"Why It Takes a Village to Manage and Share Data" https://doi.org/10.1162/99608f92.42eec111 Research Data Publication and Citation Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
"Changing the Culture on Data Management and Sharing: Overview and Highlights from a Workshop Held by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine" https://cutt.ly/MZbRg9N Research Data Curation and Management Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
"A Critical Literature Review of Historic Scientific Analog Data: Uses, Successes, and Challenges" http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2022-014 Research Data Publication and Citation Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
“‘Knock Knock! Who’s There?’ A Study on Scholarly Repositories’ Availability” https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.12879 Research Data Curation and Management Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
Paywall: "Digital Curation and Open-Source Software in LAM-Related Publications" https://doi.org/10.1177%2F09610006221113372 Research Data Publication and Citation Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
"Experimenting with Repository Workflows for Archiving: Manual Ingest" https://cutt.ly/gZyNCFd Research Data Curation and Management Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
The Effectiveness and Durability of Digital Preservation and Curation Systems https://cutt.ly/KLCQp0z Research Data Publication and Citation Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
"What Do We Mean by ‘Data ’? A Proposed Classification of Data Types in the Arts and Humanities" https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.06764 Research Data Curation and Management Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
Paywall – US Is Falling Behind: "Playing Catch-up in Building an Open Research Commons" http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.abo5947 Research Data Publication and Citation Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
Mobile Health Apps: "Privacy, Data Sharing, and Data Security Policies of Women’s mHealth Apps: Scoping Review and Content Analysis" https://mhealth.jmir.org/2022/5/e33735/ Research Data Curation and Management Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
"The Financial Maintenance of Social Science Data Archives: Four Case Studies of Long-Term Infrastructure Work" https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.24691 Research Data Sharing and Reuse Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
"Research Data Management Practice in Academic Libraries" https://doi.org/10.31274/jlsc.13700 Research Data Curation and Management Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
"Practices Before Policy: Research Data Management Behaviours in Canada" https://doi.org/10.21083/partnership.v17i1.6779 Research Data Sharing and Reuse Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
Paywall: 3D Data Creation to Curation: Community Standards for 3D Data Preservation https://cutt.ly/WKHFWtA Research Data Sharing and Reuse Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
Paywall: "Exploring Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNS) At a R1 Institution in the Southeast USA" https://doi.org/10.1108/DLP-02-2022-0013 Academic Library as Scholarly Publisher Bibliography, Version 2 | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
WP7 Scoping Report on Archiving and Preserving OA Monographs https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6725309 Research Data Sharing and Reuse Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
"Open Research Data: A Case Study into Institutional and Infrastructural Arrangements to Stimulate Open Research Data Sharing and Reuse" https://doi.org/10.1177/09610006221101200 Academic Library as Scholarly Publisher Bibliography, Version 2 | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
"Many Researchers Say They’ll Share Data—But Don’t" https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-01692-1 Academic Library as Scholarly Publisher Bibliography, Version 2 | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
"A Focus Groups Study on Data Sharing and Research Data Management" https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01428-w Research Data Sharing and Reuse Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
NASIG Model Digital Preservation Policy https://cutt.ly/dKwmgoj Research Data Sharing and Reuse Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
"The Library’s Role in Facilitating Users’ Experiences Navigating Computing and Data Services" https://cutt.ly/4J5ypfq Academic Library as Scholarly Publisher Bibliography, Version 2 | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
"Development and Governance of FAIR Thresholds for a Data Federation" http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2022-013 Electronic Theses and Dissertations Bibliography, Version 7 | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
"Dental Research Data Availability and Quality According to the FAIR Principles" https://doi.org/10.1177%2F00220345221101321 Academic Library as Scholarly Publisher Bibliography, Version 2 | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
"Data Sharing and Reanalyses among Randomized Clinical Trials Published in Surgical Journals before and after Adoption of a Data Availability and Reproducibility Policy" https://cutt.ly/lJHPUTA Research Data Sharing and Reuse Bibliography | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap
Paywall: "Academic Librarians and Research Data Services: Preparation and Attitudes Revisited" https://doi.org/10.1080/10875301.2022.2072042 Electronic Theses and Dissertations Bibliography, Version 7 | Digital Scholarship | Digital Scholarship Sitemap