European Commission: "Trends for Open Access to Publications"

The European Commission has released Trends for Open Access to Publications.

Here's an excerpt:

Data and case studies covering access to scientific publications. Bibliometric data as well as well as data on the policies of journals and funders are available. . . .

See also: Open Science Monitor Methodological Note.

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"Falling Prey to a Predatory OA Publisher: Individual Failure or Community Problem?"

Richard Poynder has published ""Falling Prey to a Predatory OA Publisher: Individual Failure or Community Problem?" in Open and Shut?.

Here's an excerpt:

As it happens I discovered last year that in 2016 COPE published a case study exemplifying the kind of deceptive practices predatory publishers engage in, and in which it mooted a solution.

The COPE case study points out that because, as a rule, predatory publishers do not ask for copyright to be assigned to them, authors are able to demand that their paper is taken down. Once they have done that, the case study adds, they can then resubmit the paper to a "legitimate journal" with an editorial note explaining what had happened.

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Assessing The Open Access Effect for Hybrid Journals

Springer Nature has released Assessing The Open Access Effect for Hybrid Journals.

Here's an excerpt:

In partnership with Digital Science, we analysed a global sample of over 70,000 articles published in Springer Nature hybrid journals. Our new white paper, Assessing the open access effect for hybrid journals, examines the relationship between open access (OA) and impact, demonstrating the wider value hybrid journals bring to researchers, funders, institutions, and society more broadly.

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Want to Support Open Access? Volunteer for the Open Access Tracking Project

The Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) provides a constant stream of up-to-date information about open access issues in a primary feed and in a number of secondary feeds that focus on specialized OA subtopics. It offers the primary feed in a variety of distribution options, including email, Google+, HTML, RSS, Twitter, and others. It is an invaluable source of information for open access advocates, research data specialists, and scholarly communication specialists, and it provides important support for the open access movement as a whole.

Based at the Harvard Open Access Project, the OATP was launched by Peter Suber. Suber's SPARC Open Access Newsletter and his Free Online Scholarship Newsletter played an important part in getting the open access movement off the ground. The OATP continues the mission of those groundbreaking publications using the open source TagTeam software, which was developed for the OATP.

Launched with the help of grant funding, the OATP will enter a new an all-volunteer phase at the end of August 2018. To continue this crowd-sourced project, new volunteers are needed. You can help move the OA agenda forward by being one of them. This wiki page explains how you can join the team and start tagging.

By volunteering just a bit of time to the OATP, you can make a significant difference.

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"A Funder-Imposed Data Publication Requirement Seldom Inspired Data Sharing"

Jessica L. Couture et al. have published "A Funder-Imposed Data Publication Requirement Seldom Inspired Data Sharing" in PLOS ONE.

Here's an excerpt:

Growth of the open science movement has drawn significant attention to data sharing and availability across the scientific community. In this study, we tested the ability to recover data collected under a particular funder-imposed requirement of public availability. We assessed overall data recovery success, tested whether characteristics of the data or data creator were indicators of recovery success, and identified hurdles to data recovery. Overall the majority of data were not recovered (26% recovery of 315 data projects), a similar result to journal-driven efforts to recover data. Field of research was the most important indicator of recovery success, but neither home agency sector nor age of data were determinants of recovery. While we did not find a relationship between recovery of data and age of data, age did predict whether we could find contact information for the grantee. The main hurdles to data recovery included those associated with communication with the researcher; loss of contact with the data creator accounted for half (50%) of unrecoverable datasets, and unavailability of contact information accounted for 35% of unrecoverable datasets. Overall, our results suggest that funding agencies and journals face similar challenges to enforcement of data requirements. We advocate that funding agencies could improve the availability of the data they fund by dedicating more resources to enforcing compliance with data requirements, providing data-sharing tools and technical support to awardees, and administering stricter consequences for those who ignore data sharing preconditions./p>

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New OA Poliicy: "Johns Hopkins Open Access Policy"

The Sheridan Libraries of Johns Hopkins University have released "Johns Hopkins Open Access Policy."

Here's an excerpt:

Johns Hopkins joins peer institutions, such as Harvard, MIT, and The University of California, by instituting a faculty open access policy. . . .

The Open Access website on the Provost’s site provides an FAQ, a background on Open Access, and a short history of the policy. It also provides a link to the Public Access Submission System, PASS, built by the library development team, to allow faculty to submit their author’s final version of their articles to JScholarship and PubMed Central, the repository for articles funded by NIH, ACL, ASPR, CDC, VA, FDA, HHMI, and NASA. More repositories will be added to PASS over time, saving faculty time and effort.

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