"Requirements for Transformative Open Access Agreements: Accelerating the Transition to Immediate and Worldwide Open Access"

Jisc has released "Requirements for Transformative Open Access Agreements: Accelerating the Transition to Immediate and Worldwide Open Access."

Here's an excerpt:

These requirements are for 2019 and are for hybrid journal agreements. The requirements may be updated to support changes in research funder policies. Jisc Collections will evaluate agreements against these requirements and make the results of the evaluation publicly available online. This evaluation will also make clear if an agreement is compliant with a research funders' policies and their implementation of Plan S.

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"Plan S and Researchers’ Rights: (Re)Framing Academic Freedom"

Marc Couture and Richard Poynder have published "Plan S and Researchers’ Rights: (Re)Framing Academic Freedom " in Open and Shut?.

Here's an excerpt:

Given the apparent disenchantment with Plan S amongst at least some in the research community, and given that researchers find themselves increasingly subjected to ever more demanding OA policies like it (in which new duties, new restrictions and limitations, and new responsibilities are imposed on them), it is surely time to look again at what academic freedom does and does not mean, and what it should and should not mean in today’s context, and try to redefine and/or refine it for today’s historical situation; or at least to, as Marc Couture puts it in his guest post below, seek to "reframe" it?

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Jisc Open Access Briefing Paper: Considering the Implications of the Finch Report

Jisc has released Considering the Implications of the Finch Report.

Here's an excerpt:

Over six years on and in light of the 2017 monitoring report from the Universities UK Open Access Coordination Group [3] this discussion paper examines the impact and consequences of the UK approach, before suggesting possible interventions that might be considered further to evaluate their contribution to enhancing the transition to open access in the UK for all stakeholders.

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Getting Started: Implementing the Marrakesh Treaty for Persons with Print Disabilities: A Practical Guide for Librarians

IFLA has released Getting Started: Implementing the Marrakesh Treaty for Persons with Print Disabilities: A Practical Guide for Librarians.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

This guide, edited by Victoria Owen, and with the welcome support of the World Blind Union, the Canadian Association of Research Libraries, Electronic Information for Libraries, and the University of Toronto, offers answers to frequently asked questions. It can also be adapted by national actors to their own laws—IFLA encourages this, in order to get the largest possible number of libraries involved

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