Category: Digital Curation & Digital Preservation
NIH Report: Developing the Librarian Workforce for Data Science and Open Science
"Practices, Challenges, and Prospects of Big Data Curation: a Case Study in Geoscience"
Towards Research Software Management: "Data without Software Are Just Numbers"
"A Study of the Impact of Data Sharing on Article Citations Using Journal Policies as a Natural Experiment"
Providing Access to 100-Year-Old Analog Data Set: "Resurfacing Historical Scientific Data: A Case Study Involving Fruit Breeding Data"
"Collaborating Externally and Training Internally to Support Research Data Services"
"’Data Stewardship Wizard’: A Tool Bringing Together Researchers, Data Stewards, and Data Experts around Data Management Planning"
"Selecting Efficient and Reliable Preservation Strategies: Modeling Long-Term Information Integrity Using Large-Scale Hierarchical Discrete Event Simulation"
Requires Registration: Research Data Services in Academic Libraries: Where are We Today?
Paywall Article: "Documenting Georeferenced Social Science Survey Data: Limits of Metadata Standards and Possible Solutions"
"A Discussion of Value Metrics for Data Repositories in Earth and Environmental Sciences"
"Digging into Data Management in Public-Funded, International Research in Digital Humanities"
"Publishers’ Responsibilities in Promoting Data Quality and Reproducibility"
"Playing Well on the Data FAIRground: Initiatives and Infrastructure in Research Data Management"
"The FAIR Funding Model: Providing a Framework for Research Funders to Drive the Transition toward FAIR Data Management and Stewardship Practices"
"Talking Datasets: Understanding Data Sensemaking Behaviours"
Laura Koesten et al. have self-archived "Talking Datasets: Understanding Data Sensemaking Behaviours."
Here's an excerpt:
The sharing and reuse of data are seen as critical to solving the most complex problems of today. Despite this potential, relatively little is known about a key step in data reuse: people's behaviours involved in data-centric sensemaking. We aim to address this gap by presenting a mixed-methods study combining in-depth interviews, a think-aloud task and a screen recording analysis with 31 researchers as they summarised and interacted with both familiar and unfamiliar data. We use our findings to identify and detail common activity patterns and necessary data attributes across three clusters of sensemaking activities: inspecting data, engaging with content, and placing data within broader contexts. We conclude by proposing design recommendations for tools and documentation practices which can be used to facilitate sensemaking and subsequent data reuse.
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