Read Only: "Investigating Open Access Publishing Practices of Early and Mid-Career Researchers in Humanities and Social Sciences Disciplines"

In this paper, we investigated and compared OA publishing practices of early career and mid-career researchers in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) disciplines in Canada. . . . Findings show that in the last three years, 74.1% of mid-career researchers have published in OA journals, compared to 63.1% of early career researchers. However, OA publishing of monographs (21.3%) and conference proceedings (29.9%), as well as the frequency and extent OA publishing remains low among all participants.

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"Five Ways to Optimize Open Access Uptake after a Signed Read and Publish Contract: Lessons Learned from the Dutch UKB Consortium"

Consortia and publishers invest a lot of time and expertise in the negotiation process. A well-drafted read and publish contract is, however, not enough to guarantee an optimal open access publishing service. The Dutch UKB consortium uses several tools and practices to actively monitor and manage open access uptake during an agreement. Library help desks are provided with a knowledge base covering most frequently asked questions from authors. A journal list gives an integral overview of the more than 11,000 journals that are part of 16 consortium deals. Because researchers wanted to know about open access publishing possibilities from a journal perspective, a journal browser was developed. Workflow improvement and retrospective open access are regular topics in mid-term meetings with publishers, resulting in increased open access uptake. A purpose-built datahub provides the consortium and libraries with publication data that helps monitoring and managing output on both article and deal level. Finally, licence choice including funder compliance is taken into account, resulting in an increasing percentage of CC BY versus the more restricted CC BY-NC and CC BY-NC-ND options.

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"Wiley Launches ‘Partner Solutions ’ Division in Research to Support the Transition to Open Access Publishing"

Wiley Partner Solutions serves associations, scientific publishers, societies and corporations as they transform their business strategies and publishing processes in the open research era. . . . Among the solutions available are those that drive and improve author submissions, scale high quality editorial and production services, provide peer review, grow engagement, diversify revenue, offer career center services, manage open access payments, and enable connections between researchers and the organizations that serve them. . . . The acquired brands integrated into Wiley Partner Solutions include Atypon, Inera, J&J Editorial, eJournalPress, Knowledge Unlatched, and Madgex.

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Co-creating a Healthy and Diverse Open Access Market: Issue Brief

This analysis indicates that the open access market falls some way short of a ‘perfect’ market, but does not (yet) suffer from the most uncompetitive characteristics of the paywalled market. . . . It remains possible that market forces may prove more effective in shaping a healthy and diverse OA market than they have been in the paywalled market. For example, the involvement of authors in payment workflows may make them more sensitive to the prices they pay. Competition in the market could also increase as OA publishers increasingly come to be viewed as service providers rather than content owners. However, there are a number of indications that the open access market is becoming less healthy and less diverse over time.

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"Open Access Market Sizing Update 2022"

The 32% increase over 2020 is significantly larger than the growth in the underlying scholarly journals market, which is typically low to mid-single digit. It is larger than expected for the OA market. . . . Around 45% of all scholarly articles were published as paid-for open access in 2021, accounting for just under 15% of the total journal publishing market value.

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"The APC-Effect: Stratification in Open Access Publishing"

We analysed 1.5 million scientific articles from journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals to assess average APCs and their determinants for a comprehensive set of journal publications, across scientific disciplines, world regions and through time. Levels of APCs were strongly stratified by scientific fields and the institutions’ countries, corroborating previous findings on publishing cultures and the impact of mandates of research funders. After controlling for country and scientific field with a multilevel mixture model, however, we found small to moderate effects of levels of institutional resourcing on the level of APCs.

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"Guest Post – The Door to Data Sharing is Slowly Creaking Open "

Looking to the future, it is interesting to dive deeper into researchers’ perceived incentives for sharing data. Overall, just 19% of respondents believed that researchers get sufficient credit for sharing data, while fully three-quarters indicated they receive too little credit. Those who report more ingrained behaviors to sharing their research data openly were more likely to agree that researchers get sufficient credit for sharing data – for example 40% of those who share their data immediately on collection believe that researchers get sufficient credit – however they are still in the minority.

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"Overlay Journals: A Study of the Current Landscape"

Overlay journals are characterised by their articles being published on open access repositories, often already starting in their initial preprint form as a prerequisite for submission to the journal prior to initiating the peer-review process. In this study we aimed to identify currently active overlay journals and examine their characteristics. We utilised an explorative web search and contacted key service providers for additional information. . . . They may also rank highly within the traditional journal citation metrics. None of the investigated journals required fees from authors, which is likely related to the cost-effective aspects of the overlay publishing model.

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14 YouTube Videos: "OASPA 2022 Annual Conference: Beyond Open Access"

Full coverage of the three-day OASPA Online Conference on Open Scholarship 2022.

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"Nine Best Practices for Research Software Registries and Repositories"

Scientific software registries and repositories improve software findability and research transparency, provide information for software citations, and foster preservation of computational methods in a wide range of disciplines. Registries and repositories play a critical role by supporting research reproducibility and replicability, but developing them takes effort and few guidelines are available to help prospective creators of these resources. To address this need, the FORCE11 Software Citation Implementation Working Group convened a Task Force to distill the experiences of the managers of existing resources in setting expectations for all stakeholders. In this article, we describe the resultant best practices which include defining the scope, policies, and rules that govern individual registries and repositories, along with the background, examples, and collaborative work that went into their development.

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Not an OA Mandate: "Thoughts and Observations on the OSTP Responses to Our Interview Questions"

(Rick) We should note here that while in the process of composing this post, we received some follow-up communication from Dr. Nelson and her Office on the evening of Tuesday, 11 October. This led to a brief exchange in which the Office confirmed that the guidance document does, in fact, represent a non-binding set of recommendations, not a mandatory directive.

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The State of Open Data Report 2022

Based on a global survey, the report is now in its seventh year and provides insights into researchers’ attitudes towards and experiences of open data. With more than 5,400 respondents, the 2022 survey is the largest since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

This year’s report also includes guest articles from open data experts at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), publishers and universities.

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"Synchronic Curation for Assessing Reuse and Integration Fitness of Multiple Data Collections"

SC is a framework that can be implemented to curate data collections to solve multiple research use cases in different scientific fields. SC fills an urgent need in data driven research that requires usage of large and diverse data collections. To reuse data, the first step is to assess its quality and its fitness to address the research use case at hand. SC proposes modelling data collections to research questions to enable targeted analyses and comparisons that can help users identify which collections are more reliable and adequate to solve them. Importantly, SC enables curators and researchers to assess multiple datasets at the same time.

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"Science‘s No-Fee Public-Access Policy Will Take Effect in 2023"

Since then [9/9/2022], Bill Moran, publisher of the Science journals at the AAAS, has told Nature that Science’s policy will come into effect from January 2023 and applies to all five subscription journals in the Science family. . . . He also said that the terms under which authors will be able to share their manuscripts have yet to be finalized, because a custom reuse licence for non-commercial use is still being developed. Open-access scholars say that this leaves questions about how liberally researchers will be able to share their work.

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"Increasing the Reuse of Data through FAIR-enabling the Certification of Trustworthy Digital Repositories"

To address this gap the FAIRsFAIR project developed a number of tools and resources that facilitate the assessment of FAIR-enabling practices at the repository level as well as the FAIRness of datasets within them. These include the CoreTrustSeal+FAIRenabling Capability Maturity model (CTS+FAIR CapMat), a FAIR-Enabling Trustworthy Digital Repositories-Capability Maturity Self-Assessment template, and F-UJI, a web-based tool designed to assess the FAIRness of research data objects.

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"Uncommon Commons? Creative Commons Licencing in Horizon 2020 Data Management Plans"

I find that 36% of DMPs mention creative commons and among those a number of different approaches towards licencing exist (overall policy per project, licencing decisions per dataset, licencing decisions per partner, licensing decision per data format, licensing decision per perceived stakeholder interest), often clad in rather vague language with CC licences being “recommended” or “suggested”.

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Springer Nature Group Annual Progress Report 2021 Released

" In 2021, we published our one millionth OA article, an industry first. By 2024, we aim to have at least half of all our primary research published OA. . . . In 2021, our fully OA journals waived fees of more than €18.4 million for authors in financial need, including €6.6 million for researchers in lower-income countries"

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"FAIREST: A Framework for Assessing Research Repositories "

"In this article, we introduce the FAIREST principles, a framework inspired by the well-known FAIR principles, but designed to provide a set of metrics for assessing and selecting solutions for creating digital repositories for research artefacts. The goal is to support decision makers in choosing such a solution when planning for a repository, especially at an institutional level.. . . We further describe an assessment of 11 widespread solutions, with the goal to provide an overview of the current landscape of research data repository solutions, identifying gaps and research challenges to be addressed."

"Many Researchers Were Not Compliant with Their Published Data Sharing Statement: A Mixed-Methods Study – Journal of Clinical Epidemiology"

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"Surveying Research Data-Sharing Practices in Us Social Sciences: A Knowledge Infrastructure-Inspired Conceptual Framework"

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"Are We Building the Data Discovery Infrastructure Researchers Want? Comparing Perspectives of Support Specialists and Researchers"

"This is a meta-synthesis of work the authors have conducted over the last six years investigating the data discovery practices of researchers and support specialists, like data librarians. We bring together data collected from in-depth interview studies with 6 support specialists in the field of social science in Germany, with 21 social scientists in Singapore, an interview with 10 researchers and 3 support specialists from multiple disciplines, a global survey with 1630 researchers and 47 support specialists from multiple disciplines, an observational study with 12 researchers from the field of social science and a use case analysis of 25 support specialists from multiple disciplines."

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"Going Qual In: Towards Methodologically Inclusive Data Work in Academic Libraries"

"In this paper, we report on the results of interviews with academic librarians about their understanding of data literacy, qualitative research, and academic library infrastructure around qualitative research. From the interviews, we propose a model of data literacy that incorporates both interpretive and instrumental elements. We conclude with suggestions for incorporating qualitative data and analysis methods into academic library programming and services around data literacy and research data."

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"Developing Data Literacy: How Data Services and Data Fellowships Are Creating Data Skilled Social Researchers"

"This paper describes two successful approaches to quantitative data literacy training within the UK and the synergies and collaborations between these two programmes. The first is a data literacy training programme, being delivered by the UK Data Service, which focuses on training in basic data literacy skills. The second is a Data Fellows programme that has been developed to help undergraduate social science students gain real-world experience by applying their classroom skills in the workplace."

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"Factors Contributing to Repository Success in Recruiting Data Deposits"

"While quite a few studies outline researchers’ data management needs and how repositories can meet those needs, few have assessed the success of various approaches. This study examines infrastructure for accepting data into repositories and identifies factors influential in recruiting data deposits."

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