"Supporting Web Archiving via Web Packaging"

Sawood Alam et al. have self-archived "Supporting Web Archiving via Web Packaging."

Here's an excerpt:

We describe challenges related to web archiving, replaying archived web resources, and verifying their authenticity. We show that Web Packaging has significant potential to help address these challenges and identify areas in which changes are needed in order to fully realize that potential.

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"The Administrative Load of Sharing Sensitive Data—Challenges and Solutions?"

Kirsty Merrett et al. have published "The Administrative Load of Sharing Sensitive Data—Challenges and Solutions?" in the International Journal of Digital Curation.

Here's an excerpt:

Sharing data openly has become a straightforward process at the University of Bristol. The University's top funders mandate or recommend data sharing as a condition of funding, and many publishers require access to research data to enable results of published articles to be verified. The University has provided a dedicated data repository to support this since 2015, and demand for open publication has risen steadily since its inception. However, an increasing number of requests for sharing data relate to data that has ethical, legal or commercial sensitivities and so cannot be published openly.

Rather than discuss the wide-ranging ethical implications of data sharing, this practice paper will focus on the secure sharing of sensitive data that has ethical approval and, where required, has the necessary consent in place, from the perspective of an institution that has already decided to undertake the work inherent in sharing sensitive data. The specific purpose is to detail the workflow and administrative tasks integral in this and to highlight the types of challenges encountered.

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"From Passive to Active, from Generic to Focussed: How Can an Institutional Data Archive Remain Relevant in a Rapidly Evolving Landscape?"

Maria J. Cruz et al. have published "From Passive to Active, From Generic to Focussed: How Can an Institutional Data Archive Remain Relevant in a Rapidly Evolving Landscape? " in the International Journal of Digital Curation.

Here's an excerpt:

Founded in 2008 as an initiative of the libraries of three of the four technical universities in the Netherlands, the 4TU.Centre for Research Data (4TU.Research Data) has provided a fully operational, cross-institutional, long-term archive since 2010, storing data from all subjects in applied sciences and engineering. Presently, over 90% of the data in the archive is geoscientific data coded in netCDF (Network Common Data Form)—a data format and data model that, although generic, is mostly used in climate, ocean and atmospheric sciences. In this practice paper, we explore the question of how 4TU.Research Data can stay relevant and forward-looking in a rapidly evolving research data management landscape. In particular, we describe the motivation behind this question and how we propose to address it.

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"Tiny Data: Building a Community of Practice around Humanities Datasets"

Veronica Ikeshoji-Orlati et al. have published "Tiny Data: Building a Community of Practice around Humanities Datasets" in the International Journal of Digital Curation.

Here's an excerpt:

Quantitative data, the foundation of scientific research, have been in the foreground of discussions about data creation, curation, and publication pipelines. However, data for humanistic and social scientific inquiries take many forms, including physical and ephemeral primary resources (books, objects, performances, interactions); qualitative, free-form observations; as well as quantitative, structured data and metadata. At the Vanderbilt University Jean and Alexander Heard Library, we started the Tiny Data Working Group (TDWG) in 2016 to tackle some of the humanistic research data creation and curation issues in a constructive, collaborative, and interdisciplinary format. The present paper considers what it means to be FAIR with humanities data, as well as how to build a community of data-literate humanists, based on our experiences with the TDWG.

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"Remediation Data Management Plans: A Tool for Recovering Research Data from Messy, Messy Projects"

Clara Llebot has published "Remediation Data Management Plans: A Tool for Recovering Research Data from Messy, Messy Projects" in the International Journal of Digital Curation.

Here's an excerpt:

Data Management Plans (DMPs) have been used in the last decade to encourage good data management practices among researchers. DMPs are widely used, preventive tools that encourage good data management practices. DMPs are traditionally used to manage data during the planning stage of the project, often required for grant proposals, and prior to data collection. In this paper we will use a case study to argue that Data Management Plans can be useful in improving the management of the data of research projects that have moved beyond the planning stage of the research life cycle. In particular, we focus on the case of active projects where data has already been collected and is still being analyzed. We discuss the differences and commonalities in structure between preventive Data Management Plans and remedial Data Management Plans, and describe in detail the additional considerations that are needed when writing remedial Data Management Plans: the goals and audience of the document, the data inventory, and an implementation plan.

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"DiiS: A Biomedical Data Access Framework for Aiding Data Driven Research Supporting FAIR Principles"

Priya Deshpande et al. have published "DiiS: A Biomedical Data Access Framework for Aiding Data Driven Research Supporting FAIR Principles " in Data (CC BY 4.0).

Here's an excerpt:

In this paper, we introduce and describe an abstract framework that models these ideal [FAIR] goals, and could be a step toward supporting data driven research. We also develop a system instantiated on our framework called the Data integration and indexing System (DiiS). The system provides an integration model for making healthcare data available on a global scale. Our research work describes the challenges inhibiting data producers, data stewards, and data brokers in achieving FAIR goals for sharing biomedical data. We attempt to address some of the key challenges through the proposed system. We evaluated our framework using the software architecture testing technique and also looked at how different challenges in data integration are addressed by our system. Our evaluation shows that the DiiS framework is a user friendly data integration system that would greatly contribute to biomedical research.

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"Building Companionship Between Community and Personal Archiving: Strengthening Personal Digital Archiving Support in Community-Based Mobile Digitization Projects"

Ruohua Han has published "Building Companionship Between Community and Personal Archiving: Strengthening Personal Digital Archiving Support in Community-Based Mobile Digitization Projects" in Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture.

Here's an excerpt:

This paper examines the flexibility and sustainability of two community-based mobile digitization projects (Culture in Transit and Georgia HomePLACE DigiKits) in supporting PDA. The assessment shows that the projects are in a good position to support PDA, with only some concerns about ensuring sustainable access to digitization equipment and sufficient guidance in long-term preservation.

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"NYU Receives Major Grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; Collaborative Effort Aims to Meet the Challenge of Preserving New Forms of Digital Scholarship"

New York University has released "NYU Receives Major Grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; Collaborative Effort Aims to Meet the Challenge of Preserving New Forms of Digital Scholarship."

Here's an excerpt:

New York University has received a grant of $527,000 from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for a project to help ensure the preservation of complex new forms of digital scholarship. In the collaborative project, "Enhancing Services to Preserve New Forms of Scholarship," participating preservation service organizations will test the limits of their capabilities today, using their existing tools or drawing on partnerships to preserve a series of increasingly complex works from participating scholarly publishers. The ultimate goal is a clearly defined range of currently preservable technologies, as well as a set of guidelines and best practices for the publishing field.

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"Cold Storage Data Archives: More Than Just a Bunch of Tapes"

Bunjamin Memishi et al. have self-archived "Cold Storage Data Archives: More Than Just a Bunch of Tapes."

Here's an excerpt:

The abundance of available sensor and derived data from large scientific experiments, such as earth observation programs, radio astronomy sky surveys, and high-energy physics already exceeds the storage hardware globally fabricated per year. . . . While high-performance data analytics has received much attention from the research community, the growing number of problems in designing and deploying cold storage archives has only received very little attention.

In this paper, we take the first step towards bridging this gap in knowledge by presenting an analysis of four real-world cold storage archives from three different application domains. In doing so, we highlight (i) workload characteristics that differentiate these archives from traditional, performance-sensitive data analytics, (ii) design trade-offs involved in building cold storage systems for these archives, and (iii) deployment trade-offs with respect to migration to the public cloud.

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"Data Stewardship Week in an Academic Library: An Overview"

Caitlin Harrington et al. have published "Data Stewardship Week in an Academic Library: An Overview" in College & Research Libraries News..

Here's an excerpt:

In the information age, data stewardship is crucial for individual and organizational productivity. It is easy to get overwhelmed by vast amounts of information being created every second. Information overload has become a common occurrence in the workplace to the extent that people "spend more time searching for the right information, leaving them less time for proper analyses using the acquired information." Thus, the excess of information in the workplace can lead to stress, lack of productivity, and information fatigue.

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"Teaching Research Data Management for Students"

Cord Wiljes and Philipp Cimiano have self-archived "Teaching Research Data Management for Students."

Here's an excerpt:

Sound skills in managing research data are a fundamental requirement in any discipline of research. Therefore, research data management should be included in academic education of students as early as possible. We have been teaching an interdisciplinary full semester's course on research data management for six years. We report how we established the course. We describe our competency-based approach to teaching research data management and the curriculum of topics that we consider essential. We evaluate our approach by a survey done among the participants of the course and summarize the lessons we learned in teaching the course.

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"Ten Principles for Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans"

Tomasz Miksa et al. have published "Ten Principles for Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans" in PLOS Computational Biology.

Here's an excerpt:

Data management plans (DMPs) are documents accompanying research proposals and project outputs. DMPs are created as free-form text and describe the data and tools employed in scientific investigations. They are often seen as an administrative exercise and not as an integral part of research practice.

There is now widespread recognition that the DMP can have more thematic, machine-actionable richness with added value for all stakeholders: researchers, funders, repository managers, research administrators, data librarians, and others. The research community is moving toward a shared goal of making DMPs machine-actionable to improve the experience for all involved by exchanging information across research tools and systems and embedding DMPs in existing workflows. This will enable parts of the DMP to be automatically generated and shared, thus reducing administrative burdens and improving the quality of information within a DMP.

This paper presents 10 principles to put machine-actionable DMPs (maDMPs) into practice and realize their benefits. The principles contain specific actions that various stakeholders are already undertaking or should undertake in order to work together across research communities to achieve the larger aims of the principles themselves. We describe existing initiatives to highlight how much progress has already been made toward achieving the goals of maDMPs as well as a call to action for those who wish to get involved.

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