, and curation system. The study investigates faculty researchers' current practices in organizing, describing, and preserving data and the emerging needs for services and education. The results demonstrate the changing nature of faculty demands regarding data documentation, storage, and archiving and identify opportunities for libraries to develop a coherent service, research, and education system to address the evolving needs.

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"Campus Open Access Funds: Experiences of the KU ‘One University’ Open Access Author Fund"

Rachel Gyore et al. have published "Campus Open Access Funds: Experiences of the KU 'One University' Open Access Author Fund" in the Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication.

Here's an excerpt:

This report documents the group's experience in developing eligibility criteria and administering the OA Fund. Here we provide insight into our efforts implementing the project, funding results, and plans for continuation. We share the results of the first two years of the OA Author Fund pilot and the lessons learned about open access fund administration.

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University Librarian at Vanderbilt University

Vanderbilt University is recruiting a University Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Reporting to the Vice Provost for Learning and Residential Affairs, the University Librarian will oversee collection acquisition and development, budgeting, staff, fundraising, the maintenance and formation of state, regional, national, and international partnerships, library services, physical space, information technology adoption and development, website development, and strategic planning.

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Rapid Fabrication/Makerspace Services, SPEC Kit 348

ARL has released Rapid Fabrication/Makerspace Services, SPEC Kit 348.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

ARL has released Rapid Fabrication/Makerspace Services, SPEC Kit 348, an exploration of current ARL member library engagement with 3-D printing, rapid fabrication and digitization technologies, and makerspaces. This study covers the types of services libraries offer, the location of these services, the hardware and software that is available for users, service hours and staffing, user outreach and training, budget and funding, and evaluation of the services.

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"Bigger on the Inside: Building Research Data Services at the University of Virginia"

Michele Claibourn has published "Bigger on the Inside: Building Research Data Services at the University of Virginia" in Insights: the UKSG Journal.

Here's an excerpt:

Every story has a beginning, where the narrator chooses to start, though this is rarely the genesis. This story begins with the launch of the University of Virginia Library's new Research Data Services unit in October 2013. Born from the conjoining of a data management team and a data analysis team, Research Data Services expanded to encompass data discovery and acquisitions, research software support, and new expertise in the use of restricted data. Our purpose is to respond to the challenges created by the growing ubiquity and scale of data by helping researchers acquire, analyze, manage, and archive these resources. We have made serious strides toward becoming 'the face of data services at U.Va.' This article tells a bit of our story so far, relays some early challenges and how we've responded to them, outlines several initial successes, and summarizes a few lessons going forward.

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Dean of Libraries at University of Alabama

The University of Alabama is recruiting a Dean of Libraries.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The University of Alabama invites applications from, and nominations of, creative and dynamic candidates for the position of Dean of the University Libraries. As chief advocate for a library system with robust institutional support and proactive donor engagement, the Dean has overall responsibility for the collections, programs, and services of the libraries, as well as for planning and developing external sources of funding. Ultimately, the successful candidate will demonstrate a 21st-century vision for leadership in a thriving university library system.

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"Robert Darnton Closes the Book"

Corydon Ireland has published "Robert Darnton Closes the Book" in the Harvard Gazette.

Here's an excerpt:

Early this summer, Robert Choate Darnton, Harvard's Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor and University Librarian, will pack up his book-lined office on the second floor of Wadsworth House.

As of June 30, the celebrated historian, digital library pioneer, and champion of books will leave the University he first saw as an undergraduate in 1957. A scholar of Enlightenment France and of the history of the book, he returned to Harvard in 1965 to join the Society of Fellows, decamped to Princeton University in 1968 for 39 years, and came back to Harvard in 2007.

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"Dana Rooks: A Retrospective"

The University of Houston Libraries has released "Dana Rooks: A Retrospective."

Here's an excerpt:

After holding positions at the University of Oklahoma and the University of Missouri-St. Louis, she joined the University of Houston. At UH, she fulfilled the roles of business/economics reference librarian, coordinator of library instruction, library personnel coordinator, assistant director for administration, assistant director for public services and administration, and acting director. This year, Rooks will retire after 18 years as Dean of Libraries and Elizabeth D. Rockwell Chair.

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ARL Signs The Hague Declaration on Knowledge Discovery in the Digital Age

ARL has signed The Hague Declaration on Knowledge Discovery in the Digital Age.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

More than 50 organizations around the world—including ARL—have signed the Hague Declaration on Knowledge Discovery in the Digital Age, which calls for immediate changes to intellectual property (IP) law and the removal of other barriers preventing widened and more equal access to data. . . .

The declaration asserts that copyright was never designed to regulate the sharing of facts, data, and ideas—nor should it. The right to receive and impart information and ideas is guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights but the modern application of IP law often limits this right, even when these most simple building blocks of knowledge are used.

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Scholarly Output Assessment Activities, SPEC Kit 346

ARL has released Scholarly Output Assessment Activities, SPEC Kit 346 .

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

This SPEC Kit explores current ARL member library activities that help authors manage their scholarly identities, provide options for creating and disseminating scholarly outputs, offer strategies to enhance discoverability of scholarly outputs, help authors efficiently track scholarly outputs and impact, provide resources and tools to help authors assess their scholarly impact, create publication reports and social network maps for reporting purposes, and offer guidance and training on new trends and tools for reporting of impact. This study covers library assessment services and resources, training, staffing models, partnerships with the parent institution, marketing and publicity, and future trends.

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Ann D. Thornton Named as Columbia University’s University Librarian and Vice Provost

Ann D. Thornton has been named as Columbia University's University Librarian and Vice Provost.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

"Columbia's library system is a dynamic academic resource that is at the very core of our teaching and research missions," [Columbia University President Lee] Bollinger said. "Ann's broad experience is ideally suited to the task of harnessing both digital technology and intellectual vision to expand our collections and enhance their long-term value not only to our university, but also to our society."

Thornton has held a series of senior leadership positions at the New York Public Libraries, spanning the sciences, business, the humanities and social sciences. She has been responsible for collecting, preserving and presenting the institution's vast collections. She has also helped lead in the areas of electronic resources, reference and research services and public training. Before coming to New York, she was a systems librarian with the University of Houston Libraries. . . .

After earning her bachelor's degree in English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Thornton received her master's degree in information studies from Florida State University. She has published and spoken widely on the nexus of research, teaching, learning and leadership.

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"ARL Joins New Re:Create Coalition to Promote Balanced Copyright"

ARL has released "ARL Joins New Re:Create Coalition to Promote Balanced Copyright."

Here's an excerpt:

Today, April 28, 2015, ARL joined US technology companies, trade associations, and civil society organizations in the launch of Re:Create, a coalition that promotes balanced copyright policy. A balanced copyright system depends on limitations and exceptions, such as fair use. As technology advances, it is imperative that the copyright law is responsive to these changes, balancing the interests of creators of copyrighted information and products with the interests of users of those products.

Re:Create promotes and defends the important balance of copyright. ARL's member institutions, as well as the general public, depend on balanced copyright that includes robust limitations and exceptions. A balanced system ensures that copyright does not limit or impede new and valuable technologies and uses.

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Lisa B. German Named Dean of Libraries and Elizabeth D. Rockwell Chair by University of Houston

Lisa B. German has been named Dean of Libraries and Elizabeth D. Rockwell Chair by the University of Houston.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

At Penn State Libraries, German served as associate dean for collections, information, and access services, where she was responsible for planning, organization, policy development, implementation, assessment, and direction. She has also published extensively in these areas.

German has participated in the Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians at Harvard University, and the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Research Library Leadership Fellows Program. She is the recipient of several awards from the University of Illinois, Penn State University, and the American Library Association – Association for Library Collections and Technical Services. . . .

German earned a bachelor's degree in history and a master's degree in library science, both from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

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Beth McNeil Named Dean of the Iowa State University Library

Beth McNeil has been named Dean of the Iowa State University Library .

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

At Purdue, McNeil was responsible for managing 12 campus libraries, as well as the archives/special collections, technical services, digitization and the collections management units. She had oversight of nearly 90 faculty and staff and a $13.7 million annual collections budget.

McNeil previously served in leadership positions in the libraries at Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois; and University of Nebraska, Lincoln. . . .

McNeil earned a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s degree in library and information science, both from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She completed a doctoral program in human sciences, with a focus on leadership studies, at Nebraska.

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"Geographic Information and Technologies in Academic Research Libraries: An ARL Survey of Services and Support"

Ann L Holstein has published "Geographic Information and Technologies in Academic Research Libraries: An ARL Survey of Services and Support" in Information Technology and Libraries.

Here's an excerpt:

One hundred fifteen academic libraries, all current members of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), were selected to participate in an online survey in an effort to better understand campus use of geographic data and geospatial technologies, and how libraries support these uses. The survey was used to capture information regarding geographic needs of their respective campuses, the array of services they offer, and the education and training of geographic information services department staff members. The survey results, along with review of recent literature, were used to identify changes in geographic information services and support since 1997, when a similar survey was conducted by ARL. This new study has enabled recommendations to be made for building a successful geographic information service center within the campus library that offers a robust and comprehensive service and support model for all geographic information usage on campus.

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University of Rochester Libraries Get $100,672 Mellon Grant for Digital Humanities Institute for Mid-Career Librarians

The University of Rochester Libraries has received a $100,672 Mellon Grant for a "21st Century Skills: Digital Humanities Institute for Mid-Career Librarians" pilot program.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

The pilot institute will provide a three-day residential immersion experience and a yearlong online component for 20 mid-career librarians. Participants will develop proficiency in three core competencies-project management, copyright and fair use, and metadata literacy-while enhancing their technology toolkits and exploring diverse areas of digital humanities scholarship. University of Rochester faculty, River Campus Libraries staff, UR Mellon fellows in digital humanities, and CLIR postdoctoral fellows will serve as instructors. Interested mid-career librarians from across the United States and Canada are invited to apply to the institute through a competitive process.

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"Availability and Accessibility in an Open Access Institutional Repository: A Case Study"

Jongwook Lee et al. have published "Availability and Accessibility in an Open Access Institutional Repository: A Case Study" in Information Research.

Here's an excerpt:

This study explores the extent to which an institutional repository makes papers available and accessible on the open Web by using 170 journal articles housed in DigiNole Commons, the institutional repository at Florida State University. . . .

Overall, the results confirm the contribution of the institutional repository in making papers available and accessible. The results also reveal some impediments to the success of open access, including impediments linked to contractual arrangements between authors and publishers, impediments linked to policies, practices and technologies governing the repository itself, and the low level of faculty participation in the repository.

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Dean and Director of Libraries at University at Albany

The University at Albany is recruiting a Dean and Director of Libraries.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Key opportunities and challenges for the new dean will include providing visionary leadership for the UAlbany Libraries, being a strong advocate and spokesperson for the Libraries, leading and further developing a strong, service-oriented faculty and staff, leveraging the Libraries' financial resources wisely and generating additional funding to improve growth and services, valuing and advancing diversity and inclusion efforts, participating effectively in system-level and national collaborations, and guiding and evaluating the adoption of technology.

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"Fair Use Week 2015 Highlights"

ARL has released "Fair Use Week 2015 Highlights."

Here's an excerpt:

Each day, new blog posts and resource materials were produced. Daily recaps are available for each day of Fair Use Week and additional resources are available on the website. Over the course of the week, more than 90 blog posts, 13 videos, 2 podcasts, a comic book, an infographic, and several other great resources were released. Below are some highlights from the week.

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Indiana University Libraries and Partners Get $931,000 in Mellon Grant Money

Indiana University Libraries and its partner libraries have received a total of $931,000 from two Mellon Foundation grants.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

The first of these grants provides $750,000 to the IU Libraries and Northwestern University Library to support continuing development of the Avalon Media System, an open-source software product designed to help libraries and archives provide long-term online access to audio and video collections for primarily academic audiences. . . .

The second of these grants, providing $181,000 to the IU Libraries and the University of Michigan Library, is a key component in a range of investigations underway to analyze the viability of alternative sustainable financial models for university presses and other nonprofit book publishers.

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Dean of Libraries and University Librarian at Syracuse University

Syracuse University is recruiting a Dean of Libraries and University Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

The Dean has primary responsibility for overall leadership of the Libraries including faculty and student services, research, scholarship, and creation of new knowledge that arises from the Libraries' assets. Operationally, the Dean is responsible for strategic planning, budgeting and financial management, human resources, and information technology, and development of collections, services, and programs.

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Dean of Libraries and Elizabeth D. Rockwell Chair at University of Houston

The University of Houston is recruiting a Dean of Libraries and Elizabeth D. Rockwell Chair.

Here's an excerpt from the ad.

The University of Houston invites nominations and applications for the position of Dean of Libraries and Elizabeth D. Rockwell Chair. The Dean of Libraries leads the University Libraries and advances the University's mission of research and teaching by ensuring the provision of outstanding library services. The University Libraries comprises the M.D. Anderson Library and three branch libraries (Music, Optometry, and Architecture and Art). . . .

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

See also the Isaacson, Miller ad.

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Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian at Rutgers University

Rutgers University is recruiting a Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the ad:

Reporting to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, the VP/UL serves as the Libraries' chief administrative and academic officer with overall responsibility for library operations and services, including strategic planning, operational planning and assessment, and oversight and management of a $34 million budget. The VP/UL leads and directs personnel resources of approximately 275 faculty and staff members, collection development and management, information and research services, information technology infrastructure and initiatives, design of library facilities, fund raising, public relations, and state, regional, national, and international collaborative activities and programs.

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