Will SUNY “Follow the Lead of UC”?: "Resolution: Support for SUNY Negotiations for a Fair and Reasonable Contract with Elsevier"


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that UFS recommends and requests that if Elsevier does not negotiate a contract that is deemed fair and reasonable by SUNY negotiators, the Chancellor direct the SUNY negotiators to follow the lead of UC and the aforementioned European universities and not enter into a new contract with Elsevier, and instead pursue alternative means with campus presidents to access scholarly works that are critical to the learning, teaching, and research of the SUNY community;

Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Task Force on Open Access to MIT’s Research

MIT has released "Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Task Force on Open Access to MIT's Research."

Here's an excerpt:

The recommendations include ratifying an Institute-wide set of principles for open science and open scholarship, which affirm MIT's larger commitment to the idea that scholarship and its dissemination should remain in the hands of researchers and their institutions. The MIT Libraries are working with the task force and the Committee on the Library System to develop a framework for negotiations with publishers based on these principles.

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Open Scholarship and the Need for Collective Action

Cameron Neylon et al. have self-archived Open Scholarship and the Need for Collective Action.

Here's an excerpt:

The book aims to increase understanding of the challenges to make scholarship more open. It addresses various perspectives offered by KE's Open Scholarship Framework, combining levels (micro, meso and macro-level actors), arenas (political, economic, social, technical) and research phases (discovery, planning, project phase, dissemination).

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