"Independent Report and Transformative Agreement Toolkit Launched to Support Learned Society Publishers’ Transition to Immediate Open Access and Align with Plan S"


"Is Creative Commons a Panacea for Managing Digital Humanities Intellectual Property Rights?"

Yi Ding has published "Is Creative Commons a Panacea for Managing Digital Humanities Intellectual Property Rights?" in Information Technology and Libraries.

Here's an excerpt:

Digital humanities is an academic field applying computational methods to explore topics and questions in the humanities field. Digital humanities projects, as a result, consist of a variety of creative works different from those in traditional humanities disciplines. Born to provide free, simple ways to grant permissions to creative works, Creative Commons (CC) licenses have become top options for many digital humanities scholars to handle intellectual property rights in the US. However, there are limitations of using CC licenses that are sometimes unknown by scholars and academic librarians. By analyzing case studies and influential lawsuits about intellectual property rights in the digital age, this article advocates for a critical perspective of copyright education and provides academic librarians with specific recommendations about advising digital humanities scholars to use CC licenses with four limitations in mind: 1) the pitfall of a free license; 2) the risk of irrevocability; 3) the ambiguity of NonCommercial and NonDerivative licenses; 4) the dilemma of ShareAlike and the open movement.

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"Ebook Rate of Use in OhioLINK: A Ten-Year Study of Local and Consortial Use of Publisher Packages in Ohio"

Amy Fry has published "Ebook Rate of Use in OhioLINK: A Ten-Year Study of Local and Consortial Use of Publisher Packages in Ohio" in College & Research Libraries.

Here's an excerpt:

This paper examines publisher ebook package use in the OhioLINK academic library consortium between 2007 and 2017 alongside use of the same titles at individual institutions. With nearly 100,000 titles acquired over 10+ years from three publishers and available to users at more than 90 institutions, the picture of ebook use this study presents is unique in its breadth and scope. The data show that, consortiumwide, close to 100 percent of titles were used, with their initial use overwhelmingly taking place within one year of their publication date. At individual institutions, the rate of use was far lower and never exceeded the rate of use of print books at the author’s own institution. These findings have important implications for how institutions approach ebook acquisition to maximize rate of use of ebook collections.

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"How Libraries Can Support Society Publishers to Accelerate Their Transition to Full and Immediate OA and Plan S"

Alicia Wise and Lorraine Estelle have published "How Libraries Can Support Society Publishers to Accelerate Their Transition to Full and Immediate OA and Plan S" in Insights: The UKSG Journal.

Here's an excerpt:

The relationship between libraries and society publishers has not previously been a close one. While transactions have in the past been mediated by third parties, larger commercial publishers or agents, there is now an opportunity for strategic new collaborations as societies seek to transition to open access (OA) and deploy business models compliant with Plan S. Wellcome, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) commissioned Information Power Ltd to undertake to support society publishers in accelerating their transition to OA in alignment with Plan S. Outcomes demonstrate support in principle from library consortia and their members to repurpose existing expenditure to help society publishers to successfully make a full transition to OA. Principles to inform the short- and medium-term development of OA transformative agreements have been co-developed by consortium representatives and publishers to inform development of an OA transformative agreement toolkit.

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"Peerj Preprints to Stop Accepting New Preprints Sep 30th 2019"

PeerJ has released "Peerj Preprints to Stop Accepting New Preprints Sep 30th 2019."

Here's an excerpt:

We started the PeerJ organization primarily to provide a superior peer-reviewed experience shaped by its Academic Editors. A secondary goal was to bring preprints back to biology. As the community's appetite for preprints has now been cemented, we too want to focus our efforts more fully on our portfolio of peer-reviewed journals and primary mission. While PeerJ Preprints has been successful and pioneering, the academic community is now well-served with other preprint venue options (and new ones are continuously being created to fill necessary areas, many of which are not tied so closely to a specific publication).

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"Springer Nature and the Austrian Academic Library Consortium Renew Open Access Contract for Another Three Years"

Springer Nature has released "Springer Nature and the Austrian Academic Library Consortium Renew Open Access Contract for Another Three Years."

Here's an excerpt:

Springer Nature and the Austrian Academic Library Consortium… have renewed their existing open access contract for Springer journals. The transformative agreement enables researchers and students in Austria to publish peer-reviewed research articles open access in more than 1,900 Springer journals without additional fees. Consortium members also gain access to more than 2,000 Springer, Palgrave Macmillan and Adis subscription journals. Running from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2021, the three-year agreement comprises 34 Austrian research institutions (universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutes and state libraries) and the FWF Austrian Science Fund.

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"The Limitations to Our Understanding of Peer Review"

Jonathan Tennant and Tony Ross-Hellauer have self-archived "The Limitations to Our Understanding of Peer Review."

Here's an excerpt:

Peer review is embedded in the core of our scholarly knowledge generation systems, conferring legitimacy on research while distributing academic capital and prestige on individuals. Despite its critical importance, it curiously remains poorly understood in a number of dimensions. In order to address this, we have programmatically analysed peer review to assess where the major gaps in our theoretical and empirical understanding of it lie. We distill this into core themes around editorial accountability, the subjectivity and bias of reviewers, the function and quality of peer review, the role of the reviewer, the social and epistemic implications of peer review, and regarding innovations in open peer review platforms and services. We use this to present a guide for the future of peer review, and the development of a new research discipline based on the study of peer review. Such a field requires sustained funding and commitment from publishers and research funders, who both have a commitment to uphold the integrity of the published scholarly record. This will require the design of a consensus for a minimal set of standards for what constitutes peer review, and the development of a shared data infrastructure to support this. We recognise that many of the criticisms attributed to peer review might reflect wider issues within academia and wider society, and future care will be required in order to carefully demarcate and address these.

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"Next Generation Library Publishing Partnership Awarded $2.2m from Arcadia to Improve Scholarly Publishing Infrastructures"

The Educopia Institute has released "Next Generation Library Publishing Partnership Awarded $2.2m from Arcadia to Improve Scholarly Publishing Infrastructures."

Here's an excerpt:

Through this project, Educopia and its partner institutions—California Digital Library (CDL), Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR), Longleaf Services, LYRASIS, and Strategies for Open Science (Stratos)—will provide new publishing pathways for authors, editors, and readers by advancing and integrating open source publishing infrastructure to provide robust support for library publishing.

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