"Research Data Management Needs Assessment of Clemson University"

The faculty, staff, and graduate students at Clemson University were surveyed by the library about their RDM needs in the spring of 2021. The survey was based on previous surveys from 2012 and 2016 to allow for comparison, but language was updated, and additional questions were added because the field of RDM has evolved. Survey findings indicated that researchers are overall more likely to back up and share their data, but the process of cleaning and preparing the data for sharing was an obstacle. Few researchers reported including metadata when sharing or consulting the library for help with writing a Data Management Plan (DMP). Researchers want RDM resources; offering and effectively marketing those resources will enable libraries to both support researchers and encourage best practices. Understanding researcher needs and offering time-saving services and convenient training options makes following RDM best practices easier for researchers. Outreach and integrated partnerships that support the research life cycle are crucial next steps for ensuring effective data management.


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Paywall: "Big Data Curation Framework: Curation Actions and Challenges"

The goal of this research is to provide a theoretical framework that identifies big data curation actions and associated curation challenges. . . . The outcome of the study includes the big data curation framework that provides overview of curation activities and concerns that are essential to perform such activities. The study also provides practical implications for libraries, archives, data repositories and other information organisations that concerns the issue of big data curation as big data presents a multidimensional array of exigencies in relation to the mission of those organisations.


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"How Often Do Cancer Researchers Make Their Data and Code Available and What Factors Are Associated with Sharing"

One in five studies declared data were publicly available (59/306, 19%, 95% CI: 15–24%). However, when data availability was investigated this percentage dropped to 16% (49/306, 95% CI: 12–20%), and then to less than 1% (1/306, 95% CI: 0–2%) when data were checked for compliance with key FAIR principles. While only 4% of articles that used inferential statistics reported code to be available (10/274, 95% CI: 2–6%), the odds of reporting code to be available were 5.6 times higher for researchers who shared data.


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Paywall: The Data Literacy Cookbook

The Data Literacy Cookbook includes a variety of approaches to and lesson plans for teaching data literacy, from simple activities to self-paced learning modules to for-credit and discipline-specific courses. . . . Many sections have overlapping learning outcomes, so you can combine recipes from multiple sections to whip up a scaffolded curriculum. The Data Literacy Cookbook provides librarians with lesson plans, strategies, and activities to help guide students as both consumers and producers in the data life cycle.


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Data Primer: Making Digital Humanities Research Data Public

This Data Primer was collaboratively authored by over 30 Digital Humanities researchers and research assistants, and was peer-reviewed by data professionals. It serves as an overview of the different aspects of data curation and management best practices for digital humanities researchers. Endorsed by the National Training Expert Group of the Digital Research Alliance of Canada.


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"NLM Toolkit for the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy"

A selection of guides, toolkits, and other resources for librarians working on addressing the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy.


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"The French National 3D Data Repository for Humanities: Features, Feedback and Open Questions"

We introduce the French National 3D Data Repository for Humanities designed for the conservation and the publication of 3D research data in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences. We present the choices made for the data organization, metadata, standards and infrastructure towards a FAIR service.


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"Towards Environmentally Sustainable Long-term Digital Preservation "

Digital preservation relies on technological infrastructure (information and communication technology, ICT) that can have environmental impacts. While altering technology usage can reduce the impact of digital preservation practices, this alone is not a strategy for sustainable practice. Moving toward environmentally sustainable digital preservation requires critically examining the motivations and assumptions that shape current practice. The use of scalable cloud infrastructures can reduce the environmental impacts of long-term data preservation solutions.


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The BitList 2022: The Global List of Digitally Endangered Species

The Global List of Digitally Endangered Species – The BitList – offers an accessible snapshot of the concerns expressed by the global digital preservation community with respect to the risks faced by diverse types of digital content in varied conditions and contexts. It provides an elementary assessment of the imminence and significance of the dangers faced by different, and at times overlapping classifications of digital materials. By identifying the urgency of action and significance of content, The BitList draws attention to those digital materials that, in the view of the global digital preservation community, require urgent action to remain viable.


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"Finding Your Way in Academic Librarianship: Introducing the Scholarly Communication Notebook"

The SCN (https://www.oercommons.org/hubs/SCN) is an extension of an earlier, related, effort to create an open textbook about scholarly communication librarianship. That book, Scholarly Communication Librarianship and Open Knowledge, is forthcoming from ACRL in 2023. . . . Even if openly licensed, a book remains a relatively static resource. Scholarly communication is not static at all. Far from it, as many will attest and recognize through hard-won experience. Our contribution is the SCN, an online collection of contributed, modular, open content scoped to scholarly communication topics, which might complement the book or find use independent of it.


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"Data Platforms for Open Life Sciences – A Systematic Analysis of Management Instruments"

Open data platforms are interfaces between data demand of and supply from their users. Yet, data platform providers frequently struggle to aggregate data to suit their users’ needs and to establish a high intensity of data exchange in a collaborative environment. Here, using open life science data platforms as an example for a diverse data structure, we systematically categorize these platforms based on their technology intermediation and the range of domains they cover to derive general and specific success factors for their management instruments. Our qualitative content analysis is based on 39 in-depth interviews with experts employed by data platforms and external stakeholders. We thus complement peer initiatives which focus solely on data quality, by additionally highlighting the data platforms’ role to enable data utilization for innovative output. Based on our analysis, we propose a clearly structured and detailed guideline for seven management instruments. This guideline helps to establish and operationalize data platforms and to best exploit the data provided. Our findings support further exploitation of the open innovation potential in the life sciences and beyond.


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ARL: "Two-Page Table Compares 2013 and 2022 Public-Access Guidance from US Office of Science and Technology Policy"

In an effort to highlight the significant differences between the 2013 [OSTP] memorandum and the 2022 guidance, the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has published a comparison table of the two documents. This table breaks down the 2013 and 2022 OSTP public-access guidance into sections for a quick side-by-side comparison of 10 key components, including embargo period, data policies, formats, and metadata expectations.


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Paywall: "A New Decade of Uses for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) As a Tool to Research, Measure and Analyze Library Services"

The purpose of this paper is to explore library research that uses geographic information systems (GIS) as a tool to evaluate library services and resources to ascertain current trends and establish future directions for this growing research area.


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"An Assessment of Research Data Services through Client Interaction Records"

Research data services have become a key feature of academic libraries. In this paper, we provide an internal assessment of consulting reach and effectiveness for our Data Services provided by the University Libraries at Virginia Tech and using client records from 2016 to 2020. Through this assessment, we explore how service growth and reach across Virginia Tech has evolved with time. We also look more closely at these aspects for one college and discuss how we will use this data to assess the impact of our services. Finally, through the lens of client outcomes, we examine the trends of client interactions over the term of the study. Initially, we envisioned a successful service as one useful to the largest number of entities (primarily colleges and institutes) across Virginia Tech. However, analysis of the data we have gathered over the past 4 years leads us to consider target ing our service growth where it might be most useful. Rather than prioritizing services that are useful to the largest number of researchers, we instead could (and perhaps should) prioritize engagement with researchers and research communities for whom our assistance can make the largest positive impact on their research projects. This assessment of our client data demonstrates the utility of detailed client management records for periodic formative and summative assessment of research data services.


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"What Does Open Research Look Like in My Field? New Researcher Case Studies Show How It’s Done"

Today UKRN releases both an updated version of its primer on open research in different disciplines, and a new set of accompanying case studies, hosted on dedicated UKRN pages for each discipline.

The case studies—23 so far—are based on interviews conducted during summer 2022 with active researchers across the UK and beyond. They describe a wide range of research practices across diverse fields of research, from art and design to condensed matter physics, and outline both why and how openness is relevant.

They cover topics such as open access and open data and software, but also co-production, pre-registration, preprints, ethics, the roles of infrastructure, and of other actors such as funders, standards bodies and community groups.


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Read Only: "Data Paper as a Reward? Motivation, Consideration, and Perspective behind Data Paper Submission"

Data papers, as one of the channels to encourage researchers to open up research data under the open science movement, are expected to provide strong incentives through formal citations. . . . This study examines researchers’ motivations, and considerations for data paper submission, as well as their perspectives on this scholarly publication. . . . Although the academic community widely recognizes the benefits of publishing data papers, some still cast a doubtful eye on its academic value and impact.


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"The Interdependence of Data Producers and Data Users: How Researchers’ Behaviors Can Support or Hinder Each Other"

Sharing and reusing data is widely viewed as advancing knowledge, but researchers often view it as a burdensome and time-consuming process. We sought to identify specific research practices that have the potential to decrease burden and increase benefits for researchers from any discipline while retaining the broad scholarly benefits, complementing investigations that have identified approaches and standards within specific fields. We conducted a literature search and engaged in qualitative interviews with 20 academic researchers who had diverse disciplinary backgrounds and experience sharing and/or reusing publicly accessible data. The connection points between data producers and data users throughout the data sharing and reuse cycle indicate that sharing and reusing data is an interdependent process, meaning producers and users depend on each other to achieve their respective goals successfully and efficiently. For example, data producers can simplify and ease the user’s work of finding data by posting on a visible repository or directly linking to their data in publications. Relatedly, data users who perceive the linked nature of reuse can simplify the producer’s ability to track impact of the data and facilitate the reward and credit the producer receives by citing the data products in publications. We highlight areas of interdependencies throughout the research process and provide recommendations for data producers and users to make their sharing and reuse practices, respectively, more efficient. We also recommend practices to reduce burden for producers, who bear the initial effort in preparing data properly for reuse. Because many of our participants did not consider the downstream success and impact of their data and the researchers who produce and use data, we call for increased awareness of the interconnections between producers and users as an important step to reduce burden and increase the effectiveness of data sharing and reuse.


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Paywall: "A Perspective on Computational Research Support Programs in the Library: More than 20 Years of Data from Stanford University Libraries"

Presentation of data is a major component to academic research. However, programming languages, computational tools, and methods for exploring and analyzing data can be time consuming and frustrating to learn and finding help with these stages of the broader research process can be daunting. In this work, we highlight the impacts that computational research support programs housed in library contexts can have for fulfilling gaps in student, staff, and faculty research needs. The archival history of one such organization, Software and Services for Data Science (SSDS) in the Stanford University Cecil H. Green Library, is used to outline challenges faced by social sciences and humanities researchers from the 1980s to the present day.


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"Guest Post – The Door to Data Sharing is Slowly Creaking Open "

Looking to the future, it is interesting to dive deeper into researchers’ perceived incentives for sharing data. Overall, just 19% of respondents believed that researchers get sufficient credit for sharing data, while fully three-quarters indicated they receive too little credit. Those who report more ingrained behaviors to sharing their research data openly were more likely to agree that researchers get sufficient credit for sharing data – for example 40% of those who share their data immediately on collection believe that researchers get sufficient credit – however they are still in the minority.


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14 YouTube Videos: "OASPA 2022 Annual Conference: Beyond Open Access"

Full coverage of the three-day OASPA Online Conference on Open Scholarship 2022.


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"Nine Best Practices for Research Software Registries and Repositories"

Scientific software registries and repositories improve software findability and research transparency, provide information for software citations, and foster preservation of computational methods in a wide range of disciplines. Registries and repositories play a critical role by supporting research reproducibility and replicability, but developing them takes effort and few guidelines are available to help prospective creators of these resources. To address this need, the FORCE11 Software Citation Implementation Working Group convened a Task Force to distill the experiences of the managers of existing resources in setting expectations for all stakeholders. In this article, we describe the resultant best practices which include defining the scope, policies, and rules that govern individual registries and repositories, along with the background, examples, and collaborative work that went into their development.


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The State of Open Data Report 2022

Based on a global survey, the report is now in its seventh year and provides insights into researchers’ attitudes towards and experiences of open data. With more than 5,400 respondents, the 2022 survey is the largest since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

This year’s report also includes guest articles from open data experts at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), publishers and universities.


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"Synchronic Curation for Assessing Reuse and Integration Fitness of Multiple Data Collections"

SC is a framework that can be implemented to curate data collections to solve multiple research use cases in different scientific fields. SC fills an urgent need in data driven research that requires usage of large and diverse data collections. To reuse data, the first step is to assess its quality and its fitness to address the research use case at hand. SC proposes modelling data collections to research questions to enable targeted analyses and comparisons that can help users identify which collections are more reliable and adequate to solve them. Importantly, SC enables curators and researchers to assess multiple datasets at the same time.


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"Boundaries, Extensions, and Challenges of Visualization for Humanities Data: Reflections on Three Cases"

This paper discusses problems of visualizing humanities data of various forms, such as video data, archival data, and numeric-oriented social science data, with three distinct case studies. By describing the visualization practices and the issues that emerged from the process, this paper uses the three cases to each identify a pertinent question for reflection. More specifically, I reflect on the difficulty, thoughts, and considerations of choosing the most effective and sufficient forms of visualization to enhance the expression of specific cultural and humanities data in the projects. Discussions in this paper concern some questions, such as, how do the multi-modality of humanities and cultural data challenge the understanding, roles, and functions of visualizations, and more broadly, visual representations in humanities research? What do we lose of the original data by visualizing them in those projects? How to balance the benefits and disadvantages of visual technologies to display complex, unique, and often culturally saturated humanities datasets.


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"Increasing the Reuse of Data through FAIR-enabling the Certification of Trustworthy Digital Repositories"

To address this gap the FAIRsFAIR project developed a number of tools and resources that facilitate the assessment of FAIR-enabling practices at the repository level as well as the FAIRness of datasets within them. These include the CoreTrustSeal+FAIRenabling Capability Maturity model (CTS+FAIR CapMat), a FAIR-Enabling Trustworthy Digital Repositories-Capability Maturity Self-Assessment template, and F-UJI, a web-based tool designed to assess the FAIRness of research data objects.


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