Gigi B. Sohn, Public Knowledge President, has released the text of her speech to the New Media and the Marketplace of Ideas Conference Boston University College of Communication titled "Six Steps to Digital Copyright Sanity: Reforming a Pre-VCR Law for a YouTube World."
Category: Copyright
Creative Commons Seeks Feedback from Librarians about LiveDVD
Timothy Vollmer has announced on Lita-L (10/28/07 message) that the Creative Commons is looking for feedback about its LiveDVD for libraries, which is part of its LiveContent project.
Here's an excerpt from the message:
Creative Commons is working with Fedora on creating a LiveDVD for libraries that contains free, open source software (like OpenOffice, The Gimp, Inkscape, Firefox) and open content, including CC-licensed media such as audio, video, photographs, text and open educational resources. . . .
The next iteration we're working on is a LiveDVD for libraries, providing an informational resource and creative tool that would allow library patrons to test open source software, view (and rip, remix, reuse) open content, and even create new content with the software contained on the disc. . . .
We want to get some more feedback/comments/suggestions on the project and are also looking to identify librarians and interested groups to test out the LiveDVD!
Canadian Public Domain Music Score Site Forced to Remove All Scores
The International Music Score Library Project, which offered music scores that were in the public domain in Canada, has been forced to remove all scores because it can not afford to comply with the terms of a second cease and desist letter from Universal Edition. The publisher's letter indicated that some scores were still under copyright in Europe, where the term of protection is 20 years longer than in Canada, and that some unidentified works were still under Canadian copyright.
The IMSLP Website remains, but it now consists only of a lengthy open letter and discussion forums.
Michael Geist, Canada Research Chair of Internet and E-commerce Law at the University of Ottawa, commented in a posting on the case:
In this particular case, UE demanded that the site use IP addresses to filter out non-Canadian users, arguing that failing to do so infringes both European and Canadian copyright law. It is hard to see how this is true given that the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that sites such as IMSLP are entitled to presume that they are being used in a lawful manner and therefore would not rise to the level of authorizing infringement. The site was operating lawfully in Canada and there is no positive obligation in the law to block out non-Canadians.
As for a European infringement, if UE is correct, then the public domain becomes an offline concept, since posting works online would immediately result in the longest single copyright term applying on a global basis. That can't possibly be right. Canada has chosen a copyright term that complies with its international obligations and attempts to import longer terms – as is the case here – should not only be rejected but treated as copyright misuse.
Read more about it in "European Copyright Law Used to Threaten Canadian Public Domain Site" and "Music Score Library Goes Off-Line after Cease and Desist Warning."
Public.Resource.Org Offers US Copyright Records via RSS now offers copyright registration records from the United States Copyright Office's Catalog of Registrations via two RSS feeds.
Major Internet and Media Companies Sign Off on Agreement about Third-Party Copyrighted Materials in User-Generated Content
Major Internet and media companies, including CBS, Dailymotion, Fox, Microsoft, NBC Universal, Viacom, and Walt Disney, have agreed to abide by a new set of principles (User Generated Content Principles) for detecting and regulating the use of third-party copyrighted materials in user-generated content.
Here's an excerpt from the press release:
The principles, which are attached and available in full at, call for a broad range of constructive and cooperative efforts by copyright owners and UGC services. They include:
- Implementation of state of the art filtering technology with the goal to eliminate infringing content on UGC services, including blocking infringing uploads before they are made available to the public;
- Upgrading technology when commercially reasonable;
- Cooperating to ensure that the technology is implemented in a manner that effectively balances legitimate interests, including fair use;
- Cooperation in developing procedures for promptly addressing claims that content was blocked in error;
- Regularly using the technology to remove infringing content that was uploaded before the technology could block it;
- Identification and removal of links to sites that are clearly dedicated to, and predominantly used for, the dissemination of infringing content; and,
- Promotion of content-rich, infringement-free services by continuing to cooperatively test new technologies and by collaboratively updating these principles as appropriate to keep current with evolving developments.
You can read more about this at "Consortium's User-generated Content Principles Extend Far beyond Fair Use" and "Studios Unveil Their Copyright Protection Guidelines," and "Unprincipled 'Principles' for User Generated Content."
Public Domain Works Partners with the Open Library
Public Domain Works has announced that it will partner with the Open Library, sharing its data about works that are in public domain. Public Domain Works supports the Public Domain Works DB, which is now in beta form.
Here's an excerpt from the announcement:
The plan looks to be to upload the Public Domain Works data to the Open Library, and to use read/write APIs to continue to develop different front-ends for different jurisdictions—each with its own algorithms to determine which works are in the public domain.
The RIAA Sues Usenet.Com
The RIAA has sued Usenet.Com, a Usenet service provider. Usenet.Com offers SSH access with its Secure-Tunnel option from, and indicates that it does not log user activity.
There are a wide variety of Usenet service providers, including universities and colleges.
Here's an excerpt from Usenet.Com's Mp3 Newsgroups Page:
Today’s hottest way of sharing MP3 files over the Internet is Usenet; forget about all the peer-to-peer software applications, which quickly become outdated. . . . MP3 Newsgroups are the ultimate way of sharing as they are well organized and allow the users to find what they are looking for quickly and effortlessly.
Read more about the suit at "RIAA Sues Usenet, Decries It as Napster, Kazaa" and "RIAA Tries to Pull Plug on Usenet. Seriously."
Wikimedia Commons Hits Two Million File Mark
The Wikimedia Commons, which started in September 2004, now contains over two million media files, and it is adding files at a rate of over 100,000 files per month. Works in Wikimedia Commons the are in the public domain or under a Creative Commons license (Attribution or Attribution-Share Alike) or a GNU Free Documentation License.
The Jammie Thomas Appeal and More Follow-up
Jammie Thomas has filed a notice of appeal to the Capitol Records v. Jammie Thomas verdict based on the premise that the statutory damages awarded were excessively large and constitute punitive damages. Thomas would like to have a new trial or to have the damages to be adjusted to $151.20 from $222,000.
Here's an excerpt from the motion reported in "Appeal in RIAA Case to Focus on 'Unconstitutionally Excessive' Punishment":
"In the instant matter, defendant Thomas urges the Court to consider the statutory damages to be tantamount to an award of punitive damages, since it is based not upon plaintiffs' losses, but rather defendant's conduct," concludes the motion. "Whether the Court recognizes actual damages of zero dollars, $20 or whatever figure plaintiffs suggest is a fair measure of their actual damages for the 24 subject recordings, the ratio of actual damages to the award is not only astronomical, it is offensive to our Constitution and offensive generally."
Further coverage of the motion is available in "RIAA Says Thomas Shirking $222,000 Payoff" and "RIAA's $222,000 Defendant Asks for a New Trial."
Here's further commentary on the verdict:
A Capitol Records v. Jammie Thomas Juror Speaks Out and More Verdict Reactions
Michael Hegg, a steelworker who served on the Capitol Records v. Jammie Thomas jury, has revealed what went on in the deliberations in "RIAA Juror: 'We Wanted to Send a Message'."
Here are more verdict reactions and follow-ups:
- "Capitol v. Thomas: The Key Appeal Issue"
- "Defendant Knocks Web Illiterate Juror in RIAA case"
- "For RIAA, a Black Eye Is a Deliberate Choice Opposed by Musicians"
- "Jammie Thomas: 'I'm No Puppet' for RIAA Foes"
- "On the $9,250 Song"
- "Podcast: The RIAA's Public Relations Problem"
- "RIAA Eyes Next Possible Targets: CD Burners, Radio Listeners"
- "RIAA Hits a Sour Note with Its File-Sharing Witch Hunt"
- "Update: Court Documents Now Available for RIAA Case against Minnesota Woman"
P2P Users Who Don't Use Blocklists Can Be Tracked by Media Companies
A study by Anirban Banerjee, Michalis Faloutsos and Laxmi N. Bhuyan ("P2P:Is Big Brother Watching You?") has shown that peer-to-peer file sharing users who do not employ blocklists can be tracked by media companies or their agents.
Here's an excerpt from the paper:
A naive user is practically guaranteed to be tracked: we observe that 100% of our peers run into blocklisted users. In fact, 12% to 17% of all distinct IPs contacted by a peer are blocklisted ranges. Interestingly, a little caution can have significant effect: the top five most prevalent blocklisted IPs contribute to nearly 94% of all blocklisted IPs we ran into. Using this information users can reduce their chances of being tracked to just about 1%.
Source: Anderson, Nate. "P2P Researchers: Use a Blocklist or You Will Be Tracked. . . 100% of the Time." Ars Technica, 10 October 2007.
Boyle on 7 Ways to Ruin a Technological Revolution
Goggle has released a digital video of noted copyright expert James Boyle’s talk on "7 Ways To Ruin A Technological Revolution."
Here's an excerpt from the abstract:
If you wanted to undermine the technological revolution of the last 30 years, using the law, how would you do it? How would you undercut the virtuous cycle that results from access to an open network, force technological innovation into stagnation, diminish competition, create monopolies over the basic building blocks of knowledge?
The Capitol Records v. Jammie Thomas Appeal and Further Reactions to the Verdict
Jammie Thomas will appeal the Capitol Records v. Jammie Thomas verdict. More on this and further reactions to the case in the articles and posts below:
EDUCAUSE Urgent Call to Action on McKeon-Keller Bill’s File Sharing Provisions
You might recall that back in July, EDUCAUSE issued an urgent call to action about a file sharing amendment that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid intended to make to the Higher Education Reauthorization Act.
It's déjà vu all over again. Virtually the same proposal has been incorporated into Rep. Howard P. McKeon and Rep. Ric Keller's College Access and Opportunity Act of 2007, and EDUCAUSE has again issued an urgent call to action. Get the details at EDUCAUSE's P2P or File Sharing page.
Also read "A Controversial Antipiracy Measure Re-emerges." Here's an excerpt:
Like Mr. Reid’s amendment, the House proposal calls on the U.S. secretary of education to identify the 25 institutions that received the most notices identifying cases of copyright infringement of both music and movies. The colleges appearing on those lists would then be required to devise “a plan for implementing a technology-based deterrent” to illegal file swapping.
Source: Read, Brock. "A Controversial Antipiracy Measure Re-emerges." The Wired Campus, 8 October 2007.
Yet Another Music Copyright Lawsuit: Turn Off Those Staff Radios in the UK!
Kwik-Fit, a UK car repair company, has been sued by the Performing Rights Society over staff use of radios.
Here's an excerpt from "Kwik-Fit Sued over Staff Radios":
The PRS claimed that Kwik-Fit mechanics routinely use personal radios while working at service centres across the UK and that music, protected by copyright, could be heard by colleagues and customers.
It is maintained that amounts to the "playing" or "performance" of the music in public and renders the firm guilty of infringing copyright.
Source: "Kwik-Fit Sued over Staff Radios." BBC News, 5 October 2007.
The Amazon MP3 Music Service: No DRM; but Read the Terms of Use Agreement
MP3 files in the Amazon MP3 Music Service are free from DRM restrictions; however, the Amazon MP3 Music Service: Terms of Use agreement imposes legal restrictions that customers should be aware of and compare to their rights under the first sale doctrine with a CD purchase.
In section 2.1, it states:
Upon your payment of our fees for Digital Content, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Digital Content for your personal, non-commercial, entertainment use, subject to and in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. You may copy, store, transfer and burn the Digital Content only for your personal, non-commercial, entertainment use.
In section 2.2, it states (excerpt; italics added):
Except as set forth in Section 2.1 above, you agree that you will not redistribute, transmit, assign, sell, broadcast, rent, share, lend, modify, adapt, edit, sub-license or otherwise transfer or use the Digital Content. You are not granted any synchronization, public performance, promotional use, commercial sale, resale, reproduction or distribution rights for the Digital Content.
Source: Dudley, Brier. "Unlocked Music Isn't Unlimited." The Seattle Times, 8 October 2007.
More Reactions to the Capitol Records v. Jammie Thomas Verdict
Here are some more reactions to the Capitol Records v. Jammie Thomas verdict.
- "Analysis: Despite Lawsuits, Peer-to-Peer Growing"
- "Analyzing a Music Pirate's Playlist"
- "The Cost of Free File-Sharing"
- "Despite Verdict, Experts Say Paying for Music Is Passé"
- "How the RIAA Tasted Victory: A Perfect Storm Which Might Not Be Repeated"
- "My Battle with the RIAA Continued: Paypal Information"
- "RIAA—Recording Infamy Ass of America"
- "Will I Have to Pay $222,000?
Reactions to the Capitol Records v. Jammie Thomas Verdict
Here are some reactions to the Capitol Records v. Jammie Thomas verdict.
- "Bush Admin: RIAA Win Shows Copyright Law Is 'Effective'"
- "Democratic Congressman: RIAA's $222,000 Win Is 'Excessive'"
- "Downloading and Demonoid"
- "Minnesota Woman Who Owes RIAA $220,000 Calls Sum 'Ridiculous'"
- "Record Companies Blow Millions on Pyrrhic Victory"
- "RIAA’s So-Called Victory a Double Edged Sword"
- "Where Do I Send The Money?"
- "Why the RIAA Should Have Won (though the Fine Was too High)"
- "Woman to Pay Downloading Award Herself"
RIAA Wins in Capitol Records v. Jammie Thomas
The RIAA scored a victory in its first file sharing lawsuit to go before a jury. Defendent Jammie Thomas was ordered to pay $220,000 ($9,250 each for 24 songs).
Here are the Ars Technica postings that deal with the case:
- "With Trial Date Looming, RIAA Tries to Avoid Facing a Jury"
- "File-sharing on the Docket: Groundbreaking RIAA Case Goes to Trial Tuesday"
- "First RIAA Trial Gets Under Way with Jury Selection, Opening Statements"
- "Sony BMG's Chief Anti-Piracy Lawyer: 'Copying' Music You Own Is 'Stealing'"
- "RIAA Anti-P2P Campaign a Real Money Pit, According to Testimony"
- "Judge Bars RIAA President from Testifying in Capitol Records v. Thomas"
- "Debate over 'Making Available' Jury Instruction as Capitol v. Thomas Wraps Up (Updated)"
- "RIAA Trial Verdict Is In: Jury Finds Thomas Liable for Infringement"
Further coverage about the verdict can be found in these CNET articles:
RIAA Loses Money on File Sharing Lawsuits
Testifying in Capitol Records v. Jammie Thomas (formerly known as Virgin v. Thomas), Jennifer Pariser of Sony BMG, admitted that the RIAA's lawsuits against file sharing result in a net loss for the organization.
Here's an excerpt from "RIAA Anti-P2P Campaign a Real Money Pit, According to Testimony":
One of the biggest bombshells from the cross-examination was Pariser's admission that the RIAA's legal campaign isn't making the labels any money, and that, furthermore, the industry has no idea of the actual damages it suffers due to file-sharing. . . .
The next line of questioning was how many suits the RIAA has filed so far. Pariser estimated the number at a "few thousand." "More like 20,000," suggested Toder. "That's probably an overstatement," Pariser replied. She then made perhaps the most startling comment of the day. Saying that the record labels have spent "millions" on the lawsuits, she then said that "we've lost money on this program."
Source: Bangeman, Eric. "RIAA Anti-P2P Campaign a Real Money Pit, According to Testimony." Ars Technica, 2 October 2007.
Two Copyright Presentations by Wendy Seltzer at Cornell
Digital videos of two copyright presentations by Wendy Seltzer, Assistant Professor at Northeastern University School of Law, at Cornell University are now available: "Protecting the University from Copyright Bullies" and "Righting the Copyright Balance."
Free Version of the Copyright Cataloging Database Now Available
In response to the U.S. Copyright Office's reply to a letter from Carl Malamud and Peter Brantley (and other co-signers) about the $86,625 cost of the U.S. Copyright Cataloging database, has made the database freely available (Web access and FTP access).
Here's an excerpt from the website:
- The "code" directory contains PERL code from 2000 which is used to convert MARC-format records into XML.
- The "raw" directory contains the bulk database product as sold by the Library of Commerce as of the year 2000.
- The "hids" directory contains all bulk data from 1978 to the present. . . .
In posting these data, we rely partly on voicemail from the Honorable Marybeth Peters, the U.S. Register of Copyrights received Fri Sep 21 16:17:02 PDT 2007 in response to the above-mentioned letter, in which Ms. Peters states that "I think our records should be available to the public. Certainly there's no copyright in any of the copyright records. Certainly they're public records and they should be openly available."
Source: Brantley, Peter. "Making a Brouhaha in the Blogosphere." O'Reilly Radar, 30 September 2007.
Copyright Office Replies to Malamud et al. about the Cost of the Copyright Catalog
In response to a letter by Carl Malamud and other notables questioning the $86,625 price tag on the copyright catalog, the U.S. Copyright Office has replied, and that reply has been posted on the Library of Congress Blog.
Here's an excerpt:
The U.S. Copyright Office neither sets the price nor receives any direct revenue from the sale of the Copyright Cataloging database. Rather, access to these records is a service offered through the Cataloging Distribution Service (CDS) of the Library of Congress, which is mandated by Congress to provide this and other services to the public at a charge of production and distribution cost plus 10%. . . .
Fortunately, recent cost savings realized within CDS are anticipated to result in a drop in the price of many services available from CDS, including the Copyright Cataloging database subscription service. Any new pricing structure will appear first at on the CDS Web site in late October or early November 2007, then in the 2008 CDS Catalog of Products in January 2008.
Source: Raymond, Matt. "The Price of the Copyright Catalog." Library of Congress Blog, 26 September 2007.
More Lawsuits and Pre-Litigation Settlement Letters from the RIAA
In a new round of litigation, the Recording Industry Association of America has sued 24 individuals who had not heeded pre-litigation settlement letters, and it has sent 403 new letters to individuals at 22 universities.
Source: Butler, Susan. "RIAA Sends Another Wave Of Settlement Letters." Billboard, 20 September 2007.
Creative Commons Sued
The Creative Commons, along with Vigin Mobile, has been sued by Susan Chang and Justin Ho-Wee Wong over the "unauthorized and exploitive use of Alison's Chang's image in an advertising campaign launched in June 2007 to promote free text messaging and other mobile services."
Here's an excerpt from Lawrence Lessig's posting:
Slashdot has an entry about a lawsuit filed this week by parents of a Texas minor whose photograph was used by Virgin Australia in an advertising campaign. The photograph was taken by an adult. He posted it to Flickr under a CC-Attribution license. The parents of the minor are complaining that Virgin violated their daughter's right to privacy (by using a photograph of her for commercial purposes without her or her parents permission). The photographer is also a plaintiff. He is complaining that Creative Commons failed "to adequately educate and warn him . . . of the meaning of commercial use and the ramifications and effects of entering into a license allowing such use." (Count V of the complaint).
The comments on the Slashdot thread are very balanced and largely accurate. (The story itself is a bit misleading, as the photographer also complains that Virgin did not give him attribution, thereby violating the CC license). As comment after comment rightly notes, CC licenses have not (yet) tried to deal with the complexity of any right of privacy. The failure of Virgin to get a release before commercially exploiting the photograph thus triggers the question of whether the minor's right to privacy has been violated.
Source: Lessig, Lawrence. "On the Texas Suit against Virgin and Creative Commons." Lessig 2.0, 22 September 2007.