Christopher Cox Named Dean of Libraries for Clemson University

Christopher Cox has been named Dean of Libraries for Clemson University.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

He has been the dean of library services for the University of Northern Iowa since 2012. Before that, he was dean of libraries at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington, and interim director of libraries at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He is a member of the editorial board of College & Research Libraries and is the current chair of the Iowa Commission of Libraries. He was named a 2017 Leading Change Institute participant.

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University of Colorado Boulder Names Robert H. McDonald Dean of University Libraries

The University of Colorado Boulder has named Robert H. McDonald, Associate Dean for Research and Technology Strategies Librarian at Indiana University Libraries, as Dean of University Libraries.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

As the associate dean for research and technology strategies at IU, McDonald led the work of providing library information system and discovery services to the entire IU system. He managed projects related to scholarly communications, new model publishing and technologies that enabled IU's libraries to support teaching and learning for the IU Bloomington campus.

At IU, he also served as deputy director of the Data to Insight Center, where he conducted research in areas of large data analysis and digital storage and preservation through grant-funded and collaborative projects, such as the HathiTrust Research Center.

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Lisa R. Carter Named Vice Provost for Libraries at University of Wisconsin–Madison

Lisa R. Carter, Associate Director, Special Collections and Area Studies at The Ohio State University Libraries has been named Vice Provost for Libraries at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Carter has been at Ohio State since 2011. Previously, she was the head of the Special Collections Research Center at North Carolina State University Libraries in Raleigh, North Carolina and director of archives at the University of Kentucky Libraries in Lexington, Kentucky. In her professional service, Carter has advanced conversations about integrating distinctive collections widely throughout the academic enterprise.

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"UC San Diego Names Erik T. Mitchell New Audrey Geisel University Librarian"

The University of California San Diego has released "UC San Diego Names Erik T. Mitchell New Audrey Geisel University Librarian."

Here's an excerpt:

Erik T. Mitchell, Ph.D. has been appointed university librarian at the University of California San Diego effective April 16, 2018. Mitchell currently serves as associate university librarian of Digital Initiatives and Collaborative Services and associate chief information officer at UC Berkeley.

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"Kristin Antelman Named University Librarian at UC Santa Barbara"

ARL has released "Kristin Antelman Named University Librarian at UC Santa Barbara."

Here's an excerpt:

Antelman is currently university librarian at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Prior to going to Caltech, she was associate director of libraries at NC State University (2002–2014) and an ARL Leadership Fellow (2007–2008).

Read more about it at: “Kristin Antelman Appointed University Librarian.”

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"Library of Congress Administrator Named Cornell University Librarian"

Cornell University has released "Library of Congress Administrator Named Cornell University Librarian."

Here's an excerpt:

As acting director of the Public Service Collections Directorate (PSCD) at the Library of Congress, Thomas oversees the library’s public service functions and special collections, which include the American Folklife Center and the Children’s Literature Center and the following divisions: Collections Management, Geography and Map, Humanities and Social Sciences, Loan, Manuscript, Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound, Music, National Reference Service, Prints and Photographs, Rare Book and Special Collections, Science and Technology and Serial and Government Publications.

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"Anne Kenney Named Interim ARL Executive Director"

ARL has released "Anne Kenney Named Interim ARL Executive Director."

Here's an excerpt:

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Board of Directors has appointed Anne R. Kenney as interim executive director of the Association, effective January 1, 2018.

Kenney served as Carl A. Kroch university librarian at Cornell University from April 2008 to April 2017, when she went on research leave until her retirement on October 31. She started at Cornell in 1987, serving as associate director for the department of preservation and conservation, and then as associate university librarian for instruction, research, and information services, before advancing to the position of university librarian.

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"Information Scientist Herbert Van de Sompel to Receive Paul Evan Peters Award"

CNI released "Information Scientist Herbert Van de Sompel to Receive Paul Evan Peters Award."

Here's an excerpt:

An accomplished researcher and information scientist, Van de Sompel is perhaps best known for his role in the development of protocols designed to expose data and make them accessible to other systems, forging links that connect related information, thereby enhancing, facilitating, and deepening the research process. These initiatives include the OpenURL framework (stemming from his earlier work on the SFX link resolver), as well as the Open Archives Initiative (OAI), which included the Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) and the Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE) scheme. Other notable contributions include the Memento protocol, which enables browsers to access earlier versions of the Web easily, and ResourceSync, which allows applications to remain synchronized with evolving content collections.

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Ann Campion Riley Named Vice Provost for Libraries and University Librarian at University of Missouri

The University of Missouri has named Ann Campion Riley, Associate Director for Access, Collections and Technical Services and Acting Director, as Vice Provost for Libraries and University Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Riley was formerly director for technical and access services at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville. She was library director at Saint Louis Community College, Meramec, where she twice served as an acting dean and one year as chief campus academic officer. Other academic libraries where Riley has served in a professional capacity include Maryville University, the University of Missouri-St. Louis and New Mexico State University. She earned her B.A. in English and her M.S. in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois. She has an M.A. in English from the University of Missouri and pursued a Ph.D. in English at Saint Louis University.

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Elaine L. Westbrooks Named University Librarian and Vice Provost for University Libraries at UNC-CH

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has named Elaine L. Westbrooks as University Librarian and Vice Provost for University Libraries.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

At the University of Michigan [where she was Associate University Librarian for Research], Westbrooks led the library’s support of the research enterprise, facilitated the management of the operations and budget. Prior to her time in Ann Arbor, Westbrooks worked at research libraries at three other universities. She served as associate dean of libraries at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, held several positions in technical services at Cornell University Libraries and worked as a digital research and Latin American Cataloger at the University of Pittsburgh.

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Susan E. Parker Named as University of British Columbia University Librarian

Susan E. Parker has been named as the University of British Columbia's University Librarian.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

In September 2017, UBC will welcome Susan E. Parker as University Librarian for a five-year term. Ms. Parker currently holds the role of Deputy University Librarian at the University of California, Los Angeles where she leads operations, human resources, assessment, budgeting, strategic planning, capital project planning and fundraising

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Martha Bedard, Vice Provost for the UConn Library to Retire

Martha Bedard, Vice Provost for the University of Connecticut Library, is retiring in July.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Vice Provost Bedard has led the Library since 2013. During her tenure, she led the development of a new master plan for the Library that will secure its place as a central academic resource for years to come. She has worked to build donor relationships leading to high profile additions to the collection. She has championed open educational resources and supported their development and adoption here at UConn. She has brought all of the UConn Libraries, especially Storrs and the Health Center, closer together under the One Library initiative.

See also: "Holly Jeffcoat Appointed Interim Vice Provost for Libraries at University of Connecticut."

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Jon E. Cawthorne Appointed Dean of Wayne State University’s School of Library and Information Science and the University Libraries

Jon E. Cawthorne has been appointed Wayne State University's School of Library and Information Science and the University Libraries.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Cawthorne comes to Wayne State from West Virginia University (WVU), where he has served as dean of libraries since 2014. In this role, he is responsible for seven libraries and 132 library, faculty and staff members. During his tenure, several significant research collections were obtained by WVU, including the Pearl S. Buck manuscripts, the Jay Rockefeller Senatorial Archives and the Rahall Congressional Papers.

Prior to joining WVU, Cawthorne was interim dean at San Diego State University, Library and Information Access; interim deputy director at the Detroit Public Library; and reference librarian and coordinator for outreach services at the University of Oregon.

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NCSU’s Susan K. Nutter to Retire

Susan K. Nutter, Vice Provost and Director of Libraries at North Carolina State University, will retire this fall.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

When Nutter arrived at NC State in 1987, the Libraries ranked near the bottom of academic libraries in every significant category. Through her decades of innovative work, including the conception and construction of the "library of the future"—the James B. Hunt Jr. Library—on Centennial Campus in 2013, the NCSU Libraries stands among the best academic libraries in the nation.

In addition to the long list of Hunt Library honors, Nutter has also garnered the triple crown of national libraries awards during her tenure, being named the 2016 Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Academic/Research Librarian of the Year and the 2005 Library Journal "Librarian of the Year," and leading the first university library to win the ACRL "Excellence in Academic Libraries Award" in 2000. Last spring, Nutter accepted the IMLS National Medal for Museum and Library Service on the Libraries' behalf from First Lady Michelle Obama in a White House ceremony.

See also: "Greg Raschke Named Interim Vice Provost and Director of Libraries at North Carolina State University."

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Beth Sandore Namachchivaya Named University Librarian at University of Waterloo

Beth Sandore Namachchivaya has been named University Librarian at the University of Waterloo.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

The University of Waterloo has named Beth Sandore Namachchivaya university librarian, effective August 1, 2017. Sandore Namachchivaya is currently associate university librarian for research, associate dean of libraries, and professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

See also: "Beth Sandore Namachchivaya appointed University Librarian."

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Martin Halbert Named Dean of University of North Carolina at Greensboro University Libraries

Martin Halbert has been appointed Dean of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro University Libraries.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Halbert has served as dean of libraries and associate professor at the University of North Texas since 2009. Halbert also serves as president of the board of directors of the Educopia Institute, a growing international alliance of cultural memory organizations that was one of the founding partners of the National Digital Preservation Program. Prior to Halbert’s appointment at the University of North Texas, he served as the director for digital innovations and earlier as the director for digital programs and systems at Emory University Libraries.

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University of Arizona Names Karen Williams as VP for Information Strategy and University Libraries

The University of Arizona named Karen Williams as VP for Information Strategy and University Libraries.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Karen Williams, who has been serving as the interim leader for University Information Technology Services in addition to her duties as dean of University Libraries, has been appointed to a new position that gives her oversight over both areas. . . .

Although Williams will oversee the two areas, UITS and University Libraries will not be merged into one unit.

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John Pollitz Named Dean of Library Affairs at Southern Illinois University Carbondale

John Pollitz has been named the Dean of Library Affairs at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

Pollitz has held a number of higher education library administration positions. Most recently, he has served as the director of libraries for the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire since 2007. During his tenure there, he led a 30-member staff while overseeing a $3.8 million budget. . . .

Previously, Pollitz was the associate university librarian for public services and innovative technology at Oregon State University, O'Keefe Library Director at St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa, and assistant director of library automated services at Augustana College in Illinois.

In other ARL mews, William Mischo has been named Acting Dean of Libraries at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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"Rachel Frick named Executive Director, OCLC Research Library Partnership"

OCLC has released "Rachel Frick named Executive Director, OCLC Research Library Partnership."

Here's an excerpt:

Frick will lead the program of OCLC Research that undertakes significant, innovative, collective action to benefit scholars and researchers. In this role, she will direct a team of program officers who are widely recognized for their efforts to advance innovation, learning, and connecting libraries to the future.

Frick has nearly 20 years of broad-based library experience, most recently with the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) where she was Director of Business Development. In this position, she worked on DPLA's sustainability plan and forged new relationships and strategic partnerships to build DPLA's visibility and impact, such as the Open eBooks program. . . .

Prior to her work at DPLA, Frick served as the Digital Library Federation (DLF) Program Director at the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) for four years. In her capacity as DLF Director, she was instrumental in building a large and diverse community of practitioners, working to advance research, teaching and learning through the application of digital library research, technology and services.

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"Open Access Archivangelist: The Last Interview?" has released "Open Access Archivangelist: The Last Interview?."

Here's an excerpt:

It seems, however, that the long era of [Stevan] Harnad's 'Archivangelism' for Open Access is coming to an end. Earlier this year, 22 years after the 'Subversive Proposal', Harnad made it quite clear via Twitter that he is about to quit Open Access Advocacy.

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"Dr. Carla Hayden to Serve as the Next Librarian of Congress"

ALA has released "Dr. Carla Hayden to Serve as the Next Librarian of Congress."

Here's an excerpt:

Today the Senate approved the nomination of Dr. Carla Hayden to serve as the nation's 14th Librarian of Congress. Dr. Hayden, American Library Association (ALA) past president and director of the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore, Maryland, is the first female and the first African American to lead the Library of Congress. She also is the first professional librarian to be confirmed in more than 60 years.

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Simon Neame Named Dean of Libraries at University of Massachusetts Amherst

Simon Neame has been named the Dean of Libraries at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

At UBC, Neame oversees 33 professional librarians and 114 support staff as associate university librarian, learning and engagement. His budget responsibilities include the Barber Centre, the Walter C. Koerner Library for humanities and social sciences, the Woodard Library for health sciences, science and applied science, the Music, Art and Architecture Library, access services and the library's teaching, learning and community engagement programs. . . .

He holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Victoria and a master's of library and information studies from UBC.

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Valerie Hotchkiss Named as University Librarian at Vanderbilt University

Valerie Hotchkiss, Andrew S.G. Turyn Endowed Professor and Director of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has been named as the University Librarian at Vanderbilt University.

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Hotchkiss built visibility for the collections and promoted the study of primary resources as an integral part of the school's curriculum. . . . In addition, she served as editor-in-chief of Women in Print, a digital humanities publishing project of the University of Illinois Press. . . .

From 1993 to 2005, Hotchkiss was the J.S. Bridwell Foundation Endowed Librarian and professor of medieval studies at Southern Methodist University, where she raised more than $16 million for the library's endowment and introduced many new community initiatives. . . .

She also served as library director for Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and was employed by Yale University's Divinity School Library. She earned three degrees—master of arts, master of philosophy, and doctorate in medieval studies—all from Yale. In addition, she earned a master of library science from Southern Connecticut State University.

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John M. Unsworth Named as University of Virginia University Librarian and Dean of Libraries

John M. Unsworth, Vice Provost, University Librarian, Chief Information Officer, and Professor of English at Brandeis University, has been named as the new University Librarian and Dean of Libraries at the University of Virginia .

Here's an excerpt from the announcement:

He received his Ph.D. in English from UVA in 1988, and later in his career became a tenured associate professor of English at the University, as well the first director of UVA's Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities. Recognized as a pioneer in the field of digital humanities, he is the co-founder of the first peer-reviewed electronic journal in the humanities, Postmodern Culture.

Before going to Brandeis, Unsworth was dean of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he also held faculty appointments in library and information science, English, and library administration. His first faculty appointment was as an assistant professor in English at North Carolina State University.

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