2019 LYRASIS Accessibility Survey Report: Understanding the Landscape of Library Accessibility for Online Materials

LYRASIS has released the 2019 LYRASIS Accessibility Survey Report: Understanding the Landscape of Library Accessibility for Online Materials.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

The LYRASIS accessibility survey was conducted in early 2019 as a mechanism to better understand how (primarily academic) libraries within the United States are handling accessibility for their online content, and more specifically, where they stand in terms of policy and implementation.

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"Revisiting Controlled Digital Lending Post-ReDigi"

Michelle M. Wu has self-archived "Revisiting Controlled Digital Lending Post-ReDigi."

Here's an excerpt:

Now that the Second Circuit has ruled on the ReDigi appeal, some libraries and users may be curious to see how the decision factors into controlled digital lending (CDL) efforts. To understand the interest and the implications, we first need to establish the basic contours of copyright, fair use, CDL, and ReDigi.

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Getting Started: Implementing the Marrakesh Treaty for Persons with Print Disabilities: A Practical Guide for Librarians

IFLA has released Getting Started: Implementing the Marrakesh Treaty for Persons with Print Disabilities: A Practical Guide for Librarians.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

This guide, edited by Victoria Owen, and with the welcome support of the World Blind Union, the Canadian Association of Research Libraries, Electronic Information for Libraries, and the University of Toronto, offers answers to frequently asked questions. It can also be adapted by national actors to their own laws—IFLA encourages this, in order to get the largest possible number of libraries involved

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"IMLS Announces Investment of $8.1 Million to Strengthen America’s Libraries"

IMLS has released "IMLS Announces Investment of $8.1 Million to Strengthen America's Libraries."

Here's an excerpt:

The Institute of Museum and Library Services today announced 45 grants totaling $8,155,005 to support libraries across the country. The awards were made through the FY 2018 second cycle of the National Leadership Grants for Libraries Program and the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program. The awarded grant search on the IMLS website contains a complete list of grantees and project descriptions. . . .

National Leadership Grants for Libraries support projects that address significant challenges and opportunities facing the library and archives fields and have the potential to advance theory and practice with new tools, research findings, models, services, practices, or alliances that will be widely used. During this second cycle, the National Leadership Grants for Libraries program received 113 preliminary proposals requesting $31,832,527. Forty-six projects requesting $8,101,212 were invited to submit full proposals, and of these, 31 projects were awarded $4,947,294…

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And I Thought All We Needed Was Amazon: "People Visited Public Libraries More Than a Billion Times in 2015"

The Institute of Museum and Library Services, has released "People Visited Public Libraries More Than a Billion Times in 2015."

Here's an excerpt:

The Public Libraries Survey report, released today by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, provides a snapshot of public library use, financial health, staffing, and resources in FY 2015. . . .

The 2015 report includes the following findings:

  • Nearly 311 million Americans lived within a public library service area in 2015, an increase from 306 million in 2014.
  • In 2015, there were 1.39 billion visits to public libraries, or 4.48 visits per person.
  • Public libraries offered 4.7 million programs in 2015, attended by nearly 107 million people, 5 million more attendees than the previous year.
  • Public libraries made 1.31 billion collection items available to patrons and provided access to over a quarter million internet computers.
  • The number of electronic materials available through public libraries, including audio, video and e-books, continued to grow. E-books, especially, have seen significant growth, increasing from 0.04 e-book per person in 2006 to just over one e-book per person in 2015. (See table below.)

Read the report: Public Libraries in the United States Survey: Fiscal Year 2015.

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Library Publishing Coalition: An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing Version 1.0.

The Library Publishing Coalition has released An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing Version 1.0..

Here's an excerpt:

Library publishing is distinguished in part from other types of scholarly publishing by a focus on adherence to the values and ethics of librarianship. An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing supports good practice in this area by providing resources and guidance in a number of ethical areas of importance to library publishers. Version 1.0 (published July 2018) covers publishing practice; accessibility; diversity, equity, and inclusion; privacy and analytics; and academic and intellectual freedom.

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"Keeping Up With. . . General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)"

ACRL has released "Keeping Up With. . . General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)" by Margaret Heller.

Here's an excerpt:

Anyone who holds data must make sure their practices and tools work with GDPR. . . .Librarians have been deleting data about people for a long time. It is standard practice to delete the borrowing records for patrons when the book was returned or a fine paid. . . . But since then, the trails people leave through libraries have become easier to track as more and more reading happens online. A lot of the systems we use haven't offered the ability to delete search logs or other information about individuals, but as of right now are starting to roll out those tools to be compliant with GDPR. Some of the tools are blunt instruments: for example, Ex Libris offers the option to delete patrons from Primo entirely, but this doesn't really address issues like search logs [2].

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"Developing a Bioinformatics Program and Supporting Infrastructure in a Biomedical Library "

Nathan Hosburgh has published "Developing a Bioinformatics Program and Supporting Infrastructure in a Biomedical Library " in the Journal of eScience Librarianship.

Here's an excerpt:

Background: Over the last couple decades, the field of bioinformatics has helped spur medical discoveries that offer a better understanding of the genetic basis of disease, which in turn improve public health and save lives. Concomitantly, support requirements for molecular biology researchers have grown in scope and complexity, incorporating specialized resources, technologies, and techniques


Case Presentation: To address this specific need among National Institutes of Health (NIH) intramural researchers, the NIH Library hired an expert bioinformatics trainer and consultant with a PhD in biochemistry to implement a bioinformatics support program. This study traces the program from its inception in 2009 to its present form. Discussion involves the particular skills of program staff, development of content, collection of resources, associated technology, assessment, and the impact of the program on the NIH community.

Conclusion: Based on quantitative and qualitative data, the bioinformatics support program has been heavily used and appreciated by researchers. Continued success will depend on filling key staff positions, building on the existing program infrastructure, and keeping abreast of developments within the field to remain relevant and in touch with the medical research community utilizing bioinformatics services.

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"Extending Access to Information through Offline Internet"

Arizona State University Library, Bibliothèques Sans Frontières / Libraries Without Borders, IFLA, and others have released the Tempe Principles.


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"No, Fair! Evolving Perspectives on Excessive Use in Research"

Angela Rathmel has published "No, Fair! Evolving Perspectives on Excessive Use in Research" in ACRLog.

Here's an excerpt:

Publishers take an even heavier hand when responding to excessive use breaches. Blocking the user's IP access, or sometimes an entire campus IP range, presumes malicious intent (which it almost never is). This response also exaggerates the stakes involved and misunderstands what is necessary to perform digital research. Strict reinterpretation of print use restrictions in the online environment denies advances in research technology, from basic citation management software to APIs used for text and data mining. It also ignores the very structure of the linked-data world we live in.

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"Digital Music Libraries: Librarian Perspectives and the Challenges Ahead"

Meghan Goodchild has published "Digital Music Libraries: Librarian Perspectives and the Challenges Ahead" in CAML Review.

Here's an excerpt:

This paper reports the results of a survey targeting current members of the Canadian Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (CAML) that investigated the extent to which the current designs and structures of digital music libraries meet the needs of librarians in collecting, preserving, organizing, and disseminating diverse types of music documents. The challenges and barriers experienced in hosting digital collections are discussed. The gap between the current and ideal functionalities, as well as the future possibilities, are explored.

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"Placements & Salaries 2017: Librarians Everywhere"

Suzie Allard has published "Placements & Salaries 2017: Librarians Everywhere" in Library Journal.

Here's an excerpt:

Overall, 2016 graduates have been successful in finding jobs, with 83% of those employed reporting that they have full-time positions. That is up slightly from last year and matches the level of the 2014 survey. Most of these are permanent rather than temporary positions. About 67% of these full-time professionals work in a library setting, markedly lower than last year.

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